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Messages - Scrungo
Pages: [1]
« on: April 17, 2018, 05:26 »
so lately, ive been replaying a LOT of pokemon games (HG, Emerald, Colosseum, Platinum, and Mystery Dungeon to an extent) so ive been running really low on cool/funny/whatever nicknames for my mons, so im askin yall for any rad nicknames you guys might have, and also as just a general nickname sharing place for anyone in need of some for their mons. some nicknames i have in mind: Mudkip: Axol (because the animal its based off of is an Axolotl) Any pokemon that can fly: Ace (it sounds cool, AND its the name of a bird from Animal Crossing) Most fighting types: Tyson (This one should be pretty obvious xD) Zigzagoon: Nook (I really like Animal Crossing xD) well, those're some of mine to start things off, i hope everyone shares the best names they can think of!
« on: January 07, 2017, 15:38 »
lets not forget the best gen 1 design, a yellow mouse with red cheeks. its like a gun skin in CS:GO, its dumb. tbh, gen 1 had probably some of the worst designs, but people just use cheap excuses like trubbish to make it seems like gen 1 didnt have the worst ones.
« on: January 06, 2017, 14:03 »
« on: January 06, 2017, 10:34 »
I cant see Machamp or Machoke as female, i can kinda see Machop being female, but only a little bit, I cant see Lopunny as being male, and seeing Azurill change gender when it evolves to a Marill just confuses the crap outta me
« on: January 06, 2017, 10:28 »
have you played sun/moon yet? when you do you'll find out more about type: null. I dont wanna spoil anything but when you do play it, it'll make more sense, trust me.
« on: January 06, 2017, 09:54 »
IMO, i think Gen 4 had the hardest, in fact im trying to beat them as we speak and dang, its really hard.
« on: January 06, 2017, 07:44 »
Warning! there could be spoilers here depending on how far you are, dont say i didnt warn you Since theres only 2 topics here, i figured id make one! Whats your favorite part of the Pokemon Adventures manga? ive only read up to the yellow saga, so i dont know much. out of what ive read, I think the part where Red, Blue and Green infiltrated Team Rockets base in Saffron city was pretty freakin cool
« on: January 05, 2017, 21:47 »
It seems like it would be fun to play with friends and make fun of it, like Vietnamese Crystal. I might have to check it out next time me and my friends are bored, sounds pretty funny
« on: January 05, 2017, 08:59 »
Well, i dont know what to say here other than im Scrungo and i hope this place is really rad. if anyone wants to know more about me ask somethin and ill answer it because i really dont know what to put here haha. one thing i will put is if you play on wiimmfi tell me and we could play games together, maybe. if anyone wants to add me on 3ds im always open and i have S&M, X&Y and some other non-pokemon games (animal crossing included). welp, i dont know how to end this so cya guys later!
« on: January 05, 2017, 08:54 »
so im about to start platinum again, and idk what my team should be, i know ill be choosing Piplup as my starter, but other than that my team is open, any suggestions for a good team? id prefer a fun team but im up for any suggestions
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