^Yeah, I thought about switching its Sp.ATK with its Sp.DEF at the very least, but that felt like min-maxing more than I already did with that BST. Even giving it 127 base Attack and that low a Sp.DEF is pushing it for a starter, too, so yeah, flaws where needed I guess. (For those not aware, a fully evolved starter's base stat total typically doesn't exceed 534, excluding Swampert and megas not counting, and none of their base stats have been higher than 123 or lower than 60, Torterra's base 56 Speed being the exception.)
And nah, Machamp can keep No Guard Dynamic Punch =P Thanks for the input though! Not sure about Single battles, but I'm guessing its two signature moves with Drain Punch/some other Fighting move and Protect might be its best bet in doubles? Haven't decided if Reflect Wave works on itself or just allies, feels like it might be a bit overpowered if it worked in Singles too, but then it's highly situational move as it is, I guess.