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« on: November 25, 2024, 03:07 »
keep everything except the battle system, and use the standard battle system we already have, and we're good I reckon. the battle system in Arceus was Fine™ but not really something that felt the best by time I was in the end game I think.
would also be great if the areas weren't actual sections in the game, but considering the performance issues we had in S/V it might be best if they were, since an entire open world just doesn't seem to work.
excited for megas to come back, not really sure who I'd want to get them though. i'm just gonna open my list of old teams and rattle off some names from there; Darmanitan, Scrafty, Jellicent, Sigilyph, Vikavolt, Jumpluff, Lanturn, Xatu, Staraptor, Bronzong, Gastrodon, Toxicroak, Talonflame, Trevenant, Tyrantrum, Klefki, Meowstic, Corviknight, Drednaw, Coalossal, Grimmsnarl, Toxtricity, Pawmot, Lokix, Ceruledge, Revavroom, Veluza.
the Gen 8s could just have their G-Max forms turned into Megas I guess, and would be surprised to see Gen 9s get Megas in their first gen. reckon Mega Darmanitan might be a bit too giga though, and it has a regional so would that also get a Mega?
i'm looking forward to Z-A anyway, should be a fun experience, and it's interesting that we're going back to Kalos before Unova. hope we get some more info soon
« on: June 10, 2024, 22:47 »
awful performance aside, I thought S/V were pretty fun games. I have a few issues with it, mainly performance, but also the fairly rigid, fake open-world feeling (boss levels never scale based on you, so if you do stuff out of intended order, it's a breeze), and the grind required for fully unlocking the Terrarium in the DLC being truly insane unless you co-op it, but even then it takes a while.
I don't really know what people's beef with the designs are, a lot of them are really cool and I think it's a pretty nice dex overall. my full Paldea team might be one of my favourites I've used in ages, in fact? I didn't love the school setting, not because I particularly care about the school setting, but because they used it as an excuse to remove all the customisation and force you into ugly uniforms, which isn't great. Otherwise it was a fine setting, I suppose. It's not like you really engage with the setting beyond the first like, 20 minutes and then the ending anyway. Don't have any particular issues with any of the characters, and thought the story was pretty fun throughout base and DLC.
Think it was a massive shame that they introduced the Link Cable in Arceus, removed it here, and then doubled down on annoying mandatory-co-op-evo methods (Palafin), but at this point it is what it is I suppose. I also think some of the raids are just kind of Too Hard? I spent a lot of the 7 star raids trying to carry a friend through them and unless I basically give them a Pokémon and a set of instructions on what to press when, we were basically never duoing them, but I suppose this is what they wanted us to grind as a post-game now that they've removed basically everything else.
Fun games overall though, I enjoyed them. Fix performance, make boss levels scale, add real post-game content (Battle Tower/Frontier/whatever), make 7* raids a bit easier, and re-add real trainer customisation, and Gen 10 should be great I think.
« on: June 06, 2024, 16:38 »
mad respect, you've been hater-posting about Misty for over a decade now, keep up the good fight
(it's very obviously because she was the first female co-lead, and after Brock left and came back, people hoped she would too, since there was precedent for it, and also children like the things they like, and they liked Misty. it's not that deep)
« on: June 06, 2024, 16:35 »
I'm pretty sure it's been said before that the majority of those "guests" are actually Google Spiders (I think that's the term?) that basically go around scraping websites for information to populate the search results? It's nothing particularly menacing or worth worrying about.
and yeah, we occasionally have spam bots sneak through the registration filter but it's usually not the worst, they get removed relatively quickly. It never really happened back during the sites peak because spambots just weren't as commonplace/advanced as they are now, I presume. compare 2012 Twitter to 2024 Twitter, for example.
« on: December 23, 2022, 11:27 »
I mean that is kinda true, but like then again, no one is active on that server and I've trying to find one person active there for so long.
for anyone reading this, it took 30 minutes for someone to reply (it happened basically right after his post, in fact), and then he had a 3 hour conversation. the server isn't dead or anything, people just have stuff to do lol.
« on: March 20, 2022, 20:06 »
I still come on this site to find nicknames for my pokemon, but I've found that not only is the Name Rater seemingly disappeared, but activity at a whole seems to be at a standstill. I hope one day we can get something like him back, since it was always a neat idea to critique others nicknames. But with 401 pending nicks and seemingly no ratings in sight its safe to say that we won't be rated anytime soon. But hey ya never know maybe things'll pick up... hopefully.
CL4P-TP (spaz)
forums just kinda old and slow paced, no one really uses them anymore, especially on sites with as small an active userbase as here. you've already stumbled into the Discord though, which is where most of us are!
« on: December 25, 2019, 11:14 »
FireRed speedrun makes use of Squirtle HeartGold speedrun uses Cyndaquil (until they RNG manip for Raikou) so use that (and probably take something extra just incase Ruby speedrun uses Mudkip Diamond speedrun uses Chimchar Black speedrun uses Tepig X speedrun uses a large number of Pokémon, mostly notably seems to be Farfetch'd and Hawlucha (feel free to read more here) but at the end of the day story mode Pokémon is afk easy so just pick whatever starter you want and just mash A until you win you don't realistically even need a team, if I can beat Blue as a 4 year old using just Squirtle you can probably do the same now
« on: December 10, 2019, 23:21 »
What I find annoying is that the front page hasn’t been updated since ORAS came out. Literally two Generations have occurred with the latest just starting and we still have a Gen VI game being called “the latest games.” Everything on this site is dead. Sometimes I don’t even know why I bother to see if anything new has happened because of how inactive everything is.
feel free to write and submit the content urself if it bothers you so much
« on: May 28, 2019, 15:27 »
A fair amount of Jon Mess' harsh vocals in the band Dance Gavin Dance could be called "nonsense" lyrics, but not quite all of them. He talks about it in an interview here (I'll put it in a spoiler if you're too lazy to click through) but he basically says that he doesn't always write things with "meaning", he just writes the things he thinks fits with the music. There's a misguided opinion that your lyrics are random, when it seems to me everything is calculated so there's more resonance sonically. For example, there's a line off the last record—“cold blocks pop, concocts an instant freeze”—that's quite poignant. How do you respond to people interpreting them as random? People say they’re random or meaningless because they pick out the most nonsensical lyrics to them. There’s definitely lyrics that are meaningful, ones that go with the song, ones that just play with aliteration and different verbal devices the way words flow together. A lot of the time the lyrics reflect on the way I think the guitars or instrumentals sound, like a lot of time Will’s guitar is really quirky and I base the sound of the lyrics on that song. I approach the subject in a number of ways, so when people say “oh it’s random!” they’re just picking out specific things. Going between things that make sense and can be interpreted is interesting to me, I don’t think lyrics always need to make sense to be interesting. People get caught up in narrative, “there needs to be a story!” and I guess it bothers people that aren’t used to weirder art.
When you’re surrounded by different bands whose main approach is like “I need to write exactly how I’m feeling in these lyrics for the most people,” it confuses a lot of people when you veer off that path. Yeah, writing like that can get boring, or you just run out of feelings to write about. Just the craft of putting interesting words together is fun to do. I think I maintain that I want to have fun being in the band rather than being super serious all the time. That's another thing: I think people think of post-hardcore as a dark, brooding, epic emotional experience. So when we have moments of irony or satire it throws people off.
This is your seventh record. How do you keep dipping into that creative well and find things that still excite you after all this time? I don’t really find it that difficult, I mean I have a Word document where I just have hundreds of pages of writing and stuff so I always find it fun to play around with words and stuff. I’ve gotten to a place where I’ve used a lot of different phrases, and trying to come up with new things like “am I simplifying too much? Complicating too much?” I get into that mode. I was thinking about the next album because I don’t really know where we’d go next. Depends where Will starts off writing. But taking breaks is always important, I work in spurts with painting and writing and playing guitar. Staying balanced. A lot of people get burnt out that’s just you and your mind, so being aware is important, like noticing the ebb and flow of your creative energy. I’ve been pretty consistant with not falling off and not being able to get anything done.
Has that always been the case when you started writing, or did you have to work up to that level? I’ve always been the kid in art class that made a lot of stuff. I thought for a lot of people making stuff is based around fear, like I help teach classes at Sacramento State in art, and that’s one of the things I always recommend people to read this book Art and Fear. I felt like so many people were like “I’m so scared to do this and I’m afraid will people will think” and creating is so much about just making it, and if it sucks just move on. I have hundreds of paintings and there’s tons of them that are terrible. But to get better you just have to keep moving. Probably the biggest example of his "nonsense" lyrics is the last line(s) of the opening verse from the song " Heat Seeking Ghost Of Sex" from "Downtown Battle Mountain II", which are " Don't be tardy for my leaky Barbie TV party pee in the park" which is pretty ??? but I dunno I like it anyway because it's just so strange but it sounds like it fits in the song which was always his point. DBM2 is probably a lot more out there as an album (at least in terms of Mess' lyrics) than the rest of DGD's stuff though considering the circumstances around the album.
« on: April 20, 2019, 23:28 »
first things first; pc part picker can be used to put all the parts you want into a "build" to see if they're compatible, and there are also a variety of build guides there you can look at or just outright use if you don't feel like/don't feel confident about picking out your own parts. overclocking is where you take a part and make it operate beyond the "stock" setting to produce more performance, usually at the cost of higher heat output i think? for the most part it's pretty safe to overclock as long as you don't ultra mega crank it. i'm fairly certain, although it's not easy to clarify since i'm not much of a hardware person, that this is just saying it will support any DDR4 RAM up to 3466, and/or(?) it will allow you to overclock RAM to(/past?) that frequency. since I'm not really sure, and I can't figure it out from a simple google search, i'd recommend checking it in pc part picker, and that ~should~ let you know about any incompatibilities the hardware pieces you choose have. if you still feel fairly uncertain, look at some of the build guides on pc part picker and maybe pick one of them, or check out logical increments, which is a wonderful website that tells you a fairly good (maybe best for the price?) build that you can just grab all the parts for without having to think too much about it.
« on: April 02, 2019, 16:55 »
 You can delete an account here, which I would imagine frees up the email for you to reuse. Don't really understand why you would want a backup account though, there's not really much value in having more than 1 account here I don't think.
« on: November 23, 2018, 18:45 »
uh i dunno if you'll be doing well against raids with a team that weak but you could try tier 1s i guess
you could maybe smash out some gyms since you can just throw yourself against them again and again until you win because of how they work
good luck
« on: November 23, 2018, 17:32 »
for gyms and raids you just take 6 pokémon and mash the screen as fast as you can until you beat the other pokémon, and then if it's a gym you can put 1 in to defend and earn coins every day, or if it's a raid you can attempt to catch it
the battling is pretty shallow and you get the best success by just mashing the special attack button so it uses it as soon as it's up
gym defending pokémon get weaker every time you beat them, when they get to 0cp they are knocked out of the gym (i feel like the most i've ever had to fight the same pokémon in a gym is 4 or 5 times before it was knocked out), when there's nothing left in the gym you can take it for your team and put a defender in yourself. then you get (up to) 50 coins when it is knocked out itself.
you can't attack a gym owned by the same team as yourself, but if there are less than 6 pokémon in it, you can put a defender of your own in since it's your team anyway. if it's owned by your team and there are 6 in there, tough luck nothing you can do until it's taken by another team.
you probably can't solo anything above level 2 with regards to raids (maybe lvl 3 if you have a really strong, super effective team) so don't waste a raid pass on anything over that since you only get 1 free one a day
« on: October 07, 2018, 02:33 »
1260 AM radio, 12-3 PM Monday - Friday. VERY informative show. You can double check all you want and the stuff that's covered is always happening.
EDIT: oh yeah approval ratings for trump are above 50% and are only going to get higher lolololololololololololololololol
ah my bad you're either trolling or just rly dumb sry bro i'll make sure to ignore u in the future
« on: October 06, 2018, 20:24 »
The fact that the democrats are trying their hardest to make him look bad.
the democrats aren't having to try very hard to do that LOL