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Topics - Makoto Niijima
« on: February 13, 2018, 23:53 »
Hi all, I have a shiny Silvally code left over which I won't be able to use myself, and the code must be used by today. It will be first come, first served as I don't want the code to go to waste. Added the - to make it easier to read.
« on: October 26, 2017, 14:08 »
Got the game last Friday and I been having a lot of fun with it. Camilla is really fun to use.
Has anyone else got the game?
« on: June 06, 2017, 23:04 »
So Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon were announced for the 3DS on today's Pokemon Direct and releasing November this year.
Really can't wait to find out more on these as I love Sun and Moon. Hopefully there will be new Alolan forms.
« on: January 25, 2017, 20:33 »
Hello! And Welcome to our trading shop! We specialise mostly in Hidden Ability Pokemon, but we're also open to other Pokemon! Both me and Ledyba are a collector of rare Pokemon with Hidden Abilities (especially those in unusual Pokeballs) and have stockpiled a large pool of Pokemon throughout the years. In the list below, we will note we have the Pokemon in a different Ball or what Balls we could catch/breed it in for you. All listed Pokemon are available in either gender, if applicable. Since Bank is updated and the breeding changes in Sun/Moon , we are able to offer apricorn ball Pokemon with HA such as Lure Ball Totodile and Love Ball Contrary Snivy.
We've formatted our list so the Hidden Abilities are what it's base form has and what it's fully evolved form will have, for example.
Clefairy Friend Guard/Unaware (Any Normal Ball) In it's base form as a Clefairy, it has Friend Guard but as a Clefable it will have aware. Any Normal Ball means we can catch or breed one with its Hidden Ability in any post gen-4 Pokeball, excluding Cherish and Dream Balls unless stated.
We don't hack Pokemon and we don't accept any hacks. If we do recive a hacked Pokemon, we may be more hesitant to do future trades with you. So please keep that in mind!
Hidden Ability Pokemon With Dreamballs
Smeargle Moody Dreamball Only Swablu Cloud Nine Dreamball plus Any Other Ball Spearow Sniper Dreamball Only Riolu Prankster/Justifed - - Dreamball Only Aerodactyl Unnerve - - Dreamball Only Smoochum Hydration/Dry Skin - - Dreamball plus any other Ball Drillbur Mold Breaker/Mold Breaker - - Dreamball plus any other Ball Pineco Overcoat/Overcoat - - Dreamball plus any other Ball Scraggy Intimidate/Intimidate - - DreamBall plus any other Ball Ledyba Rattled/Iron Fist - - Dreamball Only Gligar Immunity/Poison Heal - - Dreamball plus other Ball Shinx Guts/Guts - - Dreamball plus any other Ball Igglybuff Friend Guard/Frisk Dreamball plus any other Ball Hoppip Infiltrator/Infiltrator Dreamball plus any other Ball Stantler Sap Sipper - - Dreamball available plus any other Ball Poochyena Rattled/Moxie - - Dreamball available plus any other Ball Surskit Rain Dish/Unnerve - - Dreamball available plus any other Ball Sentret Frisk/Frisk Dreamball Only Shuckle Contray - Dreamball Only Bellsprout Gluttony/Gluttony - Dreamball plus any other Ball Kangaskhan Inner Focus - Dreamball only Lotad Own Tempo/Own Tempo - Dreamball plus any other Ball Lickitung - Cloud Nine/Cloud Nine - Dreamball plus any other Ball Sunkern - Early Bird/Early Bird - Dreamball plus any other Ball Rattata - Hustle/Hustle - Dreamball plus any other Ball Doduo - Tangled Feed/Tangled Feet - Dreamball plus any other Ball Tangela Regenerator/Regenerator - Dreamball plus any other Ball Karrablast - Dream Ball only Vulpix - Dream Ball plus any other ball Piplup - Defiant/Defiant/Defiant - Dream Ball only Turtwig - Dream Ball only Torchic - Dream Ball only Charmander - Dream Ball only Bulbasaur - Dream ball only Murkrow - Dream Ball only Pidgey - Dream Ball only Gothita - Shadow Tag/ShadowTag - Dream Ball only Swinub - Dream Ball only Tailow Scrappy/Scrappy - Dream Ball plus any other ball Croagunk - Dream Ball only Eevee - Anticipation Dream ball plus any other ball Wobbufet - Dream ball only Bagon - Sheer Force/Sheer Force - Dream ball plus any other ball Abra - Dream ball only Dratini - Dream ball plus select apricorn and plus any other ball Lapras - Dream ball only Treecko - Dream ball only Mudkip - Dream ball only Machop - Dream ball only Rotom - Dream ball only Carvanha - Dream ball plus select apricorn and plus any other ball Ralts - Dream ball only Chimchar - Dream ball only Squirtle - Dream ball only Chatot - Dream ball plus select apricorn balls plus any other ball
Hidden Ability Pokemon With Apricorn balls
Alolan Vulpix - Snow Warning/Snow Warning - Love ball Dratini - Marvel Scale/Multiscale - Moon Ball, Fast Ball and Lure Ball Shellder - Overcoat/Overcoat - Lure Ball Carvanha - Speed Boost/Speed Boost - Moon ball Gible - Rough Skin/Rough Skin - Moon Ball Alolan Geodude - Galvanize/Galvanize - Heavy ball
The list is still in process, so please be patient while we update it, but everything from our previous shop is available :3
Our Requests:
Like we said, we're very open to negations, this is what were currently looking for:
Dream ball Pidove Dream ball Starly Dream ball Wingull Dream ball Poliwag Dream ball Slakoth Dream ball Shroomish Dream ball Trapinch Dream ball Gible Any Dream ball Pokemon we do not have
Thanks again for looking and we will try to update this list asap.
« on: January 18, 2017, 23:31 »
This was just announced on the Fire Emblem direct and it's coming out for 3DS.
I'm really looking forward to playing this as it's a remake of Gaiden which I have never played.
« on: April 29, 2016, 19:16 »
If you want to get a another Zygarde or have one to use early on in the game. There is currently a wi fi event for Zygarde in Europe, the ending date hasn't been announced, so it best to get it ASAP.
« on: April 06, 2016, 18:56 »
A quick Hoopa event has been announced for Europe, starting from today until the 30th April, you will another chance to get Hoopa. It is available through Mystery Gift using the receive from code option. The code is: HOOPA2016
« on: April 02, 2016, 21:23 »
Since there isn't a Smyths Toys near me, I'm looking for a HA Articuno , Zapdos and Moltres. With Articuno and Moltres having Modest nature and 31 IVs in HP, Special Attack and Speed. And Zapdos with a Bold nature and 31 IVs in HP, Defense and Special Defense. Just let me know if there is anything in particular you are after. I have quite a few mystery gift Pokemon that I haven't got round to SR yet.
« on: March 24, 2016, 22:02 »
Starting from the 22nd March, you will be able to get a code at random from Smyths Toys in the UK, for one of the legendary bird trio with their HA. Articuno has Snow Cloak, Zapdos will have Static and Moltres will have Flame Body. I'm a little disappointed I won't be able to get any, since there isn't a Smyths Toys near me
« on: February 25, 2016, 11:14 »
A new Pokemon Direct has been announced, taking place on Friday 26th of February and will run for 5 minutes.
This is the time it will start: 15:00 PM- UK 10.00AM - US(East coast) 07.00AM - US(West coast)
« on: February 02, 2016, 18:19 »
So anyone else playing this?
It's my first time going through 0, and so far I'm enjoying it. Still getting used to the switching partners and that there is no storage boxes this time lol. I will just drop my items in the typewriter room so I know where they are lol
« on: January 12, 2016, 16:57 »
Pokemon XY and ORAS are getting Mythical Pokemon events all throughout 2016 starting from Febuary. North American details of the events are as follows: Febuary: Mew (Gamestop) March: Celebi (Nintendo Network) April: Jirachi (Nintendo Network) May: Darkrai (Gamestop) June: Manaphy (Nintendo Network) July: Shaymin (Nintendo Network) August: Arceus (Gamestop) September: Victini (Nintendo Network) October: Keldeo (Nintendo Network) November: Genesect (Gamestop)
It has been confirmed for Europe, but no details has been announced yet.
« on: December 21, 2015, 21:17 »
What has been everyone's game of the year, and is there a game you are looking forward to next year. Mine has to be Fallout 4. I just love the setting, the music, the story and the characters  I have spent over 100 hours with 2 different characters, and got the platinum trophy. I 'm looking forward to see what they do with the dlc. Runner up is Corpse Party: Blood Drive for the PS Vita. It's my favourite handheld game to come out this year, I loved everything about but Fallout just beat it slightly. The game I'm looking forward to come out next year is, Tales of Berseria. It just looks so fun and I'm in love with Velvet <3 I'm also looking forward to Persona 5.
« on: August 15, 2015, 18:10 »
Just to let you know that if you are in the USA, you can get a shiny Rayquaza over wi fi now and it lasts to the 14th of September. If you are in the UK, you can get a serial code from Smyths which starts from the 24th August and ends 20th of September.
« on: August 13, 2015, 20:19 »
Got one at last <3