I'm skipping the fancy intro, 'cause I've got a headache:

Here are some Earthbound-style sprites of my character, The Cobalt Macaw. I know they need work, so I'm asking what could be fixed.
I have other sprites I'd like to share, but they'll have to wait until I'm feeling better. Keep in mind I'm not very good at pixel-ing from scratch with anything past low-end SNES graphics, and even then there's room for improvement. The dream is to be able to make detailed NES/GBC/SNES-style pixels, but I've a ways to go before I can comfortably say I'm there.
(If you count what I call "Frankenspriting", I haven't done that in years, mainly because I'm trying to improve drawing in general, and stitching together other people's stuff isn't conductive to making it from the ground up. Well, it helped my color sense, somewhat, but observation is the more vital skill there. And, well, actually drawing things!)
EDIT: I've had a breakthrough!!

I was going for something like
Chrono Trigger for these two, and borrowed some colors from actual Chrono Trigger sprites to that effect. All said, Hilda (the maid) came out rather nice, but I feel like Dustin (the butler) needs a bit of work. Anyone wanna lend an eye?