PKMN.NET :: Ranger series
Ranger series

What's this? A game for the DS where you use Pokémon to "protect nature?" How dare they.

Deze sectie is onderdeel van de volgende sectie: Spinoff Games.

Guides to Ranger stuff. You might have guessed.
The Four Challenges Guide to the four challenges set during Ranger (8008 views)
The Legendary Dogs Dogs... cats... whatever you call them. (7555 views)
Manaphy So how do you get Manaphy? (13869 views)
Nostalgia Challenge Extra challenges! Woo! (4491 views)
Capturing Guide How to do (4174 views)
Special Missions How to do them (4618 views)
Pages about the sequel game. How thrilling.

Walking through.
Part 1 (6208 views)
Part 2 (4188 views)
Part 3 (4461 views)
Part 4 (4060 views)
Part 5 (4994 views)
Part 6 (4241 views)
Sentret questions

will i be able to transfer my manaphy to Pokemon Platinum form pokemon ranger shadows aof almia
Sentret thinks says uh why not but like have you tried later you can maybe?
Read more in Sentret issue 57

hello! sentret,i read all the tips you replied about how to catch a salemence in pokemon ranger.but nothing worked and my stylis power is 25,is this suffiecient to catch it and how??
Sentret like thinks like maybe finish before you attack right?
Read more in Sentret issue 51

Hi dear sentret! I have a problem with pkmn ranger....... How can i beat billy of the go-rock quad?
Sentret like thinks that's done with the same way you like defeat all of the other ones, but Sentret like really thinks like you should lure it with berries first because berries are good!!!!!!11
Read more in Sentret issue 50

Hi Sentret. Do you know the best way to capture a Steelix in Pokemon Ranger, Like what assists I should use?
Sentret always bounces around it to make a friend!!!
Read more in Sentret issue 47

Hey, Sentret. You know the boss battle with the Go-Rock Team on Mission 10? How do you beat the last guy? Is there a good Assist for it?
Sentret thinks that by now like you need to like have tried and know lots and do what you do best maybe?
Read more in Sentret issue 45