Author Topic: The Purity Forest...  (Read 5484 times)

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Offline Silverwing Bloodsplash

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The Purity Forest...
« on: April 28, 2013, 18:41 »
Oh Arceus... The Purity Forest... My least favorite out of all the dungeons in Red/Blue Rescue Team. First off, you start off at Level One. That's a no-brainer, Joyous Tower and Wish Cave had the same gimmick, but unlike those two, you have to enter it alone. No tag teaming. So now you think "Oah! I'll just recruit a Pokémon within the dungeon, and everything will be fine and dandy!" Wrong. No Pokémon will join your team in the forest, making it that more difficult. It's like Tiny Woods on steriods. Items? Nada. No items for you. You'll have to find your items within the dungeon itself. Of course, no money either.

So yesterday, I took on the challenge with one goal in mind: Capture Celebi. It was all about the Time Traveler itself. So, I grabbed my Kecleon (I obtained him in Wyvern Hill after four attempts.), Top Tier, and head out to the forsaken place.

Highlights? I have some.

On one of the earlier floors, I obtained a Trawl Orb. I didn't use it right away, as I knew there are shops in the dungeon, and the Kecleon will have my head if I stole from them. So I decided to wait until I spawned in a room with stairs. A few floors later, I spawned in the stair room, but also next to three enemies. I didn't think I could take them all at once, so I used my Invisify Orb to turn myself invisible (Top Tier looked more transparent than invisible) and kill each of the enemies one at a time. After I killed them, I was still invisible. Ignoring the fact that my invisibility was still on, I used my Trawl Orb, and a whole bunch of items came flying to me, around seven or eight. When I tried to pick one up, it said the information like it would in a shop. Right then, I knew I had stolen from a Kecleon shop. I paniked a bit, but what confused me was the fact that the Thief Event hadn't even started. Then, I remembered that I was still invisible. I ran to the stairs (my item box was full, and none of the items were of use to me), but before I could escape to the next floor, my invisibility wore off, and sure enough, the Thief Event started. Of course, I climbed the stairs before I died.

Midway into the forest, I spawned in a room with a Magmar, a Golem, and a Joy Seed. I wanted the Joy Seed, but the Magmar was dangerously close to me, so I spammed my Frustration on it. Meanwhile, the Golem grabbed the Joy Seed and scooted up to me. By the time I finished off the Magmar, I faced the Golem. Then the Golem ate the Joy Seed. It grew to Level 16 and the usual music played when a Pokémon grew a level. I laughed of the fact that a hostile Pokémon grew a level, then I proceded to kill it.

Between this time and the ending, I grabbed a Warp Scarf. It really saved me during the dungeon, as I would warp randomly to rooms, out of harm's way, and to the stairs. Of course, I would sometimes warp into harm's way, but I would warp out again.

Let me just say, the final few floors were brutal. Once, I spawned in a room with a whole pack of robots enemies. As I waited for my Warp Scarf to work, the Scizor there used Agility to make the other Pokémon faster, and faster. I was scared out of my mind. I didn't want to die right there. I had gathered a bunch of Joy Seeds and Life Seeds. I wondered that I should use my Escape Orb or not. I decided not to. I was too close to reaching the end to give up now. So, I tried to outmanuever the other Pokémon, but I still took a lot of damage (I was very underleveled) before warping out of there. That wasn't the end of it. The final floors were packed with enemies that could kill me. The Parasect with their Spore attacks. The Venomoth with their Silver Wind. The Metagross with their... I don't know. I didn't stay long enough to find out what the Metagross had. Anyway, I was so scared that I could die at any moment. My heart was beating out of my chest. I thought I would have a heart attack. Wait, no I didn't. I was too occupied with not dying in the dungeon to notice my heart. Again, my Warp Scarf saved my ash back there, with its constant warping.

At last, I head up the stairs. To the 99th floor. I laid there and caught my breath before continuing the cutscene.

Celebi waited for me with all its glory.

If I had to fight it, I would've cried.

But no, I knew I didn't have to die against it.

After jumping around, Celebi joined me. Finally. No more of this Purity Forest madness.

I named it Pure Joy, for obvious reasons.

But I knew, I still had to take on Wish Cave. And get Jirachi...

Would I make a wish? Or will I capture Jirachi? These thoughts spiral in my head as I write this.

But for now, let's rest up. Do some missions. Eat my Joy Seeds and Life Seeds. Try to recruit Groundon. Feed Gummis to Top Tier so he can break down walls. Just stay away from Wish Cave. Until we're ready for the final struggle...
« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 19:30 by Silverwing Bloodsplash »

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: The Purity Forest...
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2013, 23:11 »
Nice, that must have been like being in an insane asylum.
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Re: The Purity Forest...
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2013, 22:31 »
Wish cave is a lot easier, dont worry, I can't do PF but I did wish cave with mewtwo. Always take a Pass Scarf, it makes it a lot easier  ;D

Offline Silverwing Bloodsplash

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Re: The Purity Forest...
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2013, 03:41 »
Wish cave is a lot easier, dont worry, I can't do PF but I did wish cave with mewtwo. Always take a Pass Scarf, it makes it a lot easier  ;D

Yes. Pass Scarf is boss. Until you starve to death, of course. And then you eat everything in sight just to stay alive. 'Course, there are some unpassable attacks, like Psybeam, or Iron Thorns. Sounds risky to me. I'll keep a spare in my Inventory, just in case.


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Re: The Purity Forest...
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2013, 21:21 »
Ya need to be careful of status conditions as well, cos I think they negate the pass scarves effects

Offline Silverwing Bloodsplash

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Re: The Purity Forest...
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2013, 03:55 »
Ya need to be careful of status conditions as well, cos I think they negate the pass scarves effects

They do. Damn Paralysis...