Author Topic: [WIP] Five-Man Band A.N.A.-- Hyper Combo Finish!!  (Read 1506 times)

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Offline DrampardonMe

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[WIP] Five-Man Band A.N.A.-- Hyper Combo Finish!!
« on: December 27, 2024, 16:27 »
Hoping to get some input on this here:

I threw this together rather quickly, when I probably should have been asleep. Still surprised myself at how well it came out, even considering it was meant as a mockup. I'll admit to recycling/resizing some older drawings of mine to get it to work, but again, this is a mockup; I intend to redo this properly.

Other than the scale/anatomy being off at parts (Yellow Jammer shouldn't be THAT short, for example), I know my clothes need work. First order of business when I try again: actually add Green Leader's camouflage. I'm running on horridly wonky sleep, or I'd have done so sooner.

Anything else look off? What's spot-on? Who ARE these characters, anyway?! ...Well, I know the answer to the last one, but those first two, uh... Speak up if you wanna help me out.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Yes, I'm referencing Captain Commando, but I really did try making an original "successful team attack" pose for these five characters of mine. Any advice with that would also be greatly appreciated.
New Year, New Sig. Still not joining Discord, though.

Art Block Status: I drew Deoxys! And some other fan art, too!