PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Pokémon Food Fight!
Episode Guides |
Pokémon Food Fight!

< The Pokémon Water War | Pokémon Double Trouble >
Orange League
Japanese Title
Crush 'em! Snorlax!!
English Title
Pokémon Food Fight!
Spanish Title
Combate por comida Pokémon
French Title
Repas si facile
Italian Title
In cerca di cibo
German Title
Der Kampf ums Essen
Who's that Pokémon?
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Ash and Co. have been stuck on an island for several days, due to a very stormy sea surrounding the island. Misty is worried that they�ll soon run out of food for themselves and their Pokemon. Tracey tells her not to worry, and suddenly produces a guide book with a picture of a flower on it. Tracey explains that these particular flowers are edible, and happen to grow on the very island they are currently visiting. He sees some of the flowers growing nearby on a rock, and tries to pick them. Slight Problem: They�re attached to somebody�s head.

This particular boy is angry that Tracey tried to pick his flowers. He claims he�s the best Grass Pokemon Trainer in the Orange Islands, and challenges Tracey to a battle. Tracey tries to apologise, but Ash suggests they just go and look for food elsewhere. The boy calls him a wimp and challenges Ash to a battle, and as we all know, Ash cannot say no to a battle.

The boy sends out a Gloom. Ash scans it with his Pokedex and tries to send out Charizard. However, he gets the wrong Pokeball and sends out Squirtle. Ash tries to battle with Squirtle, but Squirtle merely �waters� Gloom, rather than attack it. Ash returns Squirtle and tries yet again to send out Charizard. Yet again, wrong Pokeball. Ash drops the Pokeball he takes out, and Snorlax pops out. Ash tries to return Snorlax... but he can�t! Tracey points out that when Ash dropped the Pokeball he must have broken it, and that he�ll have to battle with Snorlax, which is easier said than done, considering Snorlax is asleep.

Ash desperately tries to wake Snorlax up, but fails. The boy gets impatient, and tells Gloom to use Solar Beam. The Solar Beam hits Snorlax, but merely wakes him up. Ash is thrilled and tries to get Snorlax to attack. Snorlax doesn�t listen, and instead walks over to Gloom and... tries to eat it. The boy is astonished and recalls Gloom. Snorlax then proceeds to walk over the boy, and eat the flowers on his head, before falling asleep again. The boy starts crying and starts to run off. Ash shouts after him, asking if there�s a Pokemon Center nearby where he can get Snorlax�s Pokeball fixed. The boy points to a nearby mountain, and says there�s one just on the other side of it.

The gang are now faced with the mammoth task of getting Snorlax up the mountain to the Pokemon Center, where it�s Pokeball can be fixed. They start off using logs from a nearby forest, and dragging Snorlax up along them. However, after less than a minute of this they are all knackered. Tracey pulls an apple out of his bag, and decides to use it as bait to get Snorlax up the mountain. He waves it in front of Snorlax, but Snorlax merely wakes up, eats it whole, and pulls asleep again, much to Tracey�s horror.

Misty then suggests using a lure rather than bait. Minutes later, much to Tracey and Misty�s amusement, Ash is dressed up as a giant apple. Tracey wakes Snorlax up. Snorlax sees the "giant apple" and starts to run after it. Tracey is surprised that for such a big Pokemon, Snorlax can run very quickly.

Ash eventually reaches the top of the mountain, but trips up on a rock, letting Snorlax catch him up. Snorlax picks him up, and tries to take a bite out of him. Snorlax realises the apple is fake, and so falls asleep again. The gang are now faced with the task of getting Snorlax down the other side of the mountain. They see river nearby, and realise that they can build a raft to get Snorlax down. In no time at all, they�re flowing down the river... towards a giant waterfall! Before they can do anything, they sail right over it!

After landing in the small lake at the bottom of the waterfall, they all struggle around desperately calling for help. The boy from before turns up, and suggests they stand up. The gang all realise that the water they�re in is only knee-deep. The boy points towards the nearby Pokemon Center, and then disappears again.

The gang use the original log method to transport Snorlax to the Pokemon Center. Once there, they see a large group of people gathered around shouting. The boy is there, and explains that since the island has no airport, food supplies are delivered to the island in a cargo crate dropped out of a plane. However, the food for today hasn�t arrived yet, and so everybody is getting nervous. Nurse Joy announces into her microphone that the plane left Valencia Island successfully, and so should arrive soon. As if it was timed, the plane suddenly appears in everyone�s view. That view however, contains Team Rocket�s...

Team Rocket are sitting in some sort of robot. They spot the package and at the touch of a button, a long mechanical arm reaches out and grabs the food crate. Everybody sees this happen, and instantly follow the food crate. They come across Team Rocket who say their motto, and also say that everybody can have the food... providing Ash hands over Pikachu. Ash refuses, but everybody else seems to think it�s a fair deal. The boy from before steps in, and says they should all be ashamed of themselves. Meowth and Ash then agree that a battle can decide who gets to keep the food.

Ash has Pikachu use Thunderbolt. It hits the machine, but has no effect, as the machine simply absorbs it. Meowth has the machine use Fury Swipes, which drives Pikachu right into Ash�s hands. Team Rocket have won and prepare to take the food.

Suddenly, Snorlax comes walking towards the group, and it doesn�t look best pleased. Meowth tries to attack Snorlax, but Snorlax keeps dodging. The robots claws suddenly hit a rock and break off, but the robot has more tricks. He presses a button, and the top of the robot flies off at Snorlax in a Skull Bash attack. It hits Snorlax, but has no effect. Meowth then tries a "Turbo Body Slam." Unfortunately for him, it involves him being thrown towards Snorlax! He lands on Snorlax�s belly, and instantly bounces back out again. Snorlax uses Hyper Beam at Team Rocket, sending them "Blasting Off Again!" Snorlax starts running towards Ash. Ash runs towards it too, think it wants a hug, but Snorlax simply runs right past Ash towards the crate of food. Snorlax eats a few packages of food, before falling asleep.

Later that day, Nurse Joy hands Ash a mended Pokeball, and Ash finally returns Snorlax. She also informs him that the sea has calmed down considerably, meaning he can finally set off for the next island.

This episode guide has been written by Typhlosion.

Pokémon Food Fight! Trivia:

 This episode aired before "The Pokémon Water War" in the U.S.
 This is the first time we see that Pokéballs can be broken.
 This episode marks the first ever time that Ash accidentally sends out the wrong Pokémon.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

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