PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Pikachu's Goodbye
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Pikachu's Goodbye

< Electric Soldier Porygon | The Battling Eevee Brothers >
Indigo League
Japanese Title
Forest of Pikachu
English Title
Pikachu's Goodbye
Dutch Title
Kom terug Pikachu
Spanish Title
Adiós Pikachu
French Title
Au revoir Pikachu
Italian Title
Addio Pikachu!
German Title
Pikachu´s Abschied
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We see Pikachu climb a tree and eat a berry. Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu have found a nice place in the forest to rest. Ash swings from a vine, saying "Kanga Kangaskhan!" He hits a tree, of course and falls. Pikachu runs over to him. It sees something in the bushes. A Pikachu! Pikachu waves, but the other one runs off. Pikachu runs after it. Ash and the others follow.

They come to a clearing, full of Pikachu. Even adorable baby Pikachus. Pikachu greets them and all the Pikachu stop and stare at it. Then they all run to the other side of the clearing. Pikachu gets really sad. But then the baby Pikachu he saw before walks over to it and sniffs. It seems to like Pikachu! It holds out its tail and they shake tails. All the Pikachu run over. Brock says they've accepted Pikachu as part of their group. Ash, stupidly, runs out, saying he wants to be part of their group, too. They all run away, scared.

Ash and the others are sitting near a river and Pikachu is pretty upset. Misty and Brock says that the Pikachu were afraid of Ash because they haven't had much contact with humans so deep in the forest.

Up in a tree, the baby Pikachu is watching them. But the it slips and falls into the water! Ash says they have to save it! They run along the river bank. Pikachu jumps out into the water and grabs the baby. But there is a huge waterfall coming up.

All the Pikachu appear from the bushes. One of them with ragged ears, who seems to be the leader, jumps down from the tree and another Pikachu grabs its tail, and so on, so there is a line of them. One grabs Pikachu just as it and the baby one are about to go off the waterfall. They pull them back to shore.

Ash's Pikachu is lying unconcious on some leaves. The baby one puts its cheek to its and gives it a little shock. Pikachu wakes up. The baby one offers it an apple, which Pikachu takes. The other Pikachu lift him up on their tails. Pikachu looks really happy.

Team Rocket watches from a tree and sees all the Pikachu. They'll catch them and give them to the Boss! Then the branch they're standing on breaks and they fall.

It's night. The Pikachu are all looking up at the moon and singing. Ash and Misty watch and Misty says the Pikachu look like they're having a great time. Brock comes and says he's making dinner. He says it would be the best thing in the world for Pikachu to be here with its own kind.

Ash, Misty and Brock are sitting around a fire, eating. Misty notices Ash is upset, but he says it's nothing. Ash stays up after Misty and Brock goes to sleep. He looks at the fire and sees Pikachu's image in the fire. Then he sees all the other Pikachus around it. Should Pikachu stay with its own kind? A gust of wind blows and the image runs away as the fire goes out.

They hear all the Pikachu scream! Brock and Misty wake up and they all run to the clearing. They see all the Pikachu under a net! Who did this?

Team Rocket, of course. They say their lines. Misty tells Pikachu to break the net with an electric shock. Team Rocket says they made the net insulated against the electricity! James shoots net at Ash, Misty and Brock, trapping them. Then they start to leave in their balloon, carrying all the Pikachu.

Pikachu starts chewing through the net and so do the others. Team Rocket sees and starts yelling for them to stop. Pikachu chews through the net and runs up to the balloon. Ash, Misty and Brock have gotten out of the net. They hold it out and while Team Rocket tries to catch Pikachu, all the others jump safely onto the net.

Team Rocket sees how all the Pikachu got free! But there's still one left. They lunge for it, but it jumps out of the way and they hit the gas valve. The balloon starts inflating and Pikachu bites it, popping it. Team Rocket goes flying and Ash catches Pikachu. Then Pikachu runs over to the others. The leader says something, then they all start saying Pikachu! Ashe smiles a bit, then walks away.

Misty and Brock can't believe it. Ash is leaving Pikachu? Ash says his mind is made up. It'll be happier with its own kind. Pikachu comes out of some bushes. Ash says he's leaving it here and starts walking away. Pikachu follows him, but then Ash starts running and yells good-bye.

Ash keeps running, thinking about how Pikachu was his first Pokémon. There is then a song with a series of flashbacks.

Misty and Brock catch up to him, saying it's wrong to leave Pikachu there. The sun starts rising over a hill and a shadow falls near them. It's Pikachu! All the other Pikachu are with it. The baby Pikachu and Ash's Pikachu shake tails. The others Pikachu starts saying "Pikachu!" Brock says they must be cheering for Ash and for Pikachu!

Pikachu runs towards Ash. It jumps and Ash catched it. They hug.

Things to notice: (Thanks to Typlosion) When Pikachu is running after Ash and it catches up, Ash and Pikachu are in a clearing. The grass around them takes the shape of a Pikachu!

This episode guide has been written by flik.

Pikachu's Goodbye Trivia:

 Pikachu and Meowth are the only two species of Pokémon which appear in this episode.
 Misty tells Ash to "watch out for that tree" when he swings into a tree - a parody of the "George of the Jungle" films.
 Team Rocket refer to their net as a "Seizure Net" - ironic given the content of the preceding episode.

Characters appearing in this episode








Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

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