Misc => Your Art => Your Sprite Art => Topic started by: Silverwing Bloodsplash on May 25, 2013, 20:12

Title: Mis recolors
Post by: Silverwing Bloodsplash on May 25, 2013, 20:12
Yep. In my spare time, I made some recolors. Here are two I've made so far.


The first one is a Lugia with the colors of Jolteon and Umbreon. I originally wanted it to be only Jolteon, but the lack of colors made me throw in some Umbreon in there too.


This one is a Mudkip with the colors of Kirby. As we all know, Kirby ain't a Pokémon. So mmm yea.

I might be takin' requests once I'm more confident of my abilities, but not now. I will not be takin' requests at the moment 'til I feel like I'm able to do 'em. Sorry 'bout that.

I have a question. How do you get rid of that white shiz 'round the sprite? I saved these sprites as Bitmaps. Is that why?

EDIT: I've made 'nother recolor. Here it is.


It is a Kirby with the colors of a Jolteon. This time, I have saved it as a PNG. Does it look better?
Title: Re: Mis recolors
Post by: Petzbreeder on May 25, 2013, 21:10
You can use (which is free) to remove the backgrounds. What you have to do is use the magic wand tool and select the white part of the image and then press delete on your keyboard. I always save them as png image files.

You can get here ( and you can get a tutorial here (
Title: Re: Mis recolors
Post by: Silverwing Bloodsplash on June 19, 2013, 00:33
Oah hoah, damn son! Have I got a mass amount of art for you!


1. Kirby-colored Joltik.


2. Lugia-colored Kirby


3. Aron and Skitty-colored Zorua; Aron's gray for the main body, and Skitty's pink and purple for the tufts of fur and eyes.


4. Mudkip-colored Yoshi


5. Skitty-colored Lugia


6. Joltik-colored Jolteon. Now, since Joltik had very few colors, I switched the yellow and the blue.


7. Togetic-colored Skitty


8. Umbreon-colored Togetic


9. Zorua-colored Aron


10. Yoshi-colored Umbreon

Now, these two are special.


11. This Magikarp's colors I created from scratch.


12. A Mudkip with Lugia's wings, Aron's face armor, and the colors of Aron.

I MIGHT do requests pretty soon, but not now, please. I need to work on this more, especially replicating patterns instead of just colors. But soon, k bros? Won't be long now...

Please tell me what you think of my work. This will help me improve it. ^_^
Title: Re: Mis recolors
Post by: SirBlaziken on July 15, 2013, 02:32
These are original, that's for sure. The Skitty colored lugia and the joltik colored jolteon are awesome.
Title: Re: Mis recolors
Post by: Jackal on July 18, 2013, 03:28
the free-colored magikarp looks like you made a pink overlay. made me think of buble gum flavored fish. like the texture of fish but all tasting like bubble gum...
Title: Re: Mis recolors
Post by: Hitmonchu on July 18, 2013, 15:19
I never thought of using other game sprites. Good job!