Author Topic: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?  (Read 23960 times)

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Okay so if you've spent any time on the internet in the past year or so, you will have no doubt caught wind of a wave of Feminism that has really become a trending topic particularly thanks to places like tumblr and their predominantly female userbase. No doubt you will have seen the 'I need feminism because ______' meme which has spread all the way to sites like YouTube and Facebook too.

Conversely, on sites like Reddit there is a growing trend for young adult males, (Particularly My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fans) known as 'Fedoras' for their penchant for well...wearing fedoras, who complain that they are 'nice guys' and that women are mean to them and put them in the 'friend zone' instead of dating them.

An SJW is a 'Social Justice Warrior' - someone who blogs intently, challenging the current social system and all its wrongdoings and marginalization. Many feminists also fall under this title, they can be extremely militant and often command straight/cis/white/able/skinny/etc. people to 'check their privilege'.

The whole topic is pretty convoluted and I can only hope the majority of people here know what I'm talking about or else this topic is gonna fall flat on its face.

Where do you place yourself on the feminism compass? Misogynist? Misandrist? Radfem? MRA? Do you think the whole thing is a load of crap that you'd rather not get involved in or are you behind the movement 100%?

tl;dr: let's all have a rape culture/nice guys/misogyny/fedora/feminism/SJW blow-out debate and call each other mean names (not really)

Offline Clairefable

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Re: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2013, 12:36 »
I've been kind of sitting on this for about a day because there's so many rant worthy things in here that I just don't know where to start D:

So first, guys that whine about being "friendzoned for being NICE GUYS" are not "nice guys". If you think that being nice to a woman means that she is obligated to date/sleep with you, then you are not a "nice guy". If you get upset when she doesn't want to date/sleep with you, and start calling her all sorts of terrible things and stalking her and being a general creeper, YOU ARE NOT A NICE GUY. And maybe you should stop telling women to "get back in teh kitchen and make me a sammich lololol!!!11" while you're at it.

The SJW warrior movement I *hate*. I hate it, because according to SJWs, being a caucasian ablebodied heterosexual living in the first world makes me The Worst Person. The only thing that I have in my favour is the fact I'm a woman and can identify with some kind of "oppressed minority", or other such nonsense. (except not really though because "white girl problems!!!")

I sort of understand what they're trying to do, but hating on white people is not the answer to racism, hating straight people is not the answer to homophobia, hating men is not the answer to misogyny, #firstworldproblems memes will not end world hunger, etc etc. Fighting hate with hate will not solve any problems. Whining about social issues on Tumblr rather than, you know, doing anything, will not solve anything.

And uuuh feminism yeh. Again, as with SJW, the whole thing has been hijacked by people who just want an excuse to hate another group of people rather than addressing the issues at hand. The "I Need Feminism Because..." is a really though provoking, interesting campaign, and there are things I've read that even I didn't realise that I "need" feminism for until they were pointed out to me (internalised misogyny!!!).

I'm just a misanthropist who hates everyone.


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Re: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2013, 13:52 »
I sort of understand what they're trying to do, but hating on white people is not the answer to racism, hating straight people is not the answer to homophobia, hating men is not the answer to misogyny, #firstworldproblems memes will not end world hunger, etc etc. Fighting hate with hate will not solve any problems. Whining about social issues on Tumblr rather than, you know, doing anything, will not solve anything.

This is pretty much what I think. If your counter to Racism/Homophobia/Sexism is hating on the oppressors, then you, quite simply, are bringing yourself down to their level. Yes, it's unfair that its happening, but it is being attempted to be stopped, many people aren't Racist, it's a minority (although, still too many people).

One of my biggest hates with SJWs are the ones that complain when a heterosexual person says being gay is unnatural. It is. I am gay, and I know it's unnatural, if it were natural then we would be able to reproduce that way. Fair enough, people don't need to point out its unnatural, but people can't really complain when they do.

So first, guys that whine about being "friendzoned for being NICE GUYS" are not "nice guys". If you think that being nice to a woman means that she is obligated to date/sleep with you, then you are not a "nice guy". If you get upset when she doesn't want to date/sleep with you, and start calling her all sorts of terrible things and stalking her and being a general creeper, YOU ARE NOT A NICE GUY. And maybe you should stop telling women to "get back in teh kitchen and make me a sammich lololol!!!11" while you're at it.

This is true. The whole 'make me a sandwich' gets me annoyed too, it's just pathetic. It works in Subway, but anywhere else and they'll probably get slapped  ;D.

With regards to feminism, in the UK & US, women are treated equally to men (or at least, for the most part are). Yes, you're always going to get the idiots who think men are superior, but I don't think there's much else for women to campaign for. I think feminism is important, as it won women the right to vote, we've had a female PM etc. I think of the three things, feminism is the only one that doesn't really annoy me.

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Re: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2013, 14:16 »
With regards to feminism, in the UK & US, women are treated equally to men ... I don't think there's much else for women to campaign for.

haha umm not really lol??

women still need to rally to be allowed permission to do what they want with their bodies
women are still blamed for being rape victims because they dress how they want
women are still paid less than men for doing the same jobs men do
women are still seen as weak; people still use words like 'pussy' and 'little girl' as insults
women are forced into a standard of beauty and judged based on how close to that standard they are
women are still objectified in the videogame industry and harrassed if they try to get involved in that industry
women are still catcalled against their will in the street. "hey sexy, nice tits" isnt a compliment, funnily enough
women are still just seen as a pair of tits and a vagina by a lot of people
women are still treated very inequally by the government. do you remember the filibuster not too long ago? and how wendy was forced to stand for thirteen hours and speak for the right to have an abortion? her appeal was almost completely ignored because she needed help adjusting her backbrace so she could continue speaking for those thirteen hours, and even through all of her hard work and crowd support, the bill she was appealing against was still passed by a male from the same government without him having to stand for thirteen hours to say why he should have control over a womans body. she was not taken seriously at all.

women are still not taken seriously in a lot of life situations. they can vote, a woman was pm, but that is NOT equal.
and the fact we even have to be fighting for a womans right to do ANYTHING is a shining example of misogyny in the world today.
women should be able to live equally as men, have the right to their own bodies, be able to go out to a party or out at night without fear of being taken advantage of, be able to play videogames without seeing themselves objectified by the industry theyre supporting, and overall be able to exist without being seen as inferior or sex objects by anyone.

theres a lot to still campaign for, man, get your head out your ass.

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comic books as if i would
be scared of burning in hell
while i was already there


Offline Clairefable

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Re: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2013, 14:20 »
^ thank you I didn't really touch on this yet because I wasn't sure how/what I wanted to say but this is pretty much it


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Re: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2013, 14:44 »
women are still paid less than men for doing the same jobs men do

This is illegal, certainly in the UK, I don't know about in the US.

women are still catcalled against their will in the street. "hey sexy, nice tits" isnt a compliment, funnily enough

Yes, but this is often (not always, I know) made by drunks

women are still just seen as a pair of tits and a vagina by a lot of people

And many woman view men in a similar (obviously not the same  ;D) manner. I'm not excusing this; it is utterly disgusting that people do think like this, but it goes both ways. (Although, I agree, for the most part it is men thinking it.)

To be honest, I think a lot of this view is the media, which is one area I think feminism really needs to campaign at. How many good portrayals of woman are there compared to bad in media? I think many feminists would have a heart attack if they saw DCs female characters (See Black Canary, Wonder Woman etc.). This is a lot of the reason this viewpoint is thought. If the media put a little more thought into the portrayal, it may help.

But still, a majority of men (discounting when drunk) do see woman as equals. There will always be extremists, that isn't going to stop, but most of the population agrees that woman should be equal, and do treat them as such.

Most of the problems stem from some people (in the lowest sense of the word) not accepting the equality, and there isn't much we can do about that. We can't exactly say 'say anything negative towards woman and you go to jail / get a fine' we can't force people to change views.

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Re: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2013, 15:24 »
This is illegal, certainly in the UK, I don't know about in the US.
It still is illegal.  Yet it happens anyway.  People actually believe that they should be paid less because of the potential of a maternity leave.  So it doesn't happen because they're women perse, it happens as "insurance" and it's pretty stupid.

Yes, but this is often (not always, I know) made by drunks
Nope.  I've seen it happen plenty of times by sober people on their job.

And many woman view men in a similar (obviously not the same  ;D) manner. I'm not excusing this; it is utterly disgusting that people do think like this, but it goes both ways. (Although, I agree, for the most part it is men thinking it.)
This is something that's case-by-case, since I think it's about even on both sides.  Men are just more vocal about it because it's become a "guy" thing to do.

To be honest, I think a lot of this view is the media, which is one area I think feminism really needs to campaign at. How many good portrayals of woman are there compared to bad in media? I think many feminists would have a heart attack if they saw DCs female characters (See Black Canary, Wonder Woman etc.). This is a lot of the reason this viewpoint is thought. If the media put a little more thought into the portrayal, it may help.
Why?  Skintight suits and revealing stuff?  Sure there's an argument there but there's a lot of shirtless men in comics and video games too lol...  most DBZ fights consist of someone losing their shirt.  Portraying women as helplesss and as damsels in distress could further your argument more, but there's more of a push for stronger female protagonists as of late (see:  FF13, FF13-2).

But still, a majority of men (discounting when drunk) do see woman as equals. There will always be extremists, that isn't going to stop, but most of the population agrees that woman should be equal, and do treat them as such.
Majority is hardly correct.

Most of the problems stem from some people (in the lowest sense of the word) not accepting the equality, and there isn't much we can do about that. We can't exactly say 'say anything negative towards woman and you go to jail / get a fine' we can't force people to change views.
lol thats not where the problem stems from

I would do some reading or research or legitimately talk to an actual feminist (one that's not a hypocrite, because I know a few [extreme] hypocrites IRL but I've met some legitimately nice feminists that will actually make you more aware of the issues)


hating on white people is not the answer to racism
Hating on them, no, but the white male is a good reason as to why things like racism actually occur.  I'll go into it upon request, but white americans did a great job setting off a vicious cycle for centuries that leads to racism for quite a few reasons.  I also know a good amount of white people myself that believe that things like affirmative action is dumb and they wonder why a less qualified minority should take a job from a white person who's more qualified, which shows a perception that certain media is tailored to present facts in a dishonest way that leads to misinformation and ignorance.
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Re: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2013, 15:32 »
i try never to stand on fedoras, theyre not very supportive. 
most of tumblr's social justice culture seems to be about who can build the biggest victim complex. 
and then yeah, the people who hate white people/men/straight people/not-trans people/whoever because of OPPRESSIONN!!!! 
and then make huge excuses to say "no, it's not REALLY sexism/racist mumble mumble institutionalised grumble", while in no way denying that they're being bigots. 
i mean there definitely are white people who are racists and men who are sexists, that's p silly to deny, but it doesn't mean that you should presume that all will be... any more than you should presume that a (person in demographic) will do (typically associated or stereotyped demographic thing)
a lot of feminism on tumblr is another branch of the same culture. 
not saying that there aren't sane and level feminists because a lot of people i know are sane and level headed feminists lmao. 
but tumblr breeds this weird culture of OPPRESSION and THE PATRIARCHY and BENEVOLENT SEXISM and MISANDRY 4 LYF which makes me sigh and want to gently push people down a hill. 
i'm 100% sure that there are similar people in the MRM on places like reddit or 4chan, but i don't frequent those places so i can't actively comment on that (also.... 4chan...) 
as for the whole nice guy/friendzoned thing... 
i see fewer people complaining about it, and more people complaining about the people who complain about it lmao. 
ok so, if you think you're entitled to a relationship (and the emotional closeness and sex that goes with it) and get pissy because this person you're friends with won't put out, then you're a dick. nobody's entitled to have sex with somebody that they don't want to. 
what i think *THINK* that some people are complaining about is... if they're told "i'm not interested in you in that way", but they're still besotted with the person and it still hurts, or they don't want to give emotional support if they know there's no chance of it developing... aka if they're not interested in being "just friends" because they were hoping for a relationship... then that's ok too?? as in, you can't make somebody be friends with you, and everyone's allowed to be upset at rejection. if they'd rather take a "let's see less of each other" than a "let's still be friends", then yknow that's their right. 
if they start getting pissy along the lines of "i was always friends with you and we got on really well, you like me so why won't you go out with me?" then yeah, we're back in the youre-being-a-dick territory. 
so i think there are two different kinds of ~friendzone~? which would explain the clash between the people who argue about it. 
obviously there ARE people who think "no i'm entitled to xxyy" or "they don't want to hang out as much after i turned them down, they are a bad person instead of somebody with feelings". 
clearly if you think that somebody is obliged to do something for your sake, then you're being a dick.
of any gender. 
and it's kind of dumb to complain about it or to make it a Political thing beyond the whole general mess that is people/teenagers/hormones/love/sexuality/emotion/complications/whatever.

so uh re: social justice culture, i don't care for it. 
not ~social justice~ itself... the idea that people should be treated equally and should not be denied the rights given to others and that everyone should have respect is 100% good yes fantastic please lets dO THIS!! 
but the culture around it in places like tumblr, of oppression olympics, of ~privilege~ being an inverse measure of worth, of expecting to be taken seriously when youre saying things like "kill whitey!" and "castrate all the men!" and "die cis scum!" (and then backpeddling with "omg theyre just jokes, jokes dont do anyone any harm wait wtf you made a rape joke?? drink bleach!!! cmon you cant have it both ways, either both are Bad or both are Sometimes Acceptable). 
tl;dr teenager mentality i guess. 
this post nicely sums up my thoughts on it
as for the gender movements specifically (aka feminism and the MRM)... 
like i said there are a lot of toxic people on both sides, and the crazy people shout the loudest. 
and there are things like false statistics and scaremongering (like i've said, i've only seen the feminist side of that, things like "1 in 4 women will be raped", "women earn 77c to the dollar that men do", "women own 1% of the world's land" and other incorrect statistics that are thrown around to fight a problem that either isn't there or is misinterpreted... which makes the actual movement itself look bad). 
but fundamentally they're after admirable and good things (if you boil it down to "please can xxx be treated the same as yyy"), even if the people in them make me unwilling to call myself a feminist or an mra on the internet. 
laughs fondly of memories of "you can't be a feminist if you're a man!" or "if you're not a feminist then you think that women should be in the kitchen!" all tugging on my arms in different directions. 
so i just shrug and don't push it... i'm either both or neither, i guess? 
i go with egalitarian, even though i've had it pointed out to me that it's tumblr's current favourite buzzword, it sums up my happy and painfully naive idealogical. 
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 15:46 by Sebastian Moran »

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Re: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2013, 16:09 »
It still is illegal.  Yet it happens anyway.  People actually believe that they should be paid less because of the potential of a maternity leave.  So it doesn't happen because they're women perse, it happens as "insurance" and it's pretty stupid.
Nope.  I've seen it happen plenty of times by sober people on their job.
What more can be done though? It's illegal; the government can't exactly do more. The point is, that despite some people's arrogance, law views both as equal.

This is something that's case-by-case, since I think it's about even on both sides.  Men are just more vocal about it because it's become a "guy" thing to do.
Yeah, I'd say that's true

Why?  Skintight suits and revealing stuff?  Sure there's an argument there but there's a lot of shirtless men in comics and video games too lol...  most DBZ fights consist of someone losing their shirt.  Portraying women as helplesss and as damsels in distress could further your argument more, but there's more of a push for stronger female protagonists as of late (see:  FF13, FF13-2).
I agree that it is starting to change for the better, even games like Portal have a female protagonist. But there is still a lot of negative portrayals (on both sides, yes, but I'd say its mainly on women)

Majority is hardly correct.
Well, take this thread for instance, everyone who has posted has been in favour of equality.

lol thats not where the problem stems from
Saying 'lol' really doesn't help me take you seriously

I would do some reading or research or legitimately talk to an actual feminist (one that's not a hypocrite, because I know a few [extreme] hypocrites IRL but I've met some legitimately nice feminists that will actually make you more aware of the issues)
I know many feminists, and I've read several articles on the subject (Mainly for English write-ups and stuff)

I didn't want to quote each bit separately, so my comments are emboldened.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 16:38 by Робин »

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Re: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2013, 17:09 »
what i think *THINK* that some people are complaining about is... if they're told "i'm not interested in you in that way", but they're still besotted with the person and it still hurts, or they don't want to give emotional support if they know there's no chance of it developing... aka if they're not interested in being "just friends" because they were hoping for a relationship... then that's ok too?? as in, you can't make somebody be friends with you, and everyone's allowed to be upset at rejection. if they'd rather take a "let's see less of each other" than a "let's still be friends", then yknow that's their right. 
if they start getting pissy along the lines of "i was always friends with you and we got on really well, you like me so why won't you go out with me?" then yeah, we're back in the youre-being-a-dick territory.

I think this gets lost a lot too.

It's all very well to say 'All men care about is our boobs, they treat us like sex objects instead of human beings!' and demand equality, but you kind of defeat the purpose when you assume that Friend Zone = 'I couldn't have sex with you and that makes me sad'. If you really love someone then being put in the friend zone will hurt, unrequited love always hurts and it's not as easy as 'Oh I'll just be your friend instead'.

I do agree with a lot of feminism, but I do a quick 180 whenever it starts turning into 'Stop thinking ______' or imposing on personal freedoms. There was a South Korean notice sheet thingy that went into circulation in tumblr and had all the SJWs and Feminists jumping for joy. It was basically guidelines for guys on how to act around women, particularly late at night. A couple of the points really irked me:

One of them was 'Don't pee in public or else a woman will think you are going to rape her' and 'If a woman gets into a elevator alone, don't get in with her - wait for the next one to come, because it can be unsettling for the woman'.

I don't like the way this kind of marginalizes men, I don't mean to go all MRA on this or anything but what exactly are we solving by creating bigger divides? What next? Do we have to sit at the back of the bus too? Wow I wonder what that reminds me of..

I think the idea of 'teach men not to rape' is silly too, and patronizing. Who came up with this assumption that every male is a rapist until taught otherwise? Rapists are rapists, they are criminals - they know they are doing something wrong and no, the 'data' you have about men allegedly not knowing what counts as rape is not relevant. It's like if you catch a shoplifter you get the same excuses 'Oh I thought being drunk and passed out meant she wanted it' 'Oh I thought because it was just stood there unattended I could take it' 'Well if she dresses like that she's asking for it' 'Well if you display those goods outside you're just asking for someone to steal it'. They're excuses, nothing more.

I do sympathise with women though, I sympathise with so much of feminism and I genuinely support it, but it makes me sad that there are so many extremists, not just because it makes feminism look bad, but because it makes me feel bad as a male. Is this really the future some people want for us? It's hard to support a noble cause when the most vocal portion of that cause thinks you're a potential rapist and a sexual assault case waiting to happen from birth, oh and naturally you don't respect women so that will have to be drilled into you too. No free thinking allowed.

The other side of the coin isn't much better either, it's just kneejerk reaction fuelled by kneejerk reaction which fuels another kneejerk reaction until everyone's an extremist and people are more divided than ever. We need empathy more than anything, not being forced to pick between two awful sides, we get enough of that with politics.

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Re: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2013, 17:41 »
spoiler: i apparently have lots of Things to say on this apologies in advance. 
I do agree with a lot of feminism, but I do a quick 180 whenever it starts turning into 'Stop thinking ______' or imposing on personal freedoms. There was a South Korean notice sheet thingy that went into circulation in tumblr and had all the SJWs and Feminists jumping for joy. It was basically guidelines for guys on how to act around women, particularly late at night. A couple of the points really irked me:

One of them was 'Don't pee in public or else a woman will think you are going to rape her' and 'If a woman gets into a elevator alone, don't get in with her - wait for the next one to come, because it can be unsettling for the woman'.

I don't like the way this kind of marginalizes men, I don't mean to go all MRA on this or anything but what exactly are we solving by creating bigger divides? What next? Do we have to sit at the back of the bus too? Wow I wonder what that reminds me of...

and, again, talking about tumblr here because that seems to be where a lot of the madfems hang out... it does quite often curl around into this "it's justified if you hate or distrust men, because men are [whatever]". 
which is. uh. 
if you have had bad experiences with a particular group of people then it's understandable that you'd be nervous and uncomfortable around them... but it shouldn't be encouraged because then you're justifying yourself to being unable to deal with half the population. 
there's this popular idea on tumblr of "schrodinger's rapist", which basically says "women see a strange man and don't know he's a rapist.. so they fear that he might be, so you have to respect that". 
which in theory sounds reasonable, but it segregates men out as having to show responsibility towards women's fear, which is kind of......... problematic (another buzzword!). 
if it was with anything else, say a particular race of people... even if, in a certain area, more crimes were committed by people of x race... saying "it's justified to be nervous" would be thrown out as bigotry. 
a lot of it i think does have roots in the media. violence against women is more shocking... think how often you see, in horrors or violent thrillers, a man brutally/graphically murdered, versus a woman brutally/graphically murdered... (hell, there was a fps game which had its rating jump drastically because some of the villains were women, iirc). 
it plays on our fears of things being extra bad when they happen to a women. the same for rape, television dramas and things will add rape in as "worse than death", the shock tactic of a woman being raped as a default "awful experience". 
all of this adds into the atmosphere of "it is more dangerous for women, and women should be scared when they're walking alone, and women are always at risk", which really isn't helping anyone. i can't honestly condone paranoia and fear that's disproportionate to risk. yes there are bad neighbourhoods and yes there are always risks wherever you go, but most rapes occur by somebody known to the victim, not by somebody jumping out from behind a tree on a dark street. and even though men are at much higher risk of all other forms of violent crime, the same emphasis is not placed on them being in danger. 
i'm not saying all of this as a matter of ~privilege~ or something, which is what a lot of these debates seem to turn into (and lbr that doesn't help anyone really). i'm agreeing that it's something that shouldn't happen because it's not helping anyone. 
it's not helping the women who feel they have to be afraid, and it's not helping the men who are constantly under suspicion. 
i'd like the "schrodinger's rapist" theory a lot more if it was simply "don't try to scare other people and generally don't be a dick to them". 
I think the idea of 'teach men not to rape' is silly too, and patronizing. Who came up with this assumption that every male is a rapist until taught otherwise? Rapists are rapists, they are criminals - they know they are doing something wrong and no, the 'data' you have about men allegedly not knowing what counts as rape is not relevant. It's like if you catch a shoplifter you get the same excuses 'Oh I thought being drunk and passed out meant she wanted it' 'Oh I thought because it was just stood there unattended I could take it' 'Well if she dresses like that she's asking for it' 'Well if you display those goods outside you're just asking for someone to steal it'. They're excuses, nothing more.

a lot of the examples of victim blaming are given by people like defence attorneys, who aren't exactly known to be that sympathetic with the accusing party. 
when victim blaming DOES happen, it suffers a lot of media backlash (and rightly so!), for example the steubenville rape fiasco with CNN was p disgusting... but the overwhelming consensus (that i've seen, amongst people i know) was that it WAS disgusting, rather than people shrugging and going "yeah whatever they got what was coming to them". 
also the case/backlash/calls to resign for justice robert dewar in canada. some feminists act like only they are the ones with eyes open enough to see and get outraged by this (and then use that as evidence of "nobody cares"), but it's not the case.

rape is a difficult issue because it's a sensitive one... i agree that it should be gender-neutral though. otherwise you're belittling people who have been raped or assaulted by saying it doesn't matter as much, or doesn't technically exist, or is replaced by a crime with a lesser sentence (forced into sex -> sexual assault, not rape). 
in the uk rape is defined by penetration, so... bad luck to the women and men and children raped by women i guess ~shrug~. 

consent needs to be taught to people yes, and that they shouldn't feel forced into anything. 
other than that... you can only say "teach people not to rape!" so many times.
how can you teach people not to rape? other than saying, don't rape... other than making rape illegal, and (male) rapists shunned, shamed and sometimes beaten up or forced to move (even if the case never went to court)... as i said above, rape (of a woman) is seen as awful... rapists are the lowest on the prison hierarchy aside from child molesters. 
people KNOW that rape is awful. but criminals still commit crimes. people know that murder/theft is wrong, but it still happens. 
and the group of people on tumblr who say "telling women to take precautions is victim blaming!" is just... nrrrggg. no, it's not your fault. no, you shouldn't be paranoid, but at the same time you shouldn't let a thought experiment protect you, so watch your drink, don't get drunk alone if you don't know your limits, don't pass out alone somewhere which could leave you vulnerable, don't turn down self-defence classes because "rape culture".
and don't leave your house unlocked when you go out, don't leave the engine running in your car when you're not in it, don't wear the wrong football colours in the wrong place. because even though what happens to you won't be your fault, it won't make it any less terrible.

The other side of the coin isn't much better either, it's just kneejerk reaction fuelled by kneejerk reaction which fuels another kneejerk reaction until everyone's an extremist and people are more divided than ever. We need empathy more than anything, not being forced to pick between two awful sides, we get enough of that with politics.

pretty much, a lot of it does all turn into "who can throw the most mud". 
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 17:53 by Sebastian Moran »

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Re: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2013, 18:21 »
What more can be done though? It's illegal; the government can't exactly do more. The point is, that despite some people's arrogance, law views both as equal.
That's why people protest -_-

Well, take this thread for instance, everyone who has posted has been in favour of equality.
like 8 people is a poor sample size, any core statistics class or article could tell you that

Saying 'lol' really doesn't help me take you seriously
that sucks

I know many feminists, and I've read several articles on the subject (Mainly for English write-ups and stuff)
but have you talked to feminists in person?  You can devour articles all you want but it's the conversation that matters most in terms of understanding.
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Re: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2013, 18:28 »
like 8 people is a poor sample size, any core statistics class or article could tell you that
Yes, but any lawyer will tell you a unanimous verdict is powerful. I know 8 people isn't really a great sample, but I think if we posted a (anonymous) poll on the site, the statistics would show a majority do support equal rights. Of course, this poll would be rather pointless as its obvious what the outcome would be.

Also, just to specify; by a majority I meant a majority in the UK, I can't really speak for any other country.

but have you talked to feminists in person?  You can devour articles all you want but it's the conversation that matters most in terms of understanding.
Funnily enough, when I say I know feminists I mean I've talked to them.

Again, comments emboldened.

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Re: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2013, 18:32 »
to be honest, you'd be very hard-pressed to find somebody who doesn't say that they support equal rights. 
the problem is that everyone has a different idea on what is equal. 
those who say that white/male/straight people should be discriminated against, for example, may say that they're doing it as some kind of equality payback, and would call themselves advocates for equality despite the bigotry. 

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Re: Feminism, Fedoras and SJWs on tumblr - Where Do You Stand?
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2013, 18:38 »
Yes, but any lawyer will tell you a unanimous verdict is powerful. I know 8 people isn't really a great sample, but I think if we posted a (anonymous) poll on the site, the statistics would show a majority do support equal rights. Of course, this poll would be rather pointless as its obvious what the outcome would be.

Also, just to specify; by a majority I meant a majority in the UK, I can't really speak for any other country.
I don't think you've ever been to the US but I don't think that number is anywhere close to 100% let alone 70%.  Or maybe it is.  There's a lot that goes into it, and someone can say "I support equal rights" then go through a questionnaire that directly contradicts his stated view.

Funnily enough, when I say I know feminists I mean I've talked to them.
about feminism tho?
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