PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Pokéball Peril
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Pokéball Peril

< A Scare in the Air | The Lost Lapras >
Orange League
Japanese Title
Southern Land Pokémon and the GS Ball
English Title
Pokéball Peril
Spanish Title
Peligro Pokéball
French Title
Le danger Poké Ball
Italian Title
Arrivederci Brock
German Title
Gefahr im Verzug
Who's that Pokémon?
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This episode is essential viewing because:
The gang arrive at Valencia Island and meet Professor Ivy for the first time.

Brock leaves the group to assist Professor Ivy.

Ashco. are walking by a beach on Valencia Island, and Ash comments that its too hot. Misty says the weather is perfect. Ash says they should go for a swim, but Brock reminds him that they need to get the weird Pokéball from Prof. Ivy. ^_^ Misy has one question: Where is she? None of them has a clue where she lives! Pikachu points to a weird loking building, which Ash says looks like a Pokémon Center. They go in, and find yet another Nurse Joy. Brock immediatly goes over to her, and (stupidly) asks if shes related to any of the other Joys. She says shes the second cousin of the sister in law of the Joy in Saffron city, or something like that. =)

She gives them directions to Ivys lab. They go, but no one seems to be home. Suddenly, a trapdoor on the floor opens, and three weird looking, and almost identical, girls pop up. Brock asks if they know where Prof. Ivy is. They say shes in the bay, working with the Pokémon. They all go down to the beach below the lab, which is up on a small cliff. Suddenly, a Gyarados emerges from the water! A lady with short purple hair, wearing a swimsuit, is in the water with it, along with some other water Pokémon. She tells the Gyarados very good, and that its getting stronger. Ash says he wishes he could train his Charizard like the lady trained her Gyarados.. Brock says he wishes she would train him! =)

The lady gets on the Gyarados back, then jumps to the shore. As she does, one of the girls through her a lab coat, which she puts on. She introduces herself as Prof. Ivy. They go back to her lab, and she shows them the weird Pokéball. Its gold on the top, and silver on the bottom. Misty says shes never seen a Pokéball like it before. Brock asks why its gold and silver. (Hehe) Ash sees some writing on it. Ivy says it reads G/S, so she decided to call it a G/S Ball! =) Also, for some reason, it cant be transported like a normal Pokéball. They try again, but nothing happens. Ivy says that they tried to open it, but nothing worked. Not saws, crowbars, or even lasers! She says she wishes she could have uncovered its secrets, but Prof. Oak could probably figure it out. She gives the G/S Ball to Ash.

They phone Oak at his lab. Ash says he got the G/S Ball! Oak is a bit confused by this na,e and then Prof. Ivy says thats the name she gave it. She and Oak start talking about how they enjoyed each others articles on Pokémon in different science magazines, and that sort of thing. They say some other stuff, then hang up.

With Team Rocket, they find that the blimp is totalled. James sais they should have bought the insurance. The boos is going to hate them now! Jessie says they should fix it! The twerp (Ash) is going to have a round trip, so they have another chance to get Pikachu! So they get to work rebuilding the blimp.

Back at Ivys lab, everyone is in a huge jungle behind it, which is all part of the lab where they can study the Pokémon. Misty stops to admire some big flowers, and it turns out one of them is a big Vileplume! Ash comments that it looks different from the one on his Pokédex. (It has different markings, and looks a lot bigger if you ask me.) The weird girls bring out a big cart with bowls of Pokémon food on it. Ivy says they have special recipes for each Pokémon. A whole bunch of other Pokémon come out the jungle to eat. They all look a bit different than normally. Brock asks Prof. Ivy why they look different. Ivy says its not surprising. The tropcial climate of the island is different from the temperate climate of where Ash and the others are from, so the Pokémon look a bit different. The enviroment causes variation in the Pokémon.

Brock asks Ivy if she bred and raised all the Pokémon, and she says she did. Then we see one of the weird girls feeding the Gyarados. (It would probably take a LOT of that Pokémon food to satisfy a Gyarados!) Misty says she would love to see all the Water Pokémon there. Ash wonders if maybe theres a tropical Pikachu? On a nearby tree, a Butterfree is clinging to one of the branches. Prof. Ivy says that it hasnt eaten for days! All the right nutrients are in its food, so she and the girls cant figure out whats wrong. Brock eats a peice of the Butterfree food, and the look on his face indicates that the flavor isnt too great. He says he has it!, then runs off.

He comes back, and mixes some stuff in a bowl. He says that the Pokémon will eat the food if they like the taste. Ivy asks what flavors each Pokémon like. Brock sprinkles some stuff on the food, and the Butterfree flies down and starts eating! Brock says that Butterfree like sweet things, so if you put some crushed berries in its food, it will eat it. Prof. Ivy says shes embarassed because Brock seems to know more about feeding the Pokémon. Ash says Brock wants to be a great Pokémon breeder. The girls ask Brock if he could teach them what flavors each Pokémon like. Ivy says they have to decide whi;s going to make dinner. Brock looks up at the mention of cooking.

They go to where Ivy and the girls live, and its filthy! Ivy says they got so wrapped up in studying Pokémon, they stopped cleaning the house! Brock immediatly gets a sponge, a vaccum, and puts on an apron! He says theres lots of cleaning to do! He cleans the whole house, and makes a big dinner. Ivy and the girls dig in, and Brock says its just like his family.

That night when everyone is asleep, Prof. Ivy and the girls are watching the Vileplume out in the jungle, and one of the girls is videotaping them. Brock brings some midnight snacks out to them. Ivy explains that theyre working on a new study of Vileplume. At night they spray their pollen around to keep other Pokémon out of their territory. Suddenly, a Raticate runs into the cloud of pollen and faints! Ivy runs out and pulls the Raticate away. Brock goes to see if shes okay, and she says to save the Raticate.

They take Prof. Ivy and the Raticate to the Pokémon Center. Nurse Joy tells Ivy that its dangerous to be around Vileplume when theyre spreading their pollen. Ivy asks if the Raticate is okay, and Joy says it will be fine because Ivy got it away from the pollen so fast. The three girls tell Ivy she had them worried, and to never do that again. Ivy says she wont, and they say thats what she said last time!

The next day, its time for Ash and the others to go. Misty wonders where Brock is. Just then, Onix and Brocks other Pokemon go by, carrying wood. Brock has just finished fixing the roof for Ivy and the girls. Prof. Ivy says that Brock has decided to stay! Brock says that he can help them out, and learn a lot about Pokemon. Ash and Misty say goodbye, and they leave. Darn, no more Brock. For a while, anyway... Er, I didnt say anything! =)

Misty says itll be weird without Brock around. Ash says he wishes hed come back with them. Misty wonders how theyre going to get back? Ash says they cant take the blimp. The food was bad and they didnt even show a movie! =) Then they see the blimp... good as new! Jessie and James, disguised, push them onto the blimp. Jigglypuff hops on before it takes off.

Inside, Ash asks when the food will be served, and then a cage falls on him and Misty! Team Rocket says the motto. Ash says he gives up! =) Jessie asks where the other kid is. Then she and James start making comments about Ash and Misty being lovebirds and stuff. ^_^ Ash and Misty both say theyre crazy! Jessie says Ash is blushing. Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, but Jessie reminds him that the gas in the blimp is very flammable. Meowth says to hand over Pikachu! But then... Jigglypuff hops down from no where!

Misty made a big mistake in "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon" by telling Jigglypuff that if it helped them, they would listen to it sing as much as it wanted. Apparently, Jigglypuff has never forgotten that. =) Anyways.

Jigglypuff sings, and they all fall asleep. Team Rocket manages to get parashutes on befor they do, but then they and Jigglypuff are pulled out the door. They fall, with Jigglypuff still singing on the parashute. =) Meanwhile, Ash and Misty are sleeping on an unpiloted blimp, drifting to who-knows-where....

This episode guide has been written by flik.

Pokéball Peril Trivia:

 The original opening theme was used for this episode, despite it officially being part of the Orange Islands season.
 The notion of Pokéshipping makes it's debut in this episode.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

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