PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Luvdisc Is A Most Splendored Thing
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Luvdisc Is A Most Splendored Thing

< Putting The Air Back in Aerodactyl! | Those Darned Electabuzz! >
Pokémon Chronicles
Japanese Title
Misty and Luvdisc! Love Battle!
English Title
Luvdisc Is A Most Splendored Thing
The episode started with a scene of a snow-covered village but quickly entered into a building. There was a man behind the counter and he was drying a glass with a white cloth. There was a little bell sound when the door opened and the man looked up, he started to as what the people would like when he stopped. In front of him are two familiar faces wearing long coats and dark sunglasses. Butch and Cassidy. Cassidy said that they would like an everything sundae and Butch added that they wanted it with extra everything. The man looked at both of them and said that an everything sundae with extra everything would be coming up and added that they could take a seat if they liked.

The scene went to the sundae that they had ordered on a table and two spoons that faced it. They both fished around in the ice cream until one of them pulled something out, it was a small blue micro-chip-like device. Both Butch and Cassidy looked around quickly to make sure they weren't being watched then started up the device. The message started with a Good Afternoon Cassidy and Biff but Butch quickly corrected it. A small hologram of a Luvdisc appeared above the device and it continued. It said that their next mission was to apprehend the rendezvous Pokémon Luvdisc; they were going to reverse its power and eliminate love from the world forever! It continued again and said that the Pokémon could be found at the Cerulean City Gym. Butch said that that sounded familiar, Cassidy reminded him that that loser girl Misty was the gym leader there. Butch remembered and said that they are going to take care of little-miss-goodie-two-shoes for good! The message continued once more and said that they wanted them in Cerulean City by morning. Cassidy says that they should go, Butch added Cerulean City here they come! The hologram faded and the transmitter finally said that that was all before its circuits burned out. Cassidy gleefully said that a plan to remove love from the world! Butch continued and said that you just gotta love it!

After the little, we are at the Cerulean City Gym and Tracey walked in through the door. He saw Misty and greeted her as she was in the gym. Tracey said that Daisy had called him and said that they had gotten some new Pokémon in. Misty said that she just got them in this morning and Violet and Lily hadn't even seen them yet. She explained that her sisters were off getting pampered as usual. Daisy shouted to Tracey and asked when he had gotten there. Tracey greeted her and Daisy said that love was in the air. He didn't know what she was talking about but got dragged off by her nevertheless.

We are now at one of the many aquariums inside the Cerulean City Gym and in the water is a male Luvdisc; Daisy showed Tracey the new Pokémon. Daisy introduced the Luvdisc and said that it was Casserin one of the new Luvdisc Pokémon. Tracey said that he had never seen one before and started to sketch it. Misty popped up in the background and asked if they have found where Loverin was hiding. Tracey looked around and asked if there really was another one in there; Daisy said that there was but Loverin was shy and hid from Casserin a lot. Tracey said that he couldn't see her anywhere but Misty said that he could just keep an eye on Casserin as he could usually find her.

In the tank, Casserin started to swim around but then stopped completely still. He closed his eyes and started to swing around and point in a certain direction. Tracey said that it looked like he was pointing at something just like a compass. Daisy explained that he points to his true love like a compass points to true north. Tracey indirectly asked if he pointed to where she was and Misty said that that was right because he was madly in love with Loverin and that he should watch what happens next.

Casserin spotted Loverin and his eyes went into large hearts as he swam towards her Daisy said that in a weird way Loverin reminded her of herself; Misty commented that it must have been when she was going through her tiara phase. Tracey noted that Casserin had hit big for Loverin but Misty replied gloomily that she didn't feel the same way. Back in the water, Casserin swam up to her - eyes still as hearts - but she just ignored him and swam away. Tracey commented that he had been shot down by Loverin. Misty got angry and told Casserin that he shouldn't give up and give it another shot (!) but Casserin just became miserable animé blue and started to sink. Misty shouted that she couldn't believe what a crybaby he was being!

Daisy said that she couldn't believe what a diva Loverin was being and said that she'd have to stop before the next underwater spectacular! Misty asked Daisy what she was talking about and Tracey said that it sounded fun! Daisy said that it was going to be fun and totally romantic with starry eyes but Misty and Tracey just looked at each other confused. Daisy explained and said that Misty and Tracey were going to be in it as well!

Misty said that she thought Daisy was doing that girl detective movie but Daisy said that water ballet was her first love! Tracey said that he wasn't too sure but Daisy said that he would make the cutest prince and all the girls in audience were gonna fall in love! All Misty and Tracey could do was sweatdrop. Misty said that she was not going to get into that mermaid costume again! Tracey asked if he'd have to wear tights and Daisy instantly said that he had. Tracey replied that he couldn't because he was too busy and Misty said that she was too busy too because she was a gym leader after all! Daisy said that she couldn't believe how stubborn her sister was; she had enough to worry about. Tracey said that Loverin was sure playing hard to get. Suddenly, there was a white light for Misty's bag and Psyduck appeared! Unfortunately, he fell straight into the pool that they were standing in front of and began to drown. Misty sweatdropped and asked if someone could grab the swimming tube.

Now, Psyduck was in the swimming pool - being helped by the rubber ring to stay afloat - and was talking to Casserin. Tracey said that he thinks Psyduck is trying to help them get together and Misty said that he could be right. Psyduck started to paddle cross to Loverin but she just shunned him away. Not giving up, Psyduck tried again but this time got blasted by Loverin's Water Gun Attack. Casserin started to cry in animé style. Misty couldn't believe it and sweatdropped even more while Daisy said that Loverin just wasn't having it.

In the depths of the tank, Loverin was swimming around by herself, or at least she thought she was. Swimming around still, Loverin was being followed by a giant purple robot! She turned around but it was too late and the jaws, opened, grabbed and closed on her! Loverin was trapped! Daisy screamed that that was her Loverin as the robot jumped out of the pool. Cassidy and Butch were standing on the diving board looking down at everything. Butch had the remote controller and raised the robot towards them as both of them sing their motto. Misty shouted that they knew who they were, Cassidy! Tracey added that he was Buffy! Butch quickly lost it and shouted that his name was Butch! Daisy shouted that they'd better give back her Loverin but Cassidy sent out her Sableye instead. Sableye used Shadow Ball and it exploded at the feet of Misty, Daisy and Tracey and caused a rather dusty smoke screen. Cassidy said that that was their cue to blow the joint and Butch said that they'd catch them later.

Misty, Daisy and Tracey were left in the dust cloud while Cassidy and Butch made their getaway with Loverin! They ran to a red and blue hovercraft-like machine and made their escape. Misty, Daisy and Tracey ran quickly enough to see them disappear into the trees that surrounded the area around the gym. Daisy said that they have to follow them but Misty reminded her that they were already too far ahead. Tracey, however, said that he had an idea!

They are now all in Daisy's car; Daisy was in the drivers' seat, Misty was sitting next to her in the front seat and Tracey was on the back seat holding Casserin in a large water filled container who wasn't looking to pleased with himself. Misty asked Casserin if he could point them in the right direction but he just cried once more. Misty continued and said that he had to be brave for Loverin as that was the only way they were going to get her back. Casserin quickly shuck off his miserable mood and started to concentrate. After a few moments, Casserin was pointing to the West, where he believed Loverin was. Misty said that Daisy needed to hurry up. Daisy said that she needed to put on her action gloves; Misty couldn't believe it was the ones from the movie. She put on the gloves and some sunglasses and said that High speed Hannah was back in town! Tracey is stunned but Misty explained that she was a character in a movie. Daisy quickly put her foot down and her beige mini-like car sped into the distance.

Meanwhile, Cassidy and Butch were driving along the cliff tops. Butch said that they left those dummies in the dust! Cassidy looked into her rear view mirror and spotted Daisy's car catching up! She told Butch and he put his foot down and said that they were aerodynamic! However, Daisy's car is still catching up. Misty said that they could do it and Daisy put her foot down once more and now they were side by side with Butch and Cassidy! They were going too fast however and just sped right past them!

Daisy gave thumbs up and said that they had won but Misty reminded her that it wasn't a race and Daisy slammed on the breaks and skidded to a halt in the middle of the road! They think that they've stopped Butch and Cassidy by doing that but that was wrong because they turn to the sea and start flying through the water - their vehicle is a boat too! Looking over the ledge, Misty said that they need something to follow them with. Tracey said that he would check the dock for boats and started to run in that direction but Daisy said that he could always use the one in the trunk of her car. So Tracey is left to pump up the inflatable boat while Misty and Daisy both watched.

The boat was now pumped up and they were on the open water, Casserin was now pointing in a new direction and Misty told Daisy. Daisy once again turned into High speed Hannah and zoomed across the water with the engine of the yellow inflatable dingy on full blast!

After the break, we find ourselves in the middle of a few small rocky islands sticking out of the sea. Misty pleaded with Casserin to give it another go but he isn't so sure anymore. Misty told him that this was the perfect chance to show Loverin what he was made of! Casserin nodded and began to point to one of the small islands that had a small opening of a cave on it. Daisy steered the boat towards it.

Meanwhile in the cave itself was Butch and Cassidy watching a giant TV screen while sitting in two large red chairs. Butch noticed that they were coming towards them on the screen and said that if they grab the other Luvdisc the chance of success would double! Cassidy said that if they were known as the ones that helped rid the world of love they would be in for a big promotion.

The inflatable boat was now inside the cave itself and they reached as far as they could go within the boat. Everyone climbed out of the boat and Tracey was now carrying the jar that contained Casserin on his back. As they walked through the cave, a large pink hand reached down and grabbed the container with Casserin off Tracey's back! Before they could do anything, a hole underneath them appeared and they all fell in! Cassidy and Butch watched thus unfold; Butch said that that was a great welcome; Cassidy added that they were their guests and they had to feel at home! Both of them started to laugh.

We're now in the pit that they all fell into, Daisy asked how they were going to get out and got a reply for an unexpected place. A part of the pit opened up to reveal a barred door with Cassidy and Butch stood on the other side. Cassidy said that they weren't going to get out. Behind Cassidy and Butch was a tank where both of the Luvdisc were in. Cassidy said that it was much nicer having a matching set and they both disappeared out of sight.

Misty said that they had got to get out but Daisy asked if either of them had their Pokémon with them. However, Misty had left them at the gym and Tracey had left them back at home. Misty said that she knew what to do and she told Casserin he would need to use an attack to break free from the cage. Casserin looked up at the bars and shuck his head. After a little persuasion he decided to do it though. Misty told him to use Tackle Attack on the bars but he just bounced off and hurt himself with no effect to the bars. However, he kept going and eventually knocked the top off the cage! Misty said that Casserin needed to take Loverin and get out of there. Misty noticed a window just above the cage after Tracey pointed it out. She ordered Casserin to use Water Gun on the window! He did so and after he put it on full blast, blasted the window clean off! Daisy told Loverin that she needed to help Casserin.

Elsewhere, Cassidy and Butch were watching the monitor when a security alarm warned them that there had been a breach. Cassidy and Butch quickly ran to see what the problem was.

Meanwhile, Daisy ordered Loverin to use her Water Gun and Misty ordered Casserin to use his Ice Beam. Loverin's Water Gun went straight through where the window used to be and Casserin's Ice Beam froze it! That was their escape route. However, Cassidy and Butch had walked in and had seen what they were doing. Misty said that it was Cassidy and Hutch (!) but once again Butch lost it and corrected her. Cassidy said that they probably thought they were being clever but Butch said that they weren't being clever enough and launched the purple robot into the tank to catch the Luvdisc!

However, Misty ordered Casserin to use his Double Team attack and Butch didn't know which one to attack with his robot. Misty told the Luvdisc that it was their chance to escape and both of the Luvdisc bounced up the frozen water and escaped! Cassidy had also climbed up the frozen structure and has stuck her head out of the hole to see where they went; she told Butch to get a move on and he threw down the robot's controller and began to climb too.

Outside, the Luvdisc bounced away but became trapped on a cliff edge with sharp spikes in the rapids below! Cassidy and Butch had them cornered as they had caught up with them. Butch started to approach the pair but Casserin jumped in front of Loverin in order to protect her. Butch was getting closer and Casserin had to move back. Left with no choice, Casserin kissed Loverin and they used their rendezvous attack and flew over the cliff age and landed in the calmer waters along the stream! Butch and Cassidy watched with their eyes as red hearts but they quickly snapped out of it when the Luvdisc landed in the water and broke the kiss. The Luvdisc started to swim down the river and away from them.

Meanwhile back in the pit, Tracey had the control of the robot and was trying to get the hang over using them. He managed to move the robot around the pool and sent it towards them. He then said that he would say when and they should duck but before he had the chance, the robot crashed into the bars and exploded! The smoke cleared and they were all covered in smoke. Misty told Tracey that next time he should give them a bit more of a warning. The bars were gone, however, and they all ran out of the pit to find the Luvdiscs.

Back outside, the Luvdiscs were swimming down the river but had to stop when their path was blocked by a fence-like-net. They turn around to swim back the way they came but were cut off by another fence, they were trapped once more! Butch and Cassidy were on the cliff top above. Butch said that they couldn't let them go already and Cassidy added that they needed their help to eliminate lover from the world forever.

Casserin swam in front of Loverin to protect her once more as Cassidy sent out her Sableye and Butch sent out his Mightyena to attack them! Casserin blasted a Water Gun right at Butch's face! While he was left reeling, Cassidy sent Sableye to use Fury Attack but he stopped and pointed out that the Luvdisc were still in the water. Cassidy shouted at it and asked if he couldn't swim or something and it turned out that it could not.

Butch presented a control that had a big red button on it and pressed it. The two fences that had the Luvdisc surrounded started to close in on them! Cassidy and Butch were watching this happen when Misty, Daisy and Tracey arrived at the scene. The Luvdisc noticed them and when Misty commanded them to use Agility they quickly done so just as the fences crashed in to each other! The Luvdisc landed on the ground apparently unharmed.

Misty told them that they were going to have to work together and they agreed. She also told Daisy that they would have to work together too! Daisy nodded and told Loverin to get Casserin up in the air and she did when she used her Water Gun. Butch ordered Mightyena to use Iron Tail but Misty ordered Casserin to use Water Gun and when he did, he sent Mightyena flying! Casserin then landed next to Loverin on the ground. Cassidy ordered Sableye to use Shadow Ball - which he did - but Loverin used Water Gun on the ball and Casserin used Ice Beam on the ball, which completely froze it like a snowball! Mightyena was ordered to use Hyper Beam but Daisy told Loverin to use Sweet Kiss! She used it on Mightyena and Mightyena ended up blasting his side with his Hyper Beam. Misty and Daisy ordered Casserin and Loverin to use their Water Guns together and they sent Team Rocket blasting off again!

Back at the Cerulean City Gym, there were people pouring into the gym in a large queue. The underwater spectacular was coming to a close - with Lily and Violet playing the mermaid and the prince - with Casserin and Loverin using their rendezvous attack on the audience! Watching the play, Tracey commented that Lily looked much better in those tights than he would have. Daisy went up to Misty and Tracey and said that they were doing pictures in the lobby and it was so much fun! Daisy ran off with Misty and Tracey following her. The episode ended with Misty and Tracey taking pictures of couples in front of the tank that had Loverin and Casserin in together.

HUGE thanks to Umby2000 for this!

This episode guide has been written by ???.

Characters appearing in this episode

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< Putting The Air Back in Aerodactyl! | Those Darned Electabuzz! >

piplup princess op do 23 aug 2007 00:54:14 UTC.
WELL,WELL cassidy + boch
DarkAura15 op vr 16 aug 2013 03:53:21 UTC.
Eliminate love from the world forever? Well well, Queen Chrysalis, looks like you got a competition here.
DarkAura15 op vr 16 aug 2013 03:55:17 UTC. Team Rocket wants love to be rid from the world. Princess Cadance does not approve.

< Putting The Air Back in Aerodactyl! | Those Darned Electabuzz! >