Please respect new people - everyone's new at one point!
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My daydreams keep annoyingly reminding me of the freak who destroyed my Nintendo DS at the hostel I used to go to.He was so simple minded, that I could effectively write his thought pattern in Basic programming!DoIf object exixtsThen destroy itElse destroy itLoopThe programming code is probably as broken as he is!
People don't use the forum much these days.I still do, but people don't usually reply.
Even those weird bot accounts that'll post on dead threads with broken English have their charm.
I've noticed they often post on dead threads that I've made.They must really like me!
What I find annoying is that the front page hasn’t been updated since ORAS came out. Literally two Generations have occurred with the latest just starting and we still have a Gen VI game being called “the latest games.” Everything on this site is dead. Sometimes I don’t even know why I bother to see if anything new has happened because of how inactive everything is.