Pokémon Games > Mystery Dungeon and Ranger
Should I bother with any MD game past Explorers?
I have some money to spare and was thinking of getting Super Mystery Dungeon, but I heard mixed things about that one. I was curious about the plot and circle gimmick from Gates to Infinity (which is like the most metal title for a Pokemon spin-off ever btw) since I tried the demo ages ago, but I dunno if it's worth paying more than I need to just for that.
Apparently, the general consensus is that Explorers were the last good games. Darkness was the first and only I've played, so if all else fails I can just pick up where I left off in that, but I'd really like to try something new. Also, can someone confirm what I heard about evolved Pokemon merely being a cosmetic change and not affecting stats in SMD?
EDIT: Either way, it looks like I'm getting physical copies if I get one or the other. SMD alone is over 14,000 blocks huge. Sheesh.
Darkness, Time and Sky were the last good PMD games, all the other ones suck
Personally? Skip Gates to Infinity, but Super Mystery Dungeon was actually a lot of fun. It's not the most challenging of the PMD games, but it doesn't think you're an idiot like I felt Gates to Infinity did. It also brings a lot of cool stuff to the series, such as multiple islands, that I really like.
Captain Jigglypuff:
I agree. Skip Gates to Infinity. Took me literally a year to finish the first mission and I was an Axew and didn't even have a type disadvantage against Conkeldurr or Scraggy. Then I couldn't even do the second mission without constantly dying. It even got worse when I was looking at some stuff in a dungeon that Kecleon was selling and I somehow got off the carpet and that thing accused me of stealing when it was an accident. I think that the Kecleon should only attack you if you take more than five steps off the carpet. It's easy to step off of it.
Alright, so far that's one vote for Super Mystery Dungeon and three marks against Gates to Infinity. I guess that rules out one of the games, at least. Could use a few more opinions regarding the other, though, before I commit either way.
--- Quote from: Captain Jigglypuff on September 26, 2017, 02:09 ---[snip]
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I'm reminded I don't think I ever beat the demo for this game... but that aside, you at least have my sympathies with accidentally-stealing-from-Kecleon. I never actually did invoke its wrath (that I recall?) but it was always a concern of mine in Explorers. I take it they stopped asking if you want to buy the stuff you picked up? That's a bit weird. Hope it didn't care over into SMD.
--- Quote from: GlaceonHybrid on September 25, 2017, 19:01 ---Personally? Skip Gates to Infinity, but Super Mystery Dungeon was actually a lot of fun. It's not the most challenging of the PMD games, but it doesn't think you're an idiot like I felt Gates to Infinity did. It also brings a lot of cool stuff to the series, such as multiple islands, that I really like.
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I'm guessing that's a post-game feature? Was planning to go in blind, but since you brought it up, can't help but be curious. And yeah, I guess if it's not Baby-Mode easy then the (lack of) difficulty shouldn't be an issue for me.
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