PKMN.NET :: Part 3 :: Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald Initial Reports
Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald Initial Reports: Part 3 |
For the final part of this initial report we'll have a quick look at the new menu. The image on your left now is what the menu looks like when you click the Start button.
By selecting the first menu option your get your backpack; looking through each individual pocket gives you information on remedies, pokeballs, items and special items similar to GS.
Selecting your name in the menu brings up information on you, your trainer number, your credits and the number of badges you've earned - as you guessed, info mainly on you.
The next option is the save option, and by selecting this as in previous Pokémon RPG's you can save your current position in the game.
The next item in the menu allows you to change your current settings, such as text speed, text border, sound options etc. Selecting the last item in the menu exits the menu.
From your room you can also see two very important things - a clock (an analogue clock with hands that move round! It can be set the first time you look at it) and a map of the world which shows you all the differen locations you can visit. Unfortunately, they're all in Japanese. For now.

Pagina geschreven door Psythor

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