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Your "Dream Team" Fighting Game Roster
The recently-announced "Marvel vs Capcom Fighting Collection" has got me thinking about fighting game rosters in general, so I figured I'd make a (hopefully fun!) thread to that effect. The crossover (if any) doesn't have to be massive, nor does the roster itself, but if you like that sort of variety, more power to you!
As for me, I personally have a lot of favorites from across different properties, so I'd probably end up stuffing the roster with them, without regard to balance, variety, or other fans' preferences. If that sounds even remotely interesting to you, well, uh, here's the bare minimum of what I'd want, in no particular order:
--- Quote ---1. Blanka, Guile, Rose, Twelve, and Rufus from the Street Fighter series
2. Duck King from Fatal Fury, Tizoc and maybe B. Jenet from Garou: Mark of the Wolves. Defintely King Lion, specifically his appearance in the first Savage Reign. I also wouldn't mind seeing Jubei from Fatal Fury 2 again, but, uh, I think that bridge has since been demolished... Ooh! Maybe Galford and Nakoruru from Samurai Shodown?
3. Bang Shishigami and Valkenhayn from Blazblue
4. Wallachia from Melty Blood
5. Hector from Fire Emblem. I don't care if he's a Nintendo-exclusive character, put him in a fighting game already!!
6. Either Propeller Knight, Mole Knight, or Polar Knight, because they're among my favorite characters from Shovel Knight. I wouldn't have a problem with King Knight, but he had his own campaign as it is, so...
7. Spider-Man from the Marvel vs. series, if only so I can indulge in having him on the same team as either Blanka or Guile (assuming it's a tag-team fighter)
8. THE STEEL SAMURAI. Not Will Powers in a suit, I mean the REAL one from the SHOW. I mean, if he's never going to appear in Samurai Shodown as a guest character, I might as well pretend he has a shot in... anything else!
--- End quote ---
I say "Bare Minimum", but I think I got a little greedy. On the other hand, I'm probably forgetting some characters I'd like to see. It'd be a much longer list if I could remember them all, lol!
Anyway, I'd prefer 2D sprites if possible, but... Actually, I think the last time I tolerated a 3D-graphics, 2D fighter was probably Super Street Fighter 4, aaaaages ago! Unless Dragon Ball FighterZ counts? Man, I forgot I even bought that one... I guess I'm not picky as long as the game looks good/plays well!
Of course, the REAL dream would be to get some of my OWN characters into a fighting game some time before I die, but I know how much work it takes to get just ONE (1) character made, from design to development to balancing to hitboxes, etc. It's more work than I'D be able to handle, at any rate. You can't buy love, either. It's all about establishing your characters to make people WANT them in a fighting game! ...but more realistically, you're probably looking at thousands of dollars down on crowdfunding. *shudder*
Anyone else have a dream roster, or maybe just a character or two you want to see make a return/debut?
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