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Offline SaRo|Rapidash

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Some Fakemon
« on: December 27, 2016, 23:31 »
EDIT: Added grass starters name, stats and signature move.

Decided to make some pokemon for a new region largely based off of Polynesia, much like Alola. Will update this with more information as I make it, for now I have the water starters pretty much done, and the stats for the fire starters!

Batostream | Water
Torrent (HA: Swift Swim)
75 | 50 | 55 | 40 | 60 | 40

Batostream is a contraction of Batoids (similar to Rays, might even be a synonym idk) and stream, so this is like a small ray type thing. Evolves at Level 17.

Spoiler: show
Level 0: Pound
Level 4: Growl
Level 7: Fin Smack (Water; 100% Acc 40 BP; 20 (32) PP; Physical)
Level 11: Water Sport
Level 15: Wing Attack
Level 19: Feint Attack
Level 23: Agility
Level 27: Aqua Jet
Level 32: Liquidation
Level 37: Recover
Level 42: Hydro Pump

Myliosea | Water
Torrent (HA: Swift Swim)
100 | 70 | 65 | 50 | 75 | 50

Myliosea is a contraction of Myliobatidae (an Eagle Ray) and Sea, and is a bigger ray this time. Not much to say for this one, it evolves at Level 36.

Spoiler: show
Level 0: Pound
Level 0: Fin Smack
Level 0: Growl
Level 4: Growl
Level 8: Fin Smack (Water; 100% Acc 40 BP; 20 (32) PP; Physical)
Level 12: Water Sport
Level 16: Wing Attack
Level 22: Feint Attack
Level 27: Agility
Level 32: Aqua Jet
Level 37: Liquidation
Level 43: Recover
Level 49: Hydro Pump

Plesiocean | Water
Torrent (HA: Multiscale)
115 | 110 | 90 | 60 | 90 | 65

Okay, this is Plesiosaur + Ocean; the rayfish transforms into a plesiosaur, as I can see that as a natural progression. This thing has a signature move (Prehistoric Plunge), which is a 100 BP physical water move with 90 Acc and a 20% chance to cause a flinch. Multiscale along with recover and pretty good defensive stats (115/90/90 - that's a little more bulky than Dragonite who is 91/95/100) should let it be competitively viable too which is nice in starters, as they tend to be the ones people get attached to easiest. Might get Dragon Dance as an egg move - undecided. Debated giving it Dragon typing, but I decided to go for pure type starters.

Spoiler: show
Level 0: Pound
Level 0: Fin Smack
Level 0: Growl
Level 0 / Evolve: Prehistoric Plunge (Water; 90 Acc; 100 BP; 20% flinch; 10 (16) PP; Physical)
Level 4: Growl
Level 8: Fin Smack (Water; 100% Acc 40 BP; 20 (32) PP; Physical)
Level 12: Water Sport
Level 16: Wing Attack
Level 22: Feint Attack
Level 27: Agility
Level 31: Dragon Tail
Level 35: Aqua Jet
Level 43: Liquidation
Level 49: Recover
Level 55: Hydro Pump

Samburn | Fire
Blaze (HA: Quick Feet)
50 | 35 | 40 | 65 | 60 | 70

Samba + Burn - this is like a humanoid dancing flame spirit type thing? If you've seen Moana, think a mini one of those fire demon things, maybe lightened up a bit, and less floppy. Evolves at Level 17

Chachar | Fire
Blaze (HA: Quick Feet)
60 | 45 | 50 | 85 | 80 | 90
Cha Cha + Char - don't like how similar it is to Chimchar, but the name works so well I think I'll keep it. Not sure what this stage looks like - I was too busy thinking of dancing puns to come up with a logical progression lmao. Evolves at Level 36

Salsear | Fire
Blaze (HA: Dancer)
80 | 60 | 65 | 115 | 90 | 120
Salsa + Sear - Has the signature move Ruinous Rumba which serves as a special Dragon Dance in the fire type. Will likely learn Fiery Dance, Swords Dance & maybe even Petal Dance to tie in with the dancing theme. It steals Oricorios signature ability as its HA, which could make this a threat in doubles (think Volcarona + This, volcarona Quiver Dances, this uses Ruinous Rumba, then next turn both use Fiery Dance)

Spoiler: show
Ruinous Rumba (Fire; Status move; Raises SpA & Speed by one stage; 10 (16) PP)

Fawna | Grass
Overgrow (HA: Chlorophyll)
50 | 65 | 35 | 65 | 50 | 65
Fawn + Fauna - would be a small fawn, primarily green with pink petals covering it's back. Going for a more offensive approach, as grass starters bar Sceptile have been bulky offence or plain bad (hi Meganium). Chlorophyll may be replaced. Evolves at level 17.

Treer | Grass
Overgrow (HA: Chlorophyll)
65 | 85 | 45 | 85 | 60 | 80
Deer + Tree - awful name that needs replacing but w/e. Bit of a misnomer, as it's actually more of a doe, with horns similar-ish to Sawsbuck-Autumn, but with pink leaves, and the body is green and somehow differentiated? Keeping with the mixed-offence theme here. Evolves at level 36.

Jacarandoe | Grass
Overgrow (HA: Flora Boost)
70 | 125 | 50 | 110 | 70 | 105
Doe + Jacaranda (pink blossom tree type thing from hawaii) - The main basis for the line - a fully blossoming doe. It got probably the best signature move - a 90 BP physical grass move that activates grassy terrain, which ties in with its new ability - Flora Boost - which boosts Attack & SpA by 1.2x when in Grassy Terrain

Spoiler: show
Blossom Burst (Grass; Physical move; 100 Acc; 90 BP; Activates grassy terrain; 10 (16) PP)

A note on this thing - it will likely get Swords Dance, and so this calc is interesting:
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Jacarandoe Blossom Burst vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Tapu Bulu: 296-348 (86 - 101.1%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock (in Grassy Terrain, as Bulu creates it) - in fact none of the Tapu can take a +2 Blossom Burst. Unsure what coverage to give it - don't want to give it too much, but still want it to be useful. Will probably get Flame Charge / Bulldoze / Rock Slide but not Flare Blitz / Earthquake / Stone Edge. Brick Break is probable.

Johto starters also get mega evolutions;
Mega Meganium
Spoiler: show
Grass / Fairy
Regenerator (Pokedex entry states it can revive dead plants, so makes sense)
80/82/100/83/100/80 -> 80/62/140/123/160/60
Meganium now learns Dazzling Gleam via TM and may learn Floral Healing via level up.

Mega Typhlosion
Spoiler: show
Fire / Ground
Molten Aura (Ice moves are ineffective. Cannot be frozen. Fire moves x1.33, all burn chances doubled)
78/84/78/109/85/100 -> 78/74/88/174/95/115
Now learns Earth Power by level up.

Mega Feraligatr
Spoiler: show
Water / Dark
Strong Jaw
85/105/100/79/83/78 -> 85/155/120/69/98/103
Now learns Psychic Fang & Thunder Fang at level 0

Any opinions on any of them? Will get movesets for the fire types and the grass ones done, and also do TM moves and egg moves. If I'm not bored by I've done all that I might make some new pokemon after that, or maybe some 'Alolan' formes
« Last Edit: January 02, 2017, 20:39 by SapphireRobin|Omeganium »
...╚⊙ ⊙╝...