PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Time-Warp Heals All Wounds!
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Time-Warp Heals All Wounds!

< From Cradle to Save! | Queen Of The Serpentine! >
Kanto Battle Frontier
English Title
Time-Warp Heals All Wounds!
This episode is essential viewing because:
May's Egg hatches into an Eevee.

The episode starts with the 'twerps' arriving at the Pokemon centre. May is saying how excited she is about her egg hatching, while Brock feeds Bonsly baby milk. Nurse Joy comes over and tells May she is excited about the egg too and how healthy it looks. Brock however does his usual trick and falls head over heals for Nurse Joy. After showing off a lot, Bonsly tackles him and shrieks. Max says that Bonsly doesn't want to share Brock and then Brock says 'Oh the joy of parenting!'

Title Sequence

Munchlax is greedily drinking Bonsly's milk and it starts crying. Brock cradles it and Nurse Joy suggests going to the canteen for Pokemon food. Max offers to take Munchlax there. But Ash decides to train Pikachu for the battle pike and they head out of the door, with May's Squirtle following them curiously.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket are watching the Pokemon centre with their binoculars. They see Squirtle and then May come out of the centre and then discuss plans for capture, saying the Squirtle will be an easy catch, as May has no idea where it is. Jessie then suggests a completely new plan for snatching the Pokemon. She says that their usual plan never works and that they should separate, so that if one goes down, the others don't, so there's a better chance of a successful steal. But James and Meowth don't agree and Jessie then tells them to think. James says 'Oh, I've never had to think before!'

Squirtle is running across a derelict town and past a dead fir tree. It reaches an old station and goes inside. May is also running across the deserted streets and reaches the station where Squirtle went. She sees a very old photo in the waiting room of the town, but this time, it was full of life and very busy. She sighs to herself and says that it must have been busy at one time. She walks out onto the platform and the tracks are overgrown. It doesn't look like there was a train there for years. May sees an old lady sitting on a bench at the bottom of the platform, with Squirtle in her arms. She runs over and introduces herself to the old lady. The old lady is called Edna and May asks her what she's doing on the deserted platform. Edna says she is waiting for a certain passenger on the afternoon steam train and it's the last stop on the line (However, Edna probably knows in reality, there is no train: she's probably waited for years and nothing has come). Then, a little girl called Katrina runs onto the platform and asks May whether her grandma was bothering her. May says no and it starts raining. Edna says she should get back before the rain picks up and she gets up and walks towards the exit. She says with despair and upset: 'It rained like this on that day a long time ago. If only it had snowed instead' and she puts up her umbrella. Katrina says: 'Oh poor grandma' and May sees a picture on the bench. It is an old picture of Edna when she was a young woman and there is also a man with her.

Meanwhile, Ash is training Pikachu and he tells it to volt tackle a big boulder. But, Jessie is watching Ash from some long-grass and mutters to herself a plan. Pikachu volt tackles the rock and a big chunk flies off and hits Jessie in the head.

We then see James looking through the window of the cafeteria and the pokemon centre, where the Munchlax is happily eating, while Brock bottle feeds Bonsly again. Jams sighs to himself, longing for the food.

May and Katrina are sitting on the steps of the station and Katrina is telling May the story of her grandma. She tells May that the man on the picture is her grandpa Jonathan, but she has never met him. May comments on the pendant that Edna is wearing in the picture and Katrina says it was very important to her Grandma, but she lost it one day. She then tells May the story of her Grandma and Grandma. (we see Edna and Jonathan in black and white, like an old movie, from the old days) She says her Grandma Edna and Grandpa Jonathan used to live in this town and her Grandpa raised eggs, while her Grandma was his assistant. Katrina says that one day, her Grandpa had to leave town. Jonathan and Edna are sitting down at the table eating soup and bread and Jonathan tells Edna he has to leave for a better job and wants her to come with him. Edna doesn't want to and tells him she's lived there all her life and doesn't want to go to the city. Her husband says he must go and Edna starts to cry. Katrina talks again and says her Grandpa left a letter one day, saying he loved her, but he had to go and was getting the train into town. She says her grandma took after him and we see Jonathan hesitating to get on the train, but forces himself to board it, just as its leaving. Edna runs to the station, clutching the letter and the train is departing. She runs down the platform towards it, distraught and on her way, trips up and her pendant is flung off. A man helps her up and she cries as the train moves out of sight. Katrina talks again and says her Grandma got a letter a year later, saying that Jonathan died in an accident and her Grandma refused to believe it. She says her Grandma still doesn't believe it and still waits on the platform for her husband to return. May and Squirtle feel sad and shocked and Katrina carries on. She says that recently, her Grandma told her about her mother.

We see Edna and Katrina on a station, while Edna talks to her Granddaughter: 'I should never have let him go without me. You see, your mother was a little baby inside my tummy at the time and he left without knowing it. I honestly didn't know whether to tell him or not, but then it was too late. If only it had snowed that day instead of rained, the train would have been late and I could have caught up with him.'

Katrina then carries on talking. She points to the dead tree and said it used to be full of life and the Volbeat and Illumise used to do their courtship dance there. She says that people from all around gathered to watch, but the tree withered and the Volbeat and Illumise stopped coming. It made her Grandma even sadder. Meowth is listening round the corner and he starts crying buckets, while saying: 'If that story don't break your heart, what will?'

We then see May back at the Pokemon centre, where she has already told the 'twerps' the story. Brock says it's awful and how could anyone live with something like that? Then May's egg glows for a second. Nurse Joy says it's almost ready to hatch and that they have a special nursery in the Pokemon Centre. Brock then points out that Squirtle has gone missing again. May follows and runs to the station where Meowth is sitting on a bench. May asks what he's doing there and Meowth says he's watching the moon. May asks if he's seen Squirtle anywhere. May turns round to see him on the overgrown tracks. May jumps onto them and makes her way over to Squirtle. She looks down and sees a necklace. 'That's Edna's pendant!' she cries and picks it up. She says Edna must have dropped it when chasing after Jonathan. She opens it to reveal a picture of Jonathan. But suddenly, rays of gold shoot out from it and wrap around May, Squirtle and Meowth, who are yelling with fear.

May looks up and wonders what happened, when a train heads towards them. They have a close shave, as the jump onto the platform just in time, as the train pulls into the station. An angry station warden shouts at them and chucks them out onto the street. May looks around in amazement at the town. There are lots of people and the tree is full of life again. May has a flashback of the photo she saw in the station and says: 'I don't know how, but I think we traveled back in time!' (We see everything in colour this time- The last time we saw the old town, it was in black and white) Meowth starts being selfish and talking about how he's going top get back to the future again. May tells him to stop being so selfish and she sees a young man walk past to the station. May realizes its Jonathan and runs back towards the station. Jonathan talks to the ticket man and tells him about leaving and that Edna doesn't want to come.

But Meowth, still talking about himself yells after May shouting 'Hey, don't walk off on me while I'm being sensitive twerpette!' May ignores him and carries on towards the station and says to Meowth that she has to tell Jonathan he's going to be a dad. They reach the ticket man and he asks them for tickets. May awkwardly says that she has to see someone off. But the station warden sees them and says: 'You again! Seems like you want to play in the tracks again!' May says it's not true but the warden chucks them outside again. He says if they want to play games, they should go to the park! It starts to rain and May says it was raining the day Jonathan left and if only it was snowing. They see a hot air balloon and May says she has an idea.

Meanwhile, we see Edna's house and she is reading the letter, just like before. She heads towards the station with the letter.

Back in the town centre, May is floating up in the balloon and Meowth, being vain again says it's not as cute as his, but it will do. The fly higher and May tells Squirtle to make it snow by ice beaming the clouds. We then see Jonathan getting on the train and Edna running further towards the station. After quite a while of ice beaming, it finally snows.

An announcer in the station says that the train will be delayed for a few minutes, while they affix the snow plough. May watches the station from the balloon, as Edna runs down the platform and the train still hasn't moved. Jonathan gets off the train when he sees her and asks her if she will come with him. She says: 'Not quite, but there's something else. We're going to have a baby!' Jonathan looks surprised and then they hug and head out of the station.

Then, the pendant in May's hand glows and rays of gold shoot out again and they are once again in the train tracks. And once again, a train heads towards them, but this time, it's a diesel train. They had come back to the future again! They head out of the station and the town is full of life! And the tree too! They are greeted by Max, Ash and Brock and they tell May her egg is about to hatch!

At the Pokemon centre, they are watching with Nurse Joy as the egg is glowing. Suddenly, the door bursts open and in walks old Edna and Katrina. This time, someone else is with them. Jonathan! They say hello and introduce themselves to May. (Obviously, the time meddling meant that Edna and Katrina won't have met May yet) May asks if she remembers her, but Edna doesn't and May says she must be thinking of someone else as a cover up. Edna says she and her husband are egg raisers and Jonathan looks at the egg and sees to it. The egg hatches to reveal... An Eevee! May is thrilled and picks it up and cuddles it.

Team Rocket are outside and Meowth refuses to talk about capturing pokemon. He walks through the sunset-lit town smiling and feeling happy about what had happened.

The group walk outside, where the tree is glowing. Loads of Volbeat and Illumise are flying around it, doing their courtship dance. They watch in amazement at them and Edna and Jonathan look so happy (sob your eyes out moment)! We see a distant image of the tree and the narrator ends the episode by saying that the battle pike is just around the corner.

Thanks to Voltorb2005 for this!

This episode guide has been written by Voltorb2005.

Characters appearing in this episode








Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< From Cradle to Save! | Queen Of The Serpentine! >

Voltorb2005 op di 31 jul 2007 18:55:50 UTC.
This was soooo sad! I cried my eyes out. one of the most emotional episodes ever!
torterra_king op wo 22 aug 2007 16:30:53 UTC.
no thats the most boringest episode ever
Eeveeon op za 22 sep 2007 09:41:04 UTC.
They should have put this in the 1st series
go4it op zo 07 okt 2007 08:41:52 UTC.
this is great!
Voltorb2005 op wo 13 aug 2008 19:44:00 UTC.
i suppose one thing that made this episode great for older kids is because it had a more adultish theme to it with all the emotional stuff and the like that the younger ones probably wouldn't understand.

< From Cradle to Save! | Queen Of The Serpentine! >