General Category => PKMN.NET => Topic started by: quack98 on July 16, 2013, 19:44

Title: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: quack98 on July 16, 2013, 19:44
Firstly, not sure this is the right place so I apologise in advance if its wrong.

Loads of people complain the sites dead and we need a new idea, so what about a set of gym leaders?

What I mean is, we have 8 (or 16) members as gym leaders and if someone can beat all 8 (via wi-fi) they knock the 1st gym leader off, and take place at the top.

This could just be done over wi-fi (in whichever gen is the latest at the time) with a thread for it.

What do people think? Do ya like the idea, or part of it?
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Richard and Blaziken on July 16, 2013, 19:49
Gym Leaders has been done before, and it's never successful anywhere. To have a minimum of 8 people dedicated to such a cause for an indefinite amount of time is unrealistic. It sounds like a cool idea on paper, but I've never seen it done successfully and remain successful for an extended period of time. =/
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Wolstenholme on July 16, 2013, 19:58
It would be a great idea... if I had the right sort of wi-fi to for DS (Curse you Talk Talk!)
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: SirBlaziken on July 16, 2013, 20:02
Sounds, cool, although, matches would have to be set up when I have time for it.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: quack98 on July 16, 2013, 20:07
Gym Leaders has been done before, and it's never successful anywhere. To have a minimum of 8 people dedicated to such a cause for an indefinite amount of time is unrealistic. It sounds like a cool idea on paper, but I've never seen it done successfully and remain successful for an extended period of time. =/

I see what you mean with needing 8 people so dedicated to it, perhaps we could have certain times in which battles take place? (E.g. If you want to battle fire gym it's on the 19th July)

It would be a great idea... if I had the right sort of wi-fi to for DS (Curse you Talk Talk!)

Aww, if you don't have a 3DS most British Internet doesn't work :(
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Wolstenholme on July 16, 2013, 20:16
It doesn't work on any nintendo product, I can  get it on my PS3 fine but the Wii and DS's NOOOOO.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: lugia95 on July 16, 2013, 21:48
Sounds pretty fun. Maybe if we had some very active members watching over it, we could manage to keep it going for some time.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Richard and Blaziken on July 16, 2013, 22:04
I'd be up for it, but I don't really do wi-fi. In addition, with gen 6 right around the corner, it might be better to wait until then to start such an ambitious project. Not trying to be the wet blanket here, I'm just trying to be realistic, as I could see this having an opposite effect of what's intended, and it'd be de-moralizing when the project loses interest. However, once X/Y are released, I think we'll see a lot more activity here, and that would be a great time to host leagues and such. :>
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: quack98 on July 16, 2013, 22:08
I suppose waiting till October isn't exactly unreasonable, it does make a lot more sense (plus everyone with Gen Vi will have the 3DS, and therefore more likely to have working wifi)
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Wolstenholme on July 16, 2013, 22:09
We could use like we are for the Tournament - that way we know that everyone has access to it (Think about it - it makes sense!)
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: f3raligatr on July 16, 2013, 22:35
This is certainly something we have attempted before on both stimulators (NetBattle, Showdown, Shoddy Battle) and cartridge. The stimulator worked quite well from memory, we had a static team which was initially 8 Gym Leaders and 5 Elite Four members, and allowed you to get in touch with those Leaders to arrange convenient times (when we were a bit busier). We opened it up a bit, allowing you to earn them in any order to help ease the time issue, it worked quite well from memory.. although I don't think that many completed it.

We also tried a WiFi one, perhaps we were a bit too ambitious but when Diamond and Pearl were first released (when WiFi was first possible) and there was a bit of a craze, we attempted a Challenge League which would see a more long-term attempt at the above.

If you can find enough members to be interested, plus enough people who can dedicate that kind of time, then there's no reason why we couldn't help from the Administrative side of things, but.. it's not something we've had much luck with in the past I'm afraid.. interest tends to fade quite quickly once the initial buzz wears off.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Wolstenholme on July 16, 2013, 22:39
Well I'm certainly interested! - My only problem is that I'm going on holiday on the 31st (July!) 'till the 15th (August!) So I won't be available then unless there's computers (and internet) in Florida apartments!

I'd be well up for being a gym leader - that is if this goes ahead and providing that there's a spot to fill!
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: quack98 on July 16, 2013, 22:41
I'm going to add a poll to see how many people would be interested then
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: SirBlaziken on July 16, 2013, 22:42
I'd have to do wi-fi, because that's how I prefer it, but let's wait till gen 6
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: lugia95 on July 16, 2013, 22:45
I'd be happy to be a gym leader.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Richard and Blaziken on July 17, 2013, 10:07
I might be interested in doing this, but like I've said, I'd much rather wait until gen 6. I've also got a lot on my plate already, so maybe this isn't the best idea... but who knows :va
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: quack98 on July 17, 2013, 18:10
I think it seems as though a fair few people are wanting to wait till gen VI, so I think this is probably the best course. That being said, with gen VI coming out in October, we realistically wouldn't be able to start until 2014 (people will need some time to adjust to a whole new type being thrown in)
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Spriter on July 24, 2013, 12:19
The problem with this is that some might not be able to use Wifi, but some will. I don't have 6 EV Trained pokemon of the same type...besides, I am unable to use showdown, so I use Pokemon Online instead...we might not be able to have 8 people for the same battling method.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: quack98 on July 24, 2013, 12:45
The problem with this is that some might not be able to use Wifi, but some will. I don't have 6 EV Trained pokemon of the same type...besides, I am unable to use showdown, so I use Pokemon Online instead...we might not be able to have 8 people for the same battling method.

Yeah, but the Pokemon Aime feature may make ev training substantially easier in Gen VI. Also, for most people who can't use wi-fi it's because they have a DS lite/phat, and have WEP security on their Internet, with the introduction of Gen VI everyone has to have a 3DS, which has more security options so will hopefully eliminate this.

I think, considering this, waiting for Gen VI is probably a better option than trying to start it now, only to need to change it when gen VI is introduced in 3(ish) months time, probably 2 by the time we'd get it all set up.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Lord Raven on July 24, 2013, 15:35
We did this years back when there was substantial interest and when DP was fresh.  It fell through because people became too busy and it requires too much of a commitment to keep intact.  The problem here is once again inactivity and lack of interest, and I don't go for IVs in my game anymore because frankly it's too much work for such little gain (and learning to RNG is too much for me).

EDIT:  Sorry this was covered by many people.  But I'm here if you have specific questions because I lead the project.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Awkward Squirtle on December 29, 2013, 20:30
So does this deserve a bump because Gen VI? Leave to die if not...
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Hahex and Oshawott on December 29, 2013, 22:28
hey you know what this is actually a pretty cool idea. i'm up for it
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: the bread dragon on December 29, 2013, 22:34
yeah this is definitely an interesting idea, id be willing to participate
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: SaRo|Rapidash on December 29, 2013, 22:35
Although general consensus before was in favour of simulators, how would people feel now about wifi given the massive improvements to game mechanics in terms of breeding and stuff?

Of course, an option to be considered would be having the gym leader decide on the rules for their gym (e.g. wifi or simulator, whether they want singles or doubles or whatever)?
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: the bread dragon on December 29, 2013, 22:39
id go for simulator. i like playing through the actual game over and over, and i have wifi problems on my 2ds from time to time

did i mention i havent beat x due to starting over like 10 times Dx
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Shaymin on December 29, 2013, 22:50
mang if only my uni internet allowed me to connect alas it does not otherwise i'd be so for this
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: SaRo|Rapidash on December 29, 2013, 23:07
I guess the easiest way of doing this would be for me to post a draft of how this would work, and then people to point out improvements until we get something that quite a lot of people can manage. So, I'll start with the gyms themselves:

All gyms must have a thread that answers the following questions:
-> Single, Double, Triple or Rotation battle?
-> How many Pokémon? (Minimum 3, Maximum (surprisingly) 6)
-> Are Mega Evolutions allowed in your gym?
-> Which clauses are in effect? (e.g. Sleep Clause, OHKO clause)
-> Which Medium are you using? (Wifi or Simulator, if simulator which one?)
-> ROUGHLY what times can you battle? (Preferably in GMT because that's kinda the neutral time)

They should also contain any other rules you wish to enforce, following these guidelines:
-> Any ban on a pokemon must be justified - You can't just ban Quagsire because your team with all electric moves can't beat it.
-> If you ban any weather, you must ban all weather (this is to avoid Water Gym Leaders banning Drought, Snow Warning and Sand Stream but leaving Drizzle unbanned and stuff)
-> If possible, avoid banning a pokemon when eliminating OP things. For example don't ban Talonflame, ban Gale Wings - Don't ban Kangaskhan, ban Kangaskhanite.

Optional things that would be nice:
-> Gym Badge image to recognise those that beat your gym
-> Trainer Sprite for your gym leader

Okay, any problems with any of this?

(After problems in this have been ironed out then the more administrative side of things can be looked at (e.g. How do you become a gym leader and stuff like that))

mang if only my uni internet allowed me to connect alas it does not otherwise i'd be so for this

Have you tried using ( That'd be a way for you to do this if you really wanted to!

P.s. Just in case anyone didn't know - my old account was the one that made the topic - I haven't just randomly hijacked it xD
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Hahex and Oshawott on December 30, 2013, 02:04
Seems pretty reasonable. Only thing I can think of is the need for some sort of board (or just you) to make sure that rules and whatnot are all fair.

PS. Your sig is pretty cool
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Lord Raven on December 30, 2013, 02:24
Although general consensus before was in favour of simulators, how would people feel now about wifi given the massive improvements to game mechanics in terms of breeding and stuff?

Of course, an option to be considered would be having the gym leader decide on the rules for their gym (e.g. wifi or simulator, whether they want singles or doubles or whatever)?
a) You need to keep it uniform between wifi/simulator.  Most trainers will not be willing to have a wifi AND simulator team.
b) I'd recommend simulator myself, because wifi can be too much work, but that's all personal preference.  So long as its uniform, it really doesn't matter.

I'd be willing to help on the administrative side of things, because lord knows I don't have the work ethic to do competitive anymore.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: SaRo|Rapidash on December 30, 2013, 12:08
a) You need to keep it uniform between wifi/simulator.  Most trainers will not be willing to have a wifi AND simulator team.
b) I'd recommend simulator myself, because wifi can be too much work, but that's all personal preference.  So long as its uniform, it really doesn't matter.

I'd be willing to help on the administrative side of things, because lord knows I don't have the work ethic to do competitive anymore.

a) Yeah, I can see that being a problem, I think it would be ideal to choose one but then the better option for battling (wifi, because it allows us to select from all four battle types and there's no standard clauses enforced) isn't the easiest and some people may not be able to do it.

b) The only problem I have with simulators is a massive lack of control in choosing the set up of the battle. Also, there's no Triple or Rotation battles (that I know of) on showdown.

And you mentioned earlier about leading the other project - would you mind saying how people became gym leaders? (Because this is one thing I'm trying to work out how to do best)

Seems pretty reasonable. Only thing I can think of is the need for some sort of board (or just you) to make sure that rules and whatnot are all fair.

PS. Your sig is pretty cool

Yeah, This has also made me think where the topics would go (because I think each gym would be best having a topic) should a board not be possible (I don't know how it works on the admin side of things so I'm not sure how possible it is to add a new board / how willing the admins would be to add it).

Thank you xD

Could any mod/admin say wether creating a board would be a possibility? If not, where would you want the topics to be put (ie which board)?
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Awkward Squirtle on December 30, 2013, 12:16
I was in one before, I think I did about 2 battles, and from what I remember, there were few enough people signing up that it could just be
"let me be a gym leader"
However, once a challenger had defeated the champion, they were permitted to challenge a gym leader for their spot.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Kerou 犠牲 on December 30, 2013, 12:40
Yeah, This has also made me think where the topics would go (because I think each gym would be best having a topic) should a board not be possible (I don't know how it works on the admin side of things so I'm not sure how possible it is to add a new board / how willing the admins would be to add it).

At this point Wireless Activities because there's no guarantee of how successful it'd be. If it builds up steam it could get stickied and then eventually a new board if the demand shows enough to warrant it

Just my two cents. Seems a real neat idea =]
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Joeno on December 30, 2013, 15:02
Last time we were asked for boards for a similar idea, we spent an hour or so setting up permissions, after which they were dormant for two years because nobody started work. We can set it up, with some basic permissions, but let's get the ball rolling first so we can jump in soon after.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: SaRo|Rapidash on December 30, 2013, 15:37
That sounds good - it seems to make more sense starting it and getting a fair amount of activity before getting you to spend time making a board that could end up being abandoned if we go straight to a new board.

So in the mean time would it be best to follow Gurren Lagann's (is it Alex? I seem to recall someone calling you that?) suggestion of having it in the Wireless Activities board?
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Joeno on December 30, 2013, 16:17
Probably, but we could add some links elsewhere to create additional interest
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Lord Raven on December 30, 2013, 19:30
And you mentioned earlier about leading the other project - would you mind saying how people became gym leaders? (Because this is one thing I'm trying to work out how to do best)
The community was bigger then and generally we all knew everyone, so it was a kind of thing where I'd ask people to volunteer.  No formal applications or anything.  It was more relaxed.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: SaRo|Rapidash on December 30, 2013, 23:05
The community was bigger then and generally we all knew everyone, so it was a kind of thing where I'd ask people to volunteer.  No formal applications or anything.  It was more relaxed.

Do you think that way worked fine, or would you say a bit more of an application would have got more committed people? Also, if people both wanted the same type how would you solve that? I assume you'd just get them to do a best of three match or something, but just seeing if you had another way.

Also, I suppose the most important thing, what do you think went wrong last time? Because obviously if you have a pretty good idea what it was then I can endeavour to learn from it
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Lord Raven on December 31, 2013, 00:20
We were a little ambitious and tried 16-gym leagues, and it was hard to have everyone committed.  Real life got in the way since we were trying to make it a wifi league, and that compounded to result in a trainwreck.  Wifi's easier to deal with now, but simulators make everything a lot easier.  Still, real life gets in the way a lot, and people like me without stable lives (ie, I don't go to work and come home at a certain time, I go to school and my hours are sporadic, and I value my real life commitments over internet commitments and often forget about the latter).

If two people wanted the same type I'd advise them to talk it out.  If worse comes to worse then you have to make an executive decision, based on whatever you want.  If two people are unable to budge with respect to something as minute as the type they want (especially if this is a simulator league), then they probably aren't mature enough to take on the responsibilities of being a gym leader.  At least, that's a personal thing, I don't want people like that in my league.  It's a judgment call really.

I don't remember if that issue came up, but I pretty much went to the guy who asked first, and if they both asked roughly around the same time I think I'd talk to them individually.  Someone will budge first.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: SaRo|Rapidash on December 31, 2013, 00:39
We were a little ambitious and tried 16-gym leagues, and it was hard to have everyone committed.  Real life got in the way since we were trying to make it a wifi league, and that compounded to result in a trainwreck.  Wifi's easier to deal with now, but simulators make everything a lot easier.  Still, real life gets in the way a lot, and people like me without stable lives (ie, I don't go to work and come home at a certain time, I go to school and my hours are sporadic, and I value my real life commitments over internet commitments and often forget about the latter).

Right, so it seems that starting small (likely 8 gyms with no E4 or champion) would be best, and then building on that if it's successful. Of course there's always going to be people dropping out for real life things, but I think this is something that's un-fixable.

If two people wanted the same type I'd advise them to talk it out.  If worse comes to worse then you have to make an executive decision, based on whatever you want.  If two people are unable to budge with respect to something as minute as the type they want (especially if this is a simulator league), then they probably aren't mature enough to take on the responsibilities of being a gym leader.  At least, that's a personal thing, I don't want people like that in my league.  It's a judgment call really.

I don't remember if that issue came up, but I pretty much went to the guy who asked first, and if they both asked roughly around the same time I think I'd talk to them individually.  Someone will budge first.

Yeah, that seems like it'd be a good way of doing things. Might be worth saying that types are given to the first person, although tbh most people on the site don't seem like they'd care about their type to the extent they'd fight over it (or at the very least would have 3 or so they'd be willing to choose from).

Thanks for all your help - it'll certainly make this much easier to run.

Seems pretty reasonable. Only thing I can think of is the need for some sort of board (or just you) to make sure that rules and whatnot are all fair.

PS. Your sig is pretty cool

Just realised I misread this the first time - I've just realised by board you meant a board of people xD

But that's definitely a good idea, I think it would be best to have several people doing this because one person can't have an unbiased view on everything - it's just not going to happen - but between a few people it'd kinda cancel out any bias.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Awkward Squirtle on December 31, 2013, 00:50
i'd be up for taking fire type if applying and whatnot's going on here.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: SirBlaziken on December 31, 2013, 01:03
If needed, I could fill a position. But let's have this gain some interest first.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: SaRo|Rapidash on December 31, 2013, 01:04
i'd be up for taking fire type if applying and whatnot's going on here.

I'll probably put up a seperate thread for applying, mainly because it'd be inconvenient having the rules in the middle of a random page, but I'll keep in mind that you're wanting fire.

Edit: Right, I'm going to post up the thread now because I feel that prolonging it any longer could result in people losing interest and I'm pretty sure we've had at least 6 people say they're interested, if not 8.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Captain Jigglypuff on April 06, 2014, 11:02
I'm interested. I can be the versitile type Gym Leader like Blue/Green was in GSC/HGSS! Of course my battles would have to be in the evenings so maybe half of my Pokemon could be Dark types and the rfest a surprise.
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: SirBlaziken on April 06, 2014, 13:58
Um.... I'm not sure if it works that way....
Title: Re: 8 Gym leaders of... PKMN?
Post by: Captain Jigglypuff on April 06, 2014, 14:16
Oh. I was think of using a few "surprise" attacks by utilizing rare and hard to get moves on my team. I LOVE using those types of moves.