Misc => Your Art => Topic started by: DrampardonMe on December 27, 2024, 16:27

Title: [WIP] Five-Man Band A.N.A.-- Hyper Combo Finish!!
Post by: DrampardonMe on December 27, 2024, 16:27
Hoping to get some input on this here:


I threw this together rather quickly, when I probably should have been asleep. Still surprised myself at how well it came out, even considering it was meant as a mockup. I'll admit to recycling/resizing some older drawings of mine to get it to work, but again, this is a mockup; I intend to redo this properly.

Other than the scale/anatomy being off at parts (Yellow Jammer shouldn't be THAT short, for example), I know my clothes need work. First order of business when I try again: actually add Green Leader's camouflage. I'm running on horridly wonky sleep, or I'd have done so sooner.

Anything else look off? What's spot-on? Who ARE these characters, anyway?! ...Well, I know the answer to the last one, but those first two, uh... Speak up if you wanna help me out.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Yes, I'm referencing Captain Commando, but I really did try making an original "successful team attack" pose for these five characters of mine. Any advice with that would also be greatly appreciated.