Author Topic: The three line "How ya doin'" topic  (Read 170453 times)

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Offline Spriter

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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #810 on: November 25, 2014, 22:47 »

People slagged off the girl right in front if me, when 2 of them know full well how I feel about her. It was also the most trivial thing as well, as they pretty much her profile picture was rather, for lack of a nicer word, slutty.

There's girls I've known with 10 times more chest on display and none of them got slagged off.

Thanks for being inconsiderate, makes me feel great :')

Offline Pam-the-Lamb

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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #811 on: November 26, 2014, 00:35 »
 I've been having frequent "nightmares" during the past week or so and two of them have lasted a second or two after I've woken up.

 Last night's nightmare involved a woman floating around, or something, but she was sat on my draws when I woke up. It was only for a second, so I'm hoping that I was still dreaming since it's definitely not sleep paralysis.

 This is my reason for sleeping with a few inches between my face and the wall.

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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #812 on: November 26, 2014, 09:05 »
I've been having frequent "nightmares" during the past week or so and two of them have lasted a second or two after I've woken up.

I've had those. I reckon they were stress related because since I've given up teaching I've not had one.
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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #813 on: November 26, 2014, 17:54 »
My 3Ds is finally repaired, meaning I can finally breed with all the girls of the forums ♥ some Pokémon I need, like Geodude.
Click on that smexy Tyranaggronigroking to visit my our IV Shop. And possibly buy something.

Offline sylar

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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #814 on: November 26, 2014, 20:31 »
@ the people who tried to pull the WHY IS RACE SUCH AN ISSUE HERE!!!!!!!!!???"??1!! WHY CANT WE ALL GET ALOOOOONG IM SO COLOURBLIND AND LIBERAL!!!! crap

first of all, youre all clowns get out of my face

this is a race issue because the victim was black, the cop was white, the neighbourhood is predominantly black, the police force and government are predominantly white
the peaceful protestors are being labelled as thugs because theyre asking for justice and being treated like animals, a lot of the cops have been caught being openly racist.
the KKK are supporting the government, they have TIES TO DARREN WILSON in that HE IS A FRIEND OF THE ANCONA FAMILY who are some type of leader of the KKK in missouri, im sure the term is high wizard though im not sure on kkk terminology. the point is theyre extremely high up on the kkk ladder.

the government are sending people in to burn places down to discredit black people and provoke people into thinking that black people are nothing but animalistic thugs who just want to destroy. and then then, the black people protesting are NOTHING compared to the white people protests that took place for much less important reasons, such as a team losing a sports game. white people have set things on fire, flipped cars, looted buildings, destroyed public property, and at most given a fine for disturbing the peace. black people are taken in to prison and held there with an ever rising bail fund-- and usually those arrested are arrested with unnecessary force, AFTER BEING TEAR GASSED AND SHOT WITH RUBBER BULLETS AND CORRALLED INTO PEACEFUL NEIGHBOURHOODS for literally STANDING AROUND WITH THEIR ARMS UP IN PROTEST.

this isnt a standalone issue, this has being going on for years; white cops are killing and beating black people daily and being let off the hook by government officials who usually have ties to the cops in question, letting other white people off the hook for much worse crimes. michael brown didnt have to die, because in a situation where a white person steals something, theyd be restrained and questioned, maybe talked down and taken in for questioning. at most, tasered, or shot in the least lethal way possible if necessary. black people are shot. carrying a toy gun? shot. carrying a fake sword? shot. walking home? shot. in their house or back yard? shot. theyre lucky if they get a beating.

james holmes, the white guy who opened fire in a cinema, was taken into custody alive.
the white boys who filmed and uploaded a video of themselves raping a drunk/drugged girl, were let off the hook
a white man recently was in a park waving a gun at children, an ACTUAL GUN at ACTUAL CHILDREN, and he was talked to for 30 minutes before officers restrained him per his agreement.

john crawford was a black man holding a toy gun at wal mart in the toy section, he was shot to death without any questioning. he had his hands up in surrender.
deshawn currie was a black teen who was killed in his own home after police considered him a robber. he had white parents, and police didnt question him before murdering him because they thought he was a criminal.
michael brown was JAYWALKING (the police ADMITTED TO LYING about the "theft" at a store that brown had committed in an attempt to justify the murder) and was chased 150ft (not 35ft like the police also lied about) then finally shot.

wilson told them to get off the road, they agreed, said they would, but didnt immediately, and so michael brown died. if it was a white person jaywalking, the officer (REMEMBER, TIES TO THE LEADER OF THE KKK IN MISSOURI) would have let them off the hook most likely.

thats only 3 examples of each, but you can see where im coming from i hope.

each and every time a white man is arrested for shooting up a school, killing someone, raping someone, theyre sympathised with. theyre painted as a troubled young lad with so much potential. theyre treated as a martyr, a poor tortured soul.
each and every time a black man is killed by police, theyre a thug with a drug problem. michael brown was no exception.

in his testimonies, wilson outright refers to brown as 'it' and talks about him as if he was a wild animal, talking about how he was going to hulk out because wilson was shooting him. he talked about how brown hit him repeatedly with his right hand -- the one holding the cigarillos that werent even stolen on that day, he just happened to be holding them and beating wilson for kicks apparently, and in an interview with news outlets, he outright said "he has a clean conscience and would shoot mike brown again". a lot of evidence from wilson (airquotes over evidence) have had him contradicting himself repeatedly, and yet the PREDOMINANTLY WHITE PANEL THAT INDICTED HIM chose that he shouldnt be indicted.

I FEEL, AS WELL AS MANY OTHERS, that this was all racially motivated, and given the multiple sources claiming that wilson and the cops involved with his indictment were all vaguely tied to the kkk (see now its getting interesting-- not just wilson is tied to them? the majority of the panel is? and also the kkk donated money to wilson for killing brown? goodness... almost as if theyre all... being applauded by racists... for racially driven murder? nah, couldnt be, this isnt a race issue like you said :^)), its hard to argue.

also, darren wilson has a long history of abusing black people for minor crimes-- specifically black people. beating, shooting, verbally abusing, darren wilson treats black people like garbage on a frequent basis.

all it is is a matter of comparing the attitudes of the government towards this case, one with BLACK PEOPLE protesting justice for BLACK LIVES and the punishment of a WHITE MALE OFFICER and being treated like violent animals and even having the government infiltrate their protests in the form of looting and destroying their neighbourhood to discredit them (think about it, why would they sabotage their own movement like that?), compared to riots from white people about, what, a baseball game? a ban on pumpkins? black friday? which are treated with almost little to no brutality, and most of the whites get off scot free despite being openly violent and dangerous in public.

this is being brushed under the rug because its black people being treated like theyve been treated for hundreds of years - surprise! racism isnt dead, its always been alive and thriving! - and the police force is so corrupt that theyre being defended in their racism like they are every time. because mike brown wasnt a sweet boy going to college who loved his family, he was a thug. thats how hell be remembered.

if youre so blind that you cant see racism where its openly slapping you in the face in the form of thousands of black people begging for justice and basic rights, then i dont have much to say to you. this is basic institutionalised racism. this is a race issue.

please though, just stop right there if youre about to pull the "N-NOT ALL WHITE PEOPLE!!!" bs on me, youve automatically lost my respect and im done with you lol.

also, i wont keep my pointing out of racism on tumblr, because then you as a white person can just ignore it instead of seeing the facts. im not letting other white people get sucked into their privileged apathy. im sick of this attitude that all social justice and basic empathy for other human beings is some tumblr-centric recent thing. excuse me for wanting people to be aware of disgusting injustice and obvious racism, ill keep it off tumblr as much as i like thanks.

(ps sorry if this is stunted, im having a pretty awful day and im very tired)

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while i was already there


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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #815 on: November 26, 2014, 21:33 »
Oh okay, just quit reading between my words. I think we know damn well that racism exists, stop making us look thicker than we actually are. I must look beyond dumb to you then, so what I'm saying must be illiterate and poor. 

I never said anything about it NOT BEING a race issue. I never said anything about being BLIND to it. My comment about race being an issue was 'WHY can't race just not be a factor?'. Where did you get that 'OMG SO COLOURBLIND' bullcrap from? Just wow, keep a lid on that, because that's utter trash if I'm honest. I wasn't even sympathising with Wilson, I think he's terrible for what he did. Where was my sympathy? Go, point it out with a little red ring. The only mention of the damn guy was 'the witness statement of Wilson is pretty interesting to read up on'. That is all. With what you're saying, you may as well say I'm a racist asshole and tell me to go follow white supremacy some more, how kind of you. I'm also pretty aware of the crap that's going on with race issues and such, I didn't need someone to ram it down my throat thanks.

(though that way of talking about the issue, it really does remind me of tumblr. Whether you're spreading it away from there or not, it's just full of what I would most likely see on there lmao)

Seriously am questioning all this crap. Skin colour is such a silly thing to be spiteful and cruel over when you think about it (btw, I'm not saying it isn't an issue before anyone gets the wrong idea!).

(and yes, Dick said stuff too but wow)

Offline Pam-the-Lamb

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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #816 on: November 26, 2014, 21:46 »
I've had those. I reckon they were stress related because since I've given up teaching I've not had one.

 Dang, that would explain a lot actually... did they get worse with more stress?

 Just adding this! I wanna make little Olaf cakes and I'll call them Dough-laff cakes.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 21:50 by umbreon#100 »

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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #817 on: November 26, 2014, 22:07 »
i'm so stressed i've cried twice today and cried like 3 times yesterday

i hate my school and i hate the fact that it keeps telling my year that we're going to fail and i hate that i'm so unmotivated for work and i hate that i'm just so stupid and dumb and i just want to leave school i don't care that i have my first 6th form offer from somewhere else i want to get out of this stupid school with all its stupid 'we hold girls to a very high standard' like do you really?? yes i think you do it's just a shame you don't hold your teachers to the same standard and let them get away with things they've had multiple complaints about.  and what about your office staff?  you know, the same office staff who once left me vomiting on a locker room floor for two and a half hours despite my friends letting them know and my mum calling in.  them.  yeah, it's a shame it took my mother having to contact the head of governers for us to get an apology.

i hate this so much

thanks gl <3

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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #818 on: November 26, 2014, 22:10 »
I got an email today telling me that my 3ds that has been in germany for a while is finally on its way back here!
I'm probably not going to upload videos right away though, I'm going to optimise my video and audio settings before I start making proper videos.
I need to practice recording naration as well, I always sound a little monotonous when I record myself talking.

Offline Pam-the-Lamb

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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #819 on: November 26, 2014, 23:31 »
 Might be able to attend a "debate club" on Friday. I'm hoping it's the people who play Magic since it looks neat.


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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #820 on: November 26, 2014, 23:50 »
@ the people who...

(Cut short because it's pointless quoting the whole thing to reply to it generically)

I know racism in certain police forces is a problem, what it was saying that if you were referring specifically to the Darren Wilson case, there was nothing wrong with the judgement.

An important principle on which trials are held is "Innocent until proven guilty" - that is Wilson is presumed to be telling the truth unless the prosecution can prove (usually beyond reasonable doubt) that he is lying.

Firstly, there is no proof it was racially motivated, therefore it cannot be treat as a hate crime by the courts. You may dislike this, and may feel it almost definitely was, but the fact remains there is no actual proof. Maybe if several witnesses all agreed he made the same racist comment then that may provide suffice proof, but as it stands there is not. Therefore the charge we're at is plain old murder, not racially motivated murder.

Now, looking at the murder itself, it was definitely committed and he intended to either cause serious harm or kill (not possible to tell which, but it doesn't actually matter, legally speaking), so he committed murder. However, you are exempt from charges of murder if you plea insanity or self defence.

Self defence requires that you applied reasonable force, and according to Wilson's testimony (which remember, is complete truth until reliable evidence disputes this) states he'd been hit twice by the victim and that a third blow could be potentially fatal. The victim had also apparently reached for his gun. If the jury believes that in those circumstances the defendant would feel that force necessary to protect himself, then the force is reasonable. I don't know about you, but if I were being punched in my car and felt someone reaching for me gun, I'd probably panic and fire. This is reasonable force.

The only evidence against Wilson was four contrasting eyewitnesses, and the autopsy report suggested Wilson could well be telling the truth.

I do not necessarily believe he was, but the court did make the right decision based on the evidence available, I just disagree on the law of self defence and believe murder should never be reasonable force, but unfortunately it is. In the UK, however, it could perhaps have been argued that the victims right to life under European human rights legislation had been at breach, but even then you'd be clutching at straws.

I hate this sort of case just because people jump on the racism bandwagon too easily, and whilst it may well have been (and tbh, most likely was), there is no proof that it was, at least as far as the courts are concerned, so I'm not really sure what people are expecting them to do. Feel sorry for anyone who served on the jury tbh, must be horrible to see all the hate for the verdict when all they've done is followed the law.
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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #821 on: November 26, 2014, 23:56 »
How many times did he shoot? If he shot more than once whilst he's acting initially in self-defence that's a loss of control and self-defence becomes ineligible as a defence for murder.

In terms of the actual situation, yeah humanity sucks, racism will always be there, same for whatever else which can lead to hate crimes. It's unfortunate that it will never be eradicated (even though it is better than it used to be for the most part).

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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #822 on: November 26, 2014, 23:58 »
Ok, allow me to explain what I meant. I didn't mean that the shooting was racism, I meant that it was white shooting black that got everyone fired up. Someone blamed it on racism and everyone jumped on the racism bandwagon, that's what I meant.

Well, just got back from my first match for my Junior Varsity bowling team. We beat the other JV team, but only because of sheer numbers. Our Varsity and Girls teams both lost, so we were the only ones to win of our squads. I got a Turkey that pretty much salvaged the match for JV, but it was mostly luck, but it's my first turkey, and it basically saved us. So, i'm enjoying it for now.

Also, something completely stupid.... Scoopski Potatoes
« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 01:21 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #823 on: November 27, 2014, 03:13 »
wherever it is mississippi is such a mess right now its pretty pointless to argue about, people die and no one wins end of story. carry on

tomorrows thanksgiving and all so ive got family here which is cool, dicked around on mario kart all afternoon

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Re: The three line "How ya doin'" topic
« Reply #824 on: November 27, 2014, 07:45 »
Have you seen Wilson's 'violent injuries'? He had a little razor nick on the bottom of his chin. that's actually it. No gashes, black eyes or burst lips. He didn't carry a taser because it wasn't comfortable enough and has a 'clear conscience' about the shooting and would do it again. Don't understand why people are siding with such a vile man. (Not anyone on here but people in general).
1 day until as comes yay <3