Misc > Random Randomness

How To Pronounce Ryu


The name master:
Ryu is the Japanese word for dragon.

But how do I pronounce it?

I did look at some videos, but people were saying it was wrong!

I know my pronunciation is wrong! I thought it was rie-you (rhymes with die you!)

Ryu is one letter away from the Death Note character Ryuk.

His name is pronounced like "Me You".

The Hooded Trainer:
^Pretty sure thats right. Its ree-you, I think, unless ive been pronouncing it wrong too.

The name master:
OK. So it's pronounced ree-you.

I might use the name for a character. One Dragonite meets it's father (who is given the nickname to avoid confusion)

Two possible ways the story could go:

1) The father is doing bad things (thinking what's he's doing is good) and they have to change his ways.
2) stars wars parody (I am your father)


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