General Category => PKMN.NET => Topic started by: OranBerrySandvich on September 21, 2011, 01:11

Title: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: OranBerrySandvich on September 21, 2011, 01:11
Is it just me, or are spambots on the rise? Granted, the rise is so small it's hard to notic, but I've seen two on at the same time as of this post. I'm not sure if it's someone being stupid or the security lets a few slip through, but it still niggles at me.
Perhaps there should be a "Repor User" button as well as a "Report Post" button? I know people could PM a senior figure about it, but it'd be a touch more convenient to my mind... Then again, the amount of them overall is small, so I'm split.
Title: Re: Is t Just Me, Or...
Post by: IvanWolf♥ on September 21, 2011, 01:14
I've noticed this too... I got on today and there were about... oh, three new topics posted with links to other sites? I find it really annoying :/
I think, even though the amount is small, if it's seriously bothering someone it should at least be worth talking over.
Edit: Just found another...
Title: Re: Is t Just Me, Or...
Post by: Joeno on September 21, 2011, 07:48
Unfortunately, we're at the point where we can't do more - we've got protection to make it harder for them to sign up, but any method like that we could implement has alraedy been cracked, even a few basic ones we worked on ourselves didn't make a difference.

Report the posts when you see them, and we'll deal with them. That's all that can be done.
Title: Re: Is t Just Me, Or...
Post by: Kona on September 21, 2011, 16:24
As Joeno says, report them. It's the easiest way to get them removed. The only problem is when they post 2 or more posts, you have to wait 1 minute between reports. Would a good way to counter that be to give users who regularly report sensibly no/ a lower limit on reports?
Title: Re: Is t Just Me, Or...
Post by: Joeno on September 21, 2011, 19:23
I don't think it easily allows us to do that.
Title: Re: Is t Just Me, Or...
Post by: Kona on September 21, 2011, 19:41
Damn. I wasn't too sure of the idea, but thought I should've mentioned it. Is there anyway you could make it so accounts under 10 or so posts have to wait 10 minutes or so before they can post, or between each post or something like that? It's not the best idea though, as it'd hurt legit users more to be honest.
Title: Re: Is t Just Me, Or...
Post by: Joeno on September 21, 2011, 20:36
With the way these bots post, that wouldn't make a difference.
Title: Re: Is t Just Me, Or...
Post by: Trainer Dave on September 22, 2011, 23:07
From what I'm aware of, there may be an SMF addon which could add a simple logic question to the registration form (E.g. "how many vowels in the word 'break'"?). I hear those are pretty effective?
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Joeno on September 23, 2011, 07:31
We had those. They didn't work too well.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: kr9q on September 23, 2011, 15:28
How about a 'guess the Pokemon' like on some of the websites I go on namely GPX+. Or both Ideas.  If not that how about when you get to a certain number of posts you can start posting links. I know the legit users would have to wait to start posting links but, the Spambots would most likely give up trying to post links and there would be less of them.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Trainer Dave on September 23, 2011, 17:31
I suppose the key to defeating a spambot is to find a question that only a human can understand (and easily answer it at that). Simple maths questions used to be good, but nowadays I think the programs can spot and answer them, it probably needs to be something easy to answer, perhaps "What color is the top half of the pokeball in <this> picture?" or something similar.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Nightmare Eater on September 23, 2011, 17:37
Maybe something like "name a pokemon with a base stat of ---" or something like that. I don't know.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: kr9q on September 23, 2011, 17:49
I suppose the key to defeating a spambot is to find a question that only a human can understand (and easily answer it at that). Simple maths questions used to be good, but nowadays I think the programs can spot and answer them, it probably needs to be something easy to answer, perhaps "What color is the top half of the pokeball in <this> picture?" or something similar.
Yea. Thats a good idea (The Pokeball one).
Another Idea:
'Name who sings this song'
You put some lyrcis down and then the person who is signing up has to put the name of the person who sings that song.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Richard and Blaziken on September 23, 2011, 17:54
The questions shouldn't be something annoying that you have to research, such as the above two examples, it'd put people off who really just want to register for the forum.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Joeno on September 23, 2011, 17:58
Except that if you don't know the song, you can't answer the question and register... not what we want. Same thing with base stats. And images... we can't do that with the SMF software, and SMF plugins so far are really limited... and easily broken as some bots will know them already.

I've added a few really simple questions, but as I said, we had them before and they did nearly nothing. Don't expect much from them this time.

We can't restrict posting links by post count, SMF doesn't allow it. And as the links are usually elsewhere (signatures, the link field, any other field they can use), it wouldn't help much.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: kr9q on September 23, 2011, 17:58
Then what do you think would be a good way to keep the spambots off of PKMN?
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Kona on September 23, 2011, 17:58
If the IPs for the bots are the same (which I admit is unlikely), blocking that IP from making an account could help.

Also I don't know if one's in place, but a system where you have to enter a valid e-mail address and verfiy your accoumt before you can post's a good idea.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Joeno on September 23, 2011, 18:00
Just had that confirmed... the questions don't work, the bots still manage to register.

The bots enter valid email addresses, that wouldn't work, plus it would be incredibly likely to get us listed as spam senders, which meant nobody would get them.

IPs aren't the same, so no IP blocking either.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Kona on September 23, 2011, 18:05
The bots enter valid email addresses, that wouldn't work, plus it would be incredibly likely to get us listed as spam senders, which meant nobody would get them.

I think I worded it wrong a bit. I think you read it as for every post, whereas I meant for the first time you post. I find it hard to believe that that'd get you listed as spam senders, as loads of big sites have something similar.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Joeno on September 23, 2011, 18:08
Lots of big sites get reported as spam for it and tell you to check your spam folders for the verification message, as it might not have gotten through to your usual inbox. Most big sites warn for that.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Trainer Dave on September 23, 2011, 21:12
Joeno is absolutely correct. These bots are a pain to disrupt. It'll be interesting to see if the question works.

As an alternative if people can't answer that, you could try "What is the missing letter in the following word?: Pokém_n" or something similar.

With blacklist filters things rarely work, although this SMF mod ( has done a decent job for people I know in the past. Usually the only bots that still get through are on newly infected computers, which can cut numbers a lot compared to using a captcha.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Joeno on September 23, 2011, 21:22
We used a similar system before... it broke registration when the site it checks didn't answer our queries anymore, so nobody could register. I don't think it was that exact mod, but a similar one that required payment after you checked too often. That makes me a bit weary relying on an external service.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Aggron is awesome on September 25, 2011, 16:52
well there was a topic where the guy who posted it just put hi and then linked some add
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Liam on September 25, 2011, 17:44
^Yeah, if you see any posts like that just report them and it'll be sorted out.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Aggron is awesome on September 25, 2011, 17:52 ( here's the topic where the guy just said hi then posted a link
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: Kona on September 25, 2011, 20:46
Don't go posting the link around, instead click the report to moderator button in the bottom right of the post.
Title: Re: Is it Just Me, Or...
Post by: EvilJolteonOfDoom on November 20, 2011, 12:33
Don't go posting the link around, instead click the report to moderator button in the bottom right of the post.
I don't think it matters to much, it said it was off-limits to me.