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Yacht Club Games Presents this Friday
Anyone else looking forward to it? I am. If nothing else, now I have something to watch for twenty minutes that day, lol
Seriously, though, what are your hopes, expectations, etc.? It's celebrating ten years of Shovel Knight, so I assume that's going to be a bulk of the focus. For me, it's:
Hopes: Shovel Solstice, Shovel Kart, More Dirt (er, snow?) on Polar Knight and/or the Concept of Shovelry, and a PUBLIC APOLOGY from PERCY HIMSELF for that hay minigame* from Shovel Knight Showdown, a game I otherwise wanted to enjoy What Even IS Mole Knight's Deal, Anyway??? ...give or take a few, just to temper my hopes a smidge.
Expectations: More DLC for Shovel Knight Dig (Pretty much confirmed, anyway) and maybe something to do with Mina the Hollower. Probably a plushie or two. Speaking of 2... Nah. Unless...?
Side note: I still think the first four games (or "Treasure Trove", if you count it as just one) are great, flaws and all, but I have mixed feelings about every game after invoking a "Nintendo Hard" arcade feel. It's not that I think they shouldn't make games like that for people who want them, it's just that (for the MOST part) Treasure Trove seemed to strike a balance between tough and fair. Also, I'm stubborn and feel like they SHOULD be played at those difficulties even though I typically suck.
*You might be able to disable that minigame, but there's no disabling my SCARS. I get PTSD watching Percy prance about in Dig like nothing happened. He KNOWS.
What about the rest of you?
Okay, just got done watching it. Honestly not sure how to feel about most of it, but it's good to know Shovel Knight's getting a sequel of sorts! Dig's DLC might be cool, too...
That said, I think I'll wait until we have more info on Shovel of Hope DX. If they're boasting 20+ playable characters, but it's primarily following the Shovel of Hope timeline, I wonder how the dialogue changes accordingly, if at all? And uh, if anything else changes, for that matter (besides gameplay, I'd assume). I mean, wouldn't playing as Plague Knight effectively make it Plague of Shadows, seeing as how that was the whole point? Don't get me wrong, I'll go in mostly surprised if I have to, but boy does it feel weird considering I bought the original for the 3DS.... Heck, that might be enough incentive to buy the new one. my 3DS ain't what it used to be...
So yeah, I give this Yacht Club Presents a Some Interesting Stuff out of 5 Yachts.
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