Trading Card Game |

Suicune ex

Set: EX: Team Magma Vs Team Aqua (94/97)
Rarity: Rare Holofoil Ex
Stage: 0
Level: 0
HP: 100
Retreat: 2 Energy

Attack: Energy Flip

Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. This attack does 10 damage to that Pokémon. You may move an Energy card attached to that Pokémon to another of your opponent's Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

Attack: Reverse Stream

You may return all basic Energy cards attached to Suicune ex to your hand. If you do, this attack does 50 damage plus 10 more damage for each basic Energy card you returned.
Power: 50+

Seems like we know more about this... 'thing'!


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