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Need something to replace Dragon Pulse for Dragonite.
if you're just writing the team, i feel like you have no real limit on the amount of moves as long as the pokemon can learn them (see the anime or the manga, for examples) - the 4 move limit was just for ease of use in the gamesfor kanga, i'd actually nix hyper beam and go for the more basic moves such as tackle, since the baby is... well, a baby.
You don't have any ice type moves on any of your Pokemon. Ice Punch would be cool on Dragonite. It can learn it via TM, I mean Emerald Move Tutor. Ice Beam is the TM move.I get TMs and Move Tutors mixed up sometimes!
I'm using the moveset that they know in the Fanfic! So that's why Kanga only has Hyper Beam (I might teach him basic moves like you said) and for the "having more than four moves" I'm trying to stick to as much canon as I can! Thanks Rayquaza for screwing that up!