PKMN.NET :: Lyrics

Here you can find the words so you can "Jam" with your favourite episodes! Massive thanks to Donky for listening to them over and over again.

Deze sectie is onderdeel van de volgende sectie: Anime.

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Show intros The various intro's to games (5975 views)
Poké Rap (5838 views)
2BA Master The CD lyrics (6748 views)
Pokémon 3 (5802 views)
Pokémon 2000 (5253 views)
Pokémon 4Ever (7683 views)
Misty's Goodbye Song (14040 views)
Pokemon Advanced (5060 views)
Gotta Dance (6980 views)
Make a Wish (8467 views)
Camp Pikachu Lyrics to the Pikachu short shown before Pokémon Heroes (6420 views)
Advanced Challenge (5433 views)
Advanced Battle (4753 views)
Pokémon Battle Frontier The introduction sequence for the Pokémon Battle Frontier season (8283 views)
Team Rocket Mottos (13726 views)
Diamond and Pearl (4264 views)
DP Battle Dimension (6049 views)