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What's your favourite musical?

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(I didn't put this on any of the child boards because most Musicals fit into all three categories!)

However: quite simply What is your favourite Musical?

Mine is between Sweeney Todd, Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables!  ^.^

hairspray and grease always

though im not sure what defines musical so

Sebastian Moran:
im not a really big fan of musicals, but i do love Chicago, its one of the few that ive been to see in the ~theatarr~. and i own the soundtrack from the film aw yee. 
i meant to go see it again when it came to sheffield, but ended up not being in town around that time booo. 
never seen either of the three you posted in the first post haha, guess that shows how little interest i have in them really. 
grease is pretty gr8 yeah obviously, ive been to see that performed too. 

I went to see Chicago when it was in Sheffield! - It was amazing :-)

Sebastian Moran:
booo, i was going to trick beth into going to see it with me as well. 
im not entirely sure how but it would have involved an elaborate pulley system and a cardboard mask of nick clegg. 
why which i mean hurray. 
and i take back everything i said, my favourite musical is OBVIOUSLY the opera ibiza uncovered. 
probably gonna slap a vague warning for language on it for this forum, because its pretty intense and gripping stuff. 


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