Wow this subforum is super dead isn't it
Well it's the only correct place to post this so
Some may know me as a shiny hunter. Currently counting at almost five boxes full, totalling close to a hundred and fifty. A wonderful collection if I do say so myself. But alas, my adventure to obtain the ones I truly wish for is not yet complete.
I have obtained my current shinies in various ways. Trades, wonder trades, being a real ass on the GTS, winning giveaways, the list goes on. But these Pokemon have managed to escape my grasp every time.
Looking for: (all shinies)- Emolga
- Conkeldurr
- Mew
- Cinccino
- Cryogonal
- Braviary
- Noibat/Noivern
- Nidoking
- Raikou
- Camerupt
- Drifblim
- Honchcrow
- Uxie
- Azelf
Of course I have stuff to offer as well. Note that I can't guarantee legitimacy on most of them as they aren't mine.
All shinies of course- Mewtwo
- Gengar
- Stunfisk
- Ho-oh
- Gyarados
- Hypno
- Luxray
- Arceus
- Pachirisu
- Delcatty
- Pidgeot
- Raichu
- Rotom
- Porygon
So yea, FC is 2552-3350-4302. I'm on XY so no ORAS exclusive stuff would be appreciated. IGN is Stefano, so woo, yall know the drill.