Advertising is not just giving a link to another site - some sites are well known to the extent that nicknames are just as bad. The usual punishments apply here as they do to giving links.
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Look in the bottom right of just about every single post on these forums. Looking? See that link there? 'Report to moderator'?
Now, I know that I am generally considered quite intelligent (having had the offer to join Mensa and all that), but it doesn't seem that farfetched to me to assume that this is the link that allows you to, ehmm, report posts?
"Oh and you realise I WILL follow you into the girl's bathroom. Getting arrested is the least of my worries nowadays."
At the time I was not aware that this was not following the 3+ rule, as I was not sure of the restrictions in the romance department.
Also with romance RPs things do tend to go too far at some points, so it would be better if we did have written restrictions.
Because the next up from 3+ is 12+
Easy. I've never seen a show with a wide audience that showed sex, or the lead up to sex (which your story showed.)