You know, those tunes you just KNOW will make you feel peppy/productive/etc.; when you hear them, you just can't stay bitter for long! Rule of Thumb: if you're chasing a wacky cartoon animal, and said animal plays this theme on a nearby radio, and it causes you to dance/smile/whatever long enough for the animal to escape, it belongs here. (because I have no better way to explain it)
This doubles as both my Vidya Pick and Obnoxiously Weeb Pick, but uh, the opening theme from Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 (whatever it's technically called...) has that effect on me. It has a unique energy even among DBZ-related songs...
...I'lll get back to you about more "normal" tunes which do the same. I wanna say some power metal track or something, but none of the tunes I recall affect me like the above one... yet.
Anyone else feel that musical magic, or am I mildly mad?