General Category => General Pokémon Discussion => Topic started by: Hoof Hearted on November 26, 2013, 03:44
Now, I'm sure this has probably been done ...... OVER 9000 times, but I decided I want to do one so here it is. Mind you, this is my top ten favourite pokemon, not the best. Dont expect no Arceus and Rayquaza and stuff like that, though Rayquaza is pretty epic looking. Any ways, here are my top ten favourite pokemon.
10. Gliscor (
9. Gengar (
8. Hydreigon (
7. Grovyle (
6. Zangoose (
5. Bisharp (
4. Empoleon (
3. Aggron (
2. Darkrai (
1. Swampert (
Yes it has.
10. Secptile (New to the top 10)
9. Empoleon
8. Ninetales
7. Flygon
6. Milotic
5. Aeguslash
4. Umbreon
3. Espeon
2. Lucario
1. Blaziken
Yap, Swampert is the best O0
My top 10
10: Sceptile
9: Pikachu
8: Flareon
7: Lairon
6: Gengar
5: Rapidash
4: Blastoise
3: Turtwig
2: Feraligatr
I guess I'll do it by family (If I like one I usually like the whole family)
10. Carbink
9. Ninetails
8. Meowstic
7. Suicune
6. Skarmory
5. Alakazam
4. Trevanant
3. Typhlosion
2. Hydreigon
1. Heliolisk
1. Scrafty
2. Weavile
3. Pangoro
4. Gengar
5. Aegislash
6. Chandelure
8. Krookodile
9. Chesnaught
10. Emboar
10. Tornadus-Therian
9. Slowbro
8. Hydreigon
7. Flygon
6. Vaporeon (bit higher if shiny)
5. Camerupt
4. Salamence
3. Pelipper
2. Mienshao
1. MEGANIUM!!!!!!!
Reordering..... By family
10. Milotic
9. Empoleon
8. Goodra
7. Flygon
6. Umbreon ( Yes, 2 eeveelutions. Deal with it.)
5. Espeon
4. Aegislash
3. Ninetails (Recent respect, plus vulpix is the cutest pokemon. *Cuddles*)
2. Lucario
1. Blaziken
Honorable mentions: Carbink, Roserade, Darkrai, Heliolisk, Absol.
10. goomy!!!!! ;D
9. Gyarados
8. Gallade
7. Ditto
6. Xerneas
5. Gardevoir
4. Yvetal
3. Lucario
2. Greninja
1. Mewtwo
10. Meloetta
9. Blastoise
8. Ninetales
7. Banette
6. Marowak
5. Roserade
4. Frosslass
3. Crobat
2. Mew
1. GENGAR!!!
10. Farfetch'd
9. Scyther
8. Zangoose
7. Serperior
6. Blissey
5. Salamence
4. Vaporeon
3. Gardevoir
2. Darkrai
1. Blaziken
10 greninja
9 ninetales
8 aggron
7 skarmory
6 houndoom
5 scrafty
4 whiscash
3 illumise
2 scizor
1 arcanine
Counting down from 10...I'm sure I've done this before but it's always so hard to choose. I used TCG images because I can
1. Jigglypuff
2. Sewaddle
3. Delphox
4. Ho-oh
5. Rayquaza
6. Zekrom and Reshiram (Tied due to them being so closely related in the BW storylines)
7. Lucario/Mega Lucario
8. Hydreigon
9. Volcorona
10. Blaziken/Mega Blaziken