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DEX: Trainer name search!
Richard and Blaziken:
Heh, cool little addition there. It appears that "Richard" is a biker, and "Rich" is a gamer, but that pic red X'd for me, so I assume it was the Super Nerd pic. That's comforting, I'm a nerdy biker lol. Keep up the good work with cool stuff like this! ;D
My name didn't bring up anything. :<
Anyway, this is great! It's nice to know which Pokémon belong to trainers you can't fight more than once, as well! But that's just me. Props to my main man Irwin.*
*the Juggler, not a real person I know.
.~:Sly Foxx:~.:
Nokits =< Oh well, this is fun anyways xD
"Kristian" didn't bring up anything. I tried alt spellings - Kristin and Kris - still nothing.
My name is too cool for Ingame Trainers. 8D
Latias Tamer:
Only 1 Richard in the games. The Pshchic Trainer is GSC, on Route 26.
This could be helpful though. In the past there have been trainers with specific pokemon and I forget where they are.
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