PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: A Mudkip Mission
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A Mudkip Mission

< A Corphish Out Of Water | Turning Over a Nuzleaf >
Japanese Title
The Secret Pond! Full of Mudkip!
English Title
A Mudkip Mission
This episode is essential viewing because:
Brock catches a Mudkip.

Haruka starts to do an imaginary documentary while the gang continues to explore the island Dewford City is on. It looks like there's an interesting pond that the gang wants to check out. All's well, until a ledge with a waterfall blocks the pathway. Brock simply finds a rock, gets a rock, and then ties them to make a makeshift grappling. With the help of Lotad's Watergun, Brock is able to hook up to a tree branch on top of the cliff. Haruka notes the amazing skills Brock shows to no one in particular.

Soon Brock, Ash, and Masato climb the rope to the top. Haruka helps them when the three are just about to scale the cliff, until Ash notices something. How did Haruka get to the top of the cliff before anyone else? Haruka laughs saying she used her Silcoon's String Shot to pull her way to the top. In any case the gang decides to head on. They're on the side of the river where it should split off, and there the secret pond will be. The gang continues to walk on into some fog, and Brock notices the ground is muddy so he tells the rest to be careful.

When the fog clears up enough for them to see, the gang finally has reached the secret pond. There are lots of Mudkip around and Ash decides to look it up in the Dex. Haruka remembers Mudkip when she was looking for Professor Odamaki. Of course, she remembers the fact it sprayed her in the face. Haruka thinks that Mudkips are cute anyway and decides she wants to catch one. But one Mudkip pops out and gives Haruka a good squirt in her face.

A Mudkip pup soon falls into the water and gets dragged into the raging currents! Brock tells Lotad to rescue the Mudkip. The Lotad is able to pick up the Mudkip, but Lotad becomes a victim to the current itself. The older Mudkip soon jumps into the river and swims its way to save both Lotad and the Mudkip pup. Brock catches up to the Mudkip and thanks it, but the Mudkip seems stubborn and flees when Ash and co. catch up to Brock. Brock says that everythings okay, at least for the little Mudkip. After what all seems nice and calm, an old man pops up from behind the bushes. Ash thinks it's another Mudkip (from the hair style of the old man) and Haruka gets a "shot" at it. Masato then tells them that it's a person but it's too late, the old man starts yelling at Ash and Haruka. The old man thinks they're trying to capture the Mudkip, but Brock covers for the gang in saying he was rescuing it. The Mudkip nods to prove Brock's alibi and the old man calms down. The old man is a Mudkip breeder that normally goes by "Numata". (something else, but my kanji knowledge is that great) Ash starts to tease Numata a bit and there's a bit of conflict running around. In the end Ash apologizes, Numata forgives them and invites them for tea since they rescued the Mudkip from before.

Numata explains his line of work a little better, then Brock asks what he has on the shelf. Numata says that it's Mudkip eggs. Ash and Masato are interested in them, which there is quite a lot. Haruka makes a documentary comment about the eggs. Numata explains that he has a lot of bit with raising Mudkip, from being official League work to give an occasional one to Odamaki for a future trainer. Masato mentions that Brock's a breeder, so Numata asks if they want to see an egg hatch since there's a batch already. Outside, one of the eggs from a triplet hatches into a Mudkip. Haruka comments how cute she thought it would be and then the Mudkip gives Haruka its first Water Gun. All seems good, except Numata is worried about that one Mudkip that seems overprotective.

Somewhere else in the area, Team Rocket find themselves to a fence that blocks their way. They decide to break through it. Jesse releases Seviper to use Poison Tail, but it doesn't work. James tries to break the fence with Canea, who gives James instead of the fence a Needle Punch. James crashes through, breaking the fence, but Wobbuffet pops out and trips a wire that's attached to cans to make an alarm.

Numata hears the alarm and goes to check it out. The gang decides to go with him as well, but the Mudkip from before nabs Brock's attention and leads him off towards the pond. Brock from there tries to befriend the Mudkip but so far no sucess. Back at the site of the alarm, Numata doesn't find much, but soon Team Rocket appear as the culprits. Numata tells them to get off his property since he's raising League exclusive Mudkip. This gives Team Rocket the idea to find a way to steal the Mudkip for Giovanni. Numata explains to the others (out loud) that they should keep the Rockets away from a dam. If that bursts, it'll flood the whole pond and the Mudkip with it. Ash and co. tell Numata to hush up since the Rockets could hear what he just said, which is too late.

James releases Cacnea to have it do a punch to the dam, but instead hits James smack into the dam. The pond floods, endangering the Mudkips. Brock noticed the flood coming, there wouldn't be much time for evacuation. Foresttress soon was called to delay the incoming tsunami. Meanwhile Brock, Lotad, and Mudkip start to gather the Mudkip pups to safe ground. Everyone's evacuated, except two who are on a small rock in the middle of the pond. The Mudkip goes in and and rescues the two pups. Foresttress stops holding back the water while everyone rushes to higher ground.

Everything looks good, but they missed one pup! Mudkip goes after the pup and nabs it, but the current's too strong for Mudkip to swim. Brock follows Mudkip to the waterfall, where he also meets up with Numata and Ash and co. The Mudkip falls down the waterfall but manages to grab a hold of a rock. Brock looks around trying to find a way to get to it, and then he sees the rope they used earlier. He ties the rope around his waist and then jumps into the raging river. The rope keeps Brock from falling and he stops where the Mudkip is at. Brock tries to convince the stubborn Mudkip to trust him, and just like that the Mudkip's tail goes out for Brock to reach. Brock reaches for the tail, and as soon as he catches it, he tosses the Mudkip to him to secure the Pokemon. The others pull Brock up and all seems well.

The celebration of the rescue is short lived when Team Rocket start running amok in their new contraption: a giant robot with shovel hands and a basket. They start scooping up the Mudkip pups while the others are away. They can't do much... But then the robot steps in to the muddy area Brock had before. Getting an idea, Brock tells Lotad and Mudkip to soften the ground the robot is stepping with Water Gun. The Rockets don't get what they're doing at first, so they laugh it off. The ground does begin to soften and the robot starts to sink in and get stuck. Mudkip soon cuts the rope for the basket and the Mudkip pups jump out. Then Ash steps up to let Pikachu finish the job with Thunderbolt.

The pond is back to normal once more and Mudkip is now happy with Brock. Numata says that Brock should keep Mudkip. After all it seems happy with Brock anyhow and it's old enough to venture out with a trainer. Brock asks if that's okay with Mudkip, and Mudkip happily jumps into Brock's arms. Everyone is happy now that Mudkip, and Brock, has a new friend.

This episode guide has been written by Jiggy.

Characters appearing in this episode








Ash's Pikachu

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< A Corphish Out Of Water | Turning Over a Nuzleaf >


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