Snorunt's probably my favorite Ice-type Pokemon, and while I don't hate its evolutions, they're all pretty sad fates for it, wouldn't you say? One's frozen solid for the rest of its life (and if you Mega Evolve it, its jaw unhinges. Talk about miserable!) and the other freezes so hard it becomes a ghost.
Anyone else think there should be a warmer outcome for Snorunt? Or maybe I'm missing the point here? At any rate, I only have a few ideas at the moment:
*I was thinking Ice/Fire. I'd say Water/Fire, but I feel as though it needs to keep the Ice-type in some capacity. Maybe its coat gets thicker and it holds a torch or something? Hmm...
*480 would have to be its BST. Glalie already has 80 in each base stat, while Froslass has weaker defenses to prioritize Speed. Maybe something like this?
HP: 80
Attack: 105
Defense: 70
Sp.ATK: 105
Sp.Def: 70
Speed: 50
BST: 480
I would have made either offensive stat a bit higher, but it seemed to be an unspoken rule that Snorunt's evos' offensive stats can't not be even, so I compromised. I guess I still sort of min-max'd a little; poor thing still has Snorunt's speed, whoops! But yeah, I don't see this being top-tier in competitive (but then that was never my goal, lol) Maybe Fur Coat and Slush Rush as its abilities, with Flash Fire as the Hidden one?
*As for its actual design, I'd have to think about that a bit. Wonder how it could look primarily cool while retaining some of Snorunt's cuteness? I'm picturing "Elder of a Snowy Village", myself...
Not sure what to do for its moves. Maybe someone can suggest an optimal moveset and we can branch from there? I'll make up a move or two, if I must! Maybe it evolves knowing a specific move it couldn't learn in previous generations? Those are always fun!
If anyone has any input or suggestions, let me know!