PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: The Double Trouble Header
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The Double Trouble Header

< Dont Touch That 'Dile | A Sappy Ending >
Johto Journeys
Japanese Title
The Rookie's Chikorita!
English Title
The Double Trouble Header
Spanish Title
Dos encuentros problemáticos
French Title
Leçon de Base-ball
Italian Title
Una giovane Allenatrice
German Title
Im Team gegen Team Rocket
Who's that Pokémon?
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This episode is essential viewing because:
Introduces Casey for the first time.

Casey catches a Rattata.

After leaving New Bark Town, Ash & Co. are on their way to Violet City, where Ash can compete to win his first Johto League Gym Badge. While walking along they start thinking about the new Pokémon they have already seen, saying how good it was to see a Totodile and a Cyndaquil, but are disappointed that they didn't get to see a Chikorita. As luck would have it, they soon come across a girl dressed in baseball gear training her Pokémon, a Chikorita, beside the road. They decide to watch her. Suddenly a Rattata jumps out of the bushes. The girl orders her Chikorita to use Tackle, but the Rattata dodges it. It launches another Tackle, which hits, knocking the Rattata out. The girl throws a Pokeball and catches it. After singing a victory song and recalling Chikorita, the girl turns around and notices Ash & Co. She rushes up to them, excited to see a Pikachu. She picks it up off of Ash's shoulder and starts hugging it. Ash tells her to be careful as Pikachu may shock her. She wonders if it would and tells it to do so. Ash tries to stop her, but they both end up getting shocked.

Later, after recovering from the shocking experience with Pikachu, the girl introduces herself as Casey, a new Pokémon Trainer. Brock asks her if she got her Chikorita from Professor Elm, which she confirms. They then proceed to introduce themselves to her. Casey explains that she is a huge fan of yellow Pokémon, especially ones with stripes and that her ambition is to one day catch an Electabuzz and possibly end up having a whole team of yellow, striped Pokémon. Ash asks her why she likes yellow and striped Pokémon, so she explains that her family have been fans of the Electabuzz Baseball Team for three generations. Ash points out that the Electabuzz Team always finish in last place. Angered, Casey challenges him to a Pokémon match. After a short argument, he accepts.

They both agree to a three on three Pokémon battle. From the sidelines Misty tells him to be quick as they have to get to Violet City. He tells her that it won't take him long to win the match. The match begins with Casey sending out a Pidgey. Ash send out Charizard. Cased orders Pidgey to use Quick Attack, but it doesn't even phase Charizard. Charizard then blows a small jet of air out of it's nose, defeating Pidgey. Recalling Pidgey, Casey sends out her Rattata and orders it to use Tackle, but just the act of attacking Charizard proves too much and it is knocked out. She recalls Rattata. Ash tells her that it may be best if she just quits, but she refuses, sending Chikorita into battle. She orders it to use Vine Whip, which wraps around Charizard's throat. Ash orders Charizard to use a small Flamethrower. Chikorita manages to dodge most of it but ends up with its leaf alight. After running around trying to put it's leaf out, it faints in exhaustion, causing Casey to lose the battle. She recalls Chikorita. Brock and Misty try to cheer her up, telling her that she did well for a beginner. Ash offers his hand in friendship, but Casey, still upset, runs away crying.

Running through the forest still crying, Casey ends up tripping up over a rock and falling to the ground. After remembering the day she left home on her Pokémon Journey, with her family telling her to never give up, she picks herself up and, with new determination, vows to keep trying and to never give up, just like the Electabuzz Team. After hearing this Team Rocket, dressed in Electabuzz baseball gear, jump out and start cheering for her. She asks them if they are baseball players. They tell her that they are Electabuzz fans and that they saw her defeat at the hands of Ash. Jessie tells her that she had no chance against him and implies that the only reason he won was because he cheated. She tells Casey that he is known for breaking a "rule" that forbids using a Charizard against new trainers, and then laughing about it. This angers Casey, making her determined to get even with him. Jessie suggests that she battle him again. Which Casey agrees to.

About to begin their second match at a baseball stadium, Casey tells Ash not to be overconfident just because he beat her once. Brock then starts to cheer for her. Misty asks him why he isn't cheering for Ash, but he explains that he usually roots for the underdog and that the underdog is usually Ash. Misty, understanding the logic behind this, also starts cheering for Casey. The battle begins with Casey sending out Chikorita. Ash sends in Pikachu. Casey orders Chikorita to use Sweet Scent, putting Pikachu off guard and giving Chikorita time to get in with a Tackle.

Commentating from inside a giant scoreboard, Team Rocket discuss their plan of taking Ash and Casey's Pokémon after they have been worn out through battling. Meowth then pushes a button on a control box he is holding, causing a group of robots dressed in the Electabuzz Team colours to appear in the stands cheering for Casey.

Back on the field, Casey thanks her "fans". Ash orders Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, but Chikorita blocks it by spinning it's leaf around, using it as a shield. Casey orders another Tackle attack, which hits. Suddenly a Team Rocket machine appears on the field, twirling a baseball bat around. Casey, thinking it's something to do with Ash, tells him that she's ready for his tricks. Ash tells her that he doesn't need tricks to win and assumes the machine is something to do with her. Casey says that as an Electabuzz fan she always plays by the rules. The machine starts to move forward, towards Pikachu and Chikorita. Pikachu jumps in front of Chikorita, defending it, but the machine hits them both with it's bat, sending them flying off of the field.

As Ash and Casey run after their Pokémon, Team Rocket appear from the stands in a cloud of pink smoke reciting their motto. Ash tells Casey who they are, which makes her angry that she was fooled by a group of thieves. Meowth then presses another button on his control box, causing three new machines to appear and start firing baseballs at Ash and Casey. Ash gets knocked down, but Casey pulls out her baseball bat and starts knocking the balls back. Ash then send out Squirtle and Bulbasaur to combat Team Rocket, while Casey sends out Pidgey and Rattata. Squirtle and Bulbasaur bat the balls back at Team Rocket, and Pidgey and Rattata attack James, causing him to let go of Pikachu and Chikorita. After getting their Pokémon back, Ash and Casey order Pikachu and Chikorita to attack, Chikorita using Razor Leaf and Pikachu using Thunderbolt. They then order both Pokémon to use a double Tackle attack sending Team Rocket blasting off.

That evening Casey apologises for being tricked by Team Rocket and says that she will keep training to become a great trainer like Ash. Ash says that he will need to keep training as she will be tough to beat. Casey tells Pikachu that if she ever gets her own team of yellow Pokémon she hopes that they will all be as brave and beautiful as he is. As they part ways, Ash & Co. wish Casey luck on her journey. Brock says that Casey is going to be a very interesting young lady and begins to wonder if she has a sister. Ash comments that he can't wait until they meet again as when they do she won't be a rookie anymore; she'll be a pro. And as they go their separate ways, Ash and Casey both have the same goal; to be the best Pokémon Trainers they can be.

This episode guide has been written by The Librarian.

The Double Trouble Header Trivia:

 Team Rocket use a variation of their motto in this episode.
 The baseball teams featured in this episode are representations of real-life Japanese baseball teams, with the Electabuzz based on the Hanshin Tigers, and the teams with Magikarp and Starmie logos representing Hiroshima Toyo Carp and the Yokohama Bay Stars respectively.
 In the original Japanese episode, Ash claims that Casey will be his new rival.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< Dont Touch That 'Dile | A Sappy Ending >


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