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Messages - laironlover77

Pages: [1] 2 ... 54
Forum Games / Re: Rate the avvy above you (again)
« on: April 02, 2011, 23:05 »
Daaaw, it's sort of cute, in a... robotic... kind of way. :> 8/10 Animation is nice and smooth too.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the avvy above you (again)
« on: March 09, 2011, 23:54 »
It's just the sprite, but I do adore me some Sawsbuck~ 10/10

I quite like your custom title. It made me smile. :3

That sandshrew siggy is super cute. :>

Music / Re: Which songs are you currently obsessed with?
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:07 »'s a Britney Spears sex riot.

nuff said.

Grenade- Bruno Mars
Runaway Baby- Bruno Mars

he is lovely. :>

Forum Games / Re: Rate The Sig Above You v.4
« on: December 28, 2010, 21:33 »
Video doesn't really interest me, but the sprite and the pokeballs look well done. However, the whole thing could be more organized/centered.

I do like that avvy<3 The purple and blue works well.

Fake Whatever / Re: Make a stone!
« on: December 17, 2010, 01:10 »
^I would train a Scaron so much<3

Tomb Stone- evolves Eevee into my fakemon Ghost Eeveelution when used in a new graveyard area.
Nuclear Stone- evolves Eevee into my fakemon Poison Eeveelution when use di na new nuclear power plant area.


Forum Games / Re: Rate The Sig Above You v.4
« on: December 13, 2010, 00:57 »
That is just so cool. D: I have no clue how you Toy Story-ied the letters like that, but it looks amazing. 10/10

Your Sprite Art / Re: Utack&Swampy Comic, #35 Paranormal Pranks!
« on: November 26, 2010, 04:33 »
Well, obviously the only thing to do with dead bodies in your house is to unceremoniously throw them out the front foor~

Very nice as always, utack. 8D Interested to see where this goes.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the avvy above you (again)
« on: November 23, 2010, 22:58 »
Fff I forgot that guy's name dammit. >:
But it's a nice pic. HE HAS VERY MANLY STUBBLE.

I do like the avvy. :3

Music / Re: Which songs are you currently obsessed with?
« on: November 03, 2010, 22:19 »
Who Am I Living For?-Katy Perry
Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F)-Katy Perry

...I like them more than Firework. D: [/chasedwithpitchforks]

Can't Get Enuff-Winger

Lairon<3 Specifically my personal favorite/most used Lairon Rex. He got the Everstone at level 40 and never looked back. 8D

My other Lairons just get evolved and then put in a special PC box.

Oh, and Hibiscus the Skitty of course. >3

Music / Re: Which songs are you currently obsessed with?
« on: October 12, 2010, 00:21 »
If I Had You-Adam Lambert

Raise Your Glass- P!nk
Kickstart my Heart- Motley Crue
Only the Good Die Young- Billy Joel
I'm Alright- Kenny Loggins

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