PKMN.NET :: Icons :: Sprite Resource Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
Sprite Resource Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: Icons | Those small icons the games use
Ruby/Sapphire Icons

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Pagina geschreven door Typhlosion

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magnemiteslairking (or Milk for short!) op wo 27 jun 2007 14:46:56 UTC.
cool _but not as good as the male sprites, i just got a shedload for my fan pkmn game!
Spiro T. Agnew op do 28 jun 2007 15:21:38 UTC.
There are D/P ones too...
lightningbolt op do 28 jun 2007 15:31:39 UTC.
nosepass arent shiny but the icon looks like a crystal
magnemiteslairking (or Milk for short!) op do 28 jun 2007 18:22:34 UTC.
looks like its frozen!
Lati-kun op za 30 jun 2007 01:36:33 UTC.
transparentness trouble imo icons are sweet! =D
lightningbolt op za 30 jun 2007 17:30:26 UTC.
sombody agees with my nosspass thing!
Spiro T. Agnew op vr 13 jul 2007 23:32:53 UTC.
Um, yeah, there are. They were all released the day before DP came out in Japan when some people got advanced copies. They were ripped almost instantly.
op wo 18 jul 2007 20:25:11 UTC.
i agree with the nosspass thing to! my faves are cyndaquil,sceptile, and espeon!
Sizacu op wo 18 jul 2007 20:51:14 UTC.
Also, is Anronith having the same problem as Nosepass? Wondering.
op do 19 jul 2007 00:26:32 UTC.
i have an anorith in the game and he's not shiny like that
op do 19 jul 2007 16:19:56 UTC.
i looked at my game again and nosspass and anorith are fine. aww, look at skitty!
RHiiZZA op do 19 jul 2007 19:35:49 UTC.
I can't see nosepass on this!!! What is dis witch craft???
RHiiZZA op do 19 jul 2007 19:37:30 UTC.
Steelix looks like a fish
op do 19 jul 2007 22:35:00 UTC.
he does look like a fish
op vr 20 jul 2007 13:11:46 UTC.
oh, pineco is shiny too.
lightningbolt op za 21 jul 2007 23:44:59 UTC.
whats wrong with these pokemon bring spakely?
lightningbolt op za 21 jul 2007 23:45:15 UTC.
sorry being
op di 24 jul 2007 18:01:12 UTC.
manectric is shiny 2.
op di 24 jul 2007 18:13:44 UTC.
look at shiftys fans!
laironlover77 op di 24 jul 2007 20:28:18 UTC.
Mawile looks like it's got a few problems, too.
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