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Happy 20 years

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It's crazy that this forum is still up, since nearly every other forum I went on in the 00s-10s has been gone for quite some time.  I made this account two decades ago when Ruby and Sapphire came out when I was 10 years old!  It definitely felt like a sanctuary back then when kids my age were already moving onto other stuff, and the internet and the world was a very different place.

Now I'm married with a daughter, and haven't touched a pokemon game since HG/SS, but I guess I'm sort of on a vision quest these days to try and track my origins.  I'm really grateful this place has been kept going for as long as it has.  We did most of our communication back then on Instant Messengers so a lot of it isn't archived.  Luckily I have 1 or 2 messages from 2003-2005 still in my inbox!

this is crazy. i just popped in to see what was up and seeing this thread made me weirdly emotional. its months old by now but happy 20 (almost 21) years fellas.


--- Quote from: Ultration on July 06, 2023, 10:19 ---It's crazy that this forum is still up, since nearly every other forum I went on in the 00s-10s has been gone for quite some time.  I made this account two decades ago when Ruby and Sapphire came out when I was 10 years old!  It definitely felt like a sanctuary back then when kids my age were already moving onto other stuff, and the internet and the world was a very different place.
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I feel that! I can't remember when I first joined (this is a newer account), but I wasn't really active until the year after, just shy of Diamond and Pearl's release, if I recall correctly. I think I was in high school when Ruby/Sapphire came out, so imagine how it was for me, haha. Boy, do I miss the simpler times!

--- Quote from: Ultration ---Now I'm married with a daughter, and haven't touched a pokemon game since HG/SS, but I guess I'm sort of on a vision quest these days to try and track my origins.  I'm really grateful this place has been kept going for as long as it has.  We did most of our communication back then on Instant Messengers so a lot of it isn't archived.  Luckily I have 1 or 2 messages from 2003-2005 still in my inbox!
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Congratulations on the marriage and kid! It makes me happy to know this forum is/has affected people in a positive way, too!

21 years now of PUK? Damn. I made this account in 2008 when Diamond/Pearl were just released I think. I still pop in from time to time, more out of nostalgia than anything else, but I haven't really been properly active on here since 2013. The internet has changed, everybody uses stuff like Discord these days. I still actually have a few people from here on stuff like Facebook but I rarely use Discord. I miss the days of IRC.

Hang on, TODAY is the birthdate of the site?! I guess that makes it 22 now, or is my math that bad?

I logged in for something completely unrelated, but in lieu of having anything prepared for the occasion... *kazoo sound* [confetti flies everywhere] *applause* [cake is passed all around] Am I missing anything? Oh yeah, Happy Birthday to PUK, lol

On a more serious note, it makes me wonder what all the founding fathers of the site are up to these days... but at any rate, let's all have a good one!


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