Pokémon Games > Mystery Dungeon and Ranger
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
Okay so Gates to Infinity was... Bad? But this new one looks really cool from what's been released so far, so I'm just going to go ahead and show what we know so far:
There are now 20 starters - all the Region starters with Riolu and Pikachu. Furthermore, many websites report still no personality test but I can't find this on the official site (but maybe I'm not looking hard enough haha :') )
The cutscenes are more fluid now, although I guess this is expected with the jump to 3D, but for anyone who hasn't seen the trailer I would suggest watching it here, the Entei and Kyogre bits particularly seemed cool!
Lava is back, I'm pretty sure it wasn't in Gates to Infinity but I may be misremembering, but if so then just admire how beautiful the lava is haha xD
The story is about Pokémon being turned to stone (and Lombres back?), with Arceus confirmed to be in the game and given stone Arceus in Destiny Tower (EotS) it wouldn't surprise me if he were pivotal to the story.
This doesn't confirm anything other than Rayquaza and Deoxys, but it looks very Delta Episode-y to me? Seems odd but idk.
Then there's a few things I've found reported confirmed but can't find:
-> Aforementioned lack of personality test
-> Hunger mechanic returning
-> Monster houses
To date there has been no confirmation of Mega Evolution.
So yeah, that's everything we know so far I think, looks like it could be pretty good with the return of hunger and less limited amount of Pokémon by the looks of it ^^
Edit: whoops just saw a similar topic in Games General >_> Can't delete this so I'll just leave it but yeah sorry xD
Hahex and Oshawott:
It's coming to Europe late so I guess I'll just check out some reviews for it before I buy it. I'll hold judgement until it comes out, but that's not to say I'm not excited.
When I heard Gates to Infinity didn't even have every pokemon I had no hope for that game. The original mystery dungeon games are some of my favourite games of all time, so hopefully this one will be good =)
Here is a video from e3, haven't finished watching it yet, but personality test is confirmed!! Also all pokemon confirmed to be in the game! Looking good so far.
--- Quote from: JSM on June 18, 2015, 17:29 ---Here is a video from e3, haven't finished watching it yet, but personality test is confirmed!! Also all pokemon confirmed to be in the game! Looking good so far.
--- End quote ---
Yeah, although they fixed the personality test so that you can now override it if you don't like the outcome, which'll be useful for subsequent playthroughs where you're not so bothered about the test.
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