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Grin To Win

< Charizard's Burning Ambition | Chikorita's Big Upset >
Johto Journeys
Japanese Title
Big Panic! Sunflora Contest!!
English Title
Grin To Win
Spanish Title
Sonreíd para ganar
French Title
Sourira bien qui sourira le dernier
Italian Title
Un sorriso per vincere
German Title
Sonnflora des Jahres
Who's that Pokémon?

Still on their way to Azalea Town, Ash & Co. are wandering along, thirsty. Ash asks Brock how far away the next town is. He tells him that they aren't that far away from a place called Bloomingvale. Ash then notices a leaking water pipe, as a girl comes along to fix it. They go up to her and ask if they can have a drink from the pipe as they have no water. She allows them to. Brock tries to chat her up, but Misty drags him away. While they fill up their water canteens, Misty thanks the girl and introduces herself. The girl introduces herself to them as Sonrisa, before starting to fix the pipe. Brock takes her tools from her, saying that he will do it, but the pipe sprays him in the face.

She takes them to Bloomingvale, leading them to her house. She turns on the sprinklers and shouts for her Pokémon; three Sunflora, to come out. Brock comments that the water seems to be making them happy. She explains that pure water makes them happy, and they have to be happy or else they don't have a chance at the Sunflora Festival. Ash asks what the festival is, so she tells him that it's an annual celebration in Bloomingvale. Part of the festival is a competition to see who has the best Sunflora. As they talk, another Sunflora trainer walks by, gossiping about another person and his Sunflora. Brock asks Sonrisa if the trainer who just walked by is a friend of hers. She tells him that the trainer, Cyrus, has been the winner of the Sunflora of the Year award for the past three years. Misty comments that the towns trainers seem as if they will do anything to win, so Sonrisa points out some other trainers methods. Brock asks her what she does, so she tells him that she just gives them fresh air, clear water and tries to keep them happy. Noticing one of her Sunflora looking unhappy, he goes over to it and tries to cheer it up, but to no avail. Pikachu tries too, with the same results. Wandering over, Sonrisa explains that this particular Sunflora is her prized Pokémon and that she was going to enter it in the competition the next day, but lately it's been looking very sad. Brock asks her to let him, Misty and Ash try to cheer her Sunflora up, when all three run back into the greenhouse. Misty wonders why they went inside, so Sonrisa explains that they are waiting for the sun to set as they go to sleep when it does. She closes the greenhouse door, wishing her Pokémon goodnight.

A little while later, Ash & Co. decide to go to a Pokémon Center so they themselves can get some sleep.

That night, with everyone asleep, Team Rocket break into one of the towns many greenhouses. Noticing all of the Sunflora, Jessie and James suggest stealing them all, but Meowth has a better idea. They could enter the Sunflora Contest. Jessie wants to know why. He tells them that the grand prize is a years supply of instant noodles. Upon hearing this, they're convinced. Meowth shines a torch on the Sunflora, causing them to wake up so they can see which one would be the best to steal. As they inspect the Sunflora, Meowth trips and pushes a button on the wall. A net drops down, trapping him, as an alarm sounds. Jessie and James escape, leaving him behind.

After hearing the alarm, Ash & Co. arrive at the greenhouse to find Cyrus. They ask what's going on, so he explains, showing them Meowth. He seems upset at having been left behind by his team members. Misty, coming up with an idea, convinces Cyrus to release Meowth to them.

Arriving back at the Pokémon Center, Meowth thanks them. They tell him that they didn't do it for nothing, and that there is something that he can do to help them. He asks what it is.

Also wandering around town is Madame Muchmoney's Snubbull.

The next morning, Ash & Co. take Meowth to Sonrisa, hoping that it can find out what is making her Sunflora; Sunny, unhappy. After a short conversation, Meowth explains that Sunflora is unhappy since another Sunflora it used to play with isn't around any more. Sonrisa asks which one, so Meowth tells her that it was one that used to live a little further down the street. She recognizes the description as one of Cyrus' Sunflora. Suddenly a rope grabs hold of Meowth, and Jessie and James drag him away. Misty shouts her thanks after him.

A few minutes later, they go to see Cyrus, who tells them that he traded that particular Sunflora to Nurse Joy the previous day. They go to the Pokémon Center, and Nurse Joy shows them the Sunflora; Grindella, she got from Cyrus. Sunny and Grindella happily reunite, giving Sunny it's smile back. Nurse Joy tells Sonrisa that she can bring Sunny over to the Pokémon Center whenever she likes.

Later, at the Sunflora Festival, the competitors line up to enter their Sunflora. In line, Team Rocket have disguised themselves and, unable to get a real Sunflora, have had to settle for dressing Meowth up as one.

At the competition, Cyrus enters with a giant Sunflora, Sonrisa enters with Sunny, and the only other entry is Team Rocket and Meowth-flora. As the judges comment on each Sunflora, Snubbull appears and, noticing Meowth, runs onstage, destroys the disguise and bites onto Meowth's tail. As the judges realise that Meowth isn't a Sunflora, Team Rocket throw a smoke bomb and, ditching their disguises, recite their motto. They grab a hold of Meowth, remove Snubbull from his tail, and throw it away. Putting their Plan B into action, they use some huge mirrors to reflect the sunlight towards the Sunflora, causing their heads to grow too big and heavy for them to hold up. As all of the Sunflora trainers tend to their Pokémon, Team Rocket remotely float their balloon over the stage and use a net to steal the noodles. As they are about to escape, Ash & Co. step in their way. Jessie sends out Arbok, so Ash sends Chikorita into battle. He orders it to use Vine Whip, but Arbok dodges. Misty sends in Poliwag, who uses it's tail to attack Arbok. Jessie orders it to use Poison Sting, but Poliwag dodges it. James remotely makes the balloon lift off with the noodles, but Ash orders Chikorita to use Razor Leaf, cutting them free. Angered, James sends in Weezing. Ash orders Pikachu to use Thundershock, but Chikorita knocks it out of the way. The attack does however destroy the mirrors, returning the Sunflora to normal. Sonrisa then sends in Sunny, who uses Solar Beam to send Team Rocket blasting off again.

Later, as the judging resumes, the judges make their decision. Due to how happy it looks, and the strength of it's Solar Beam, they name Sonrisa's Sunflora the winner.

Later that day, Sonrisa thanks Ash & Co. for all their help. Brock tries to chat her up again, but Misty pulls him away. She waves them off as they continue on their journey towards Azalea Town.

And also on the road, Snubbull continues on it's search for Meowth.

This episode guide has been written by The Librarian.

Grin To Win Trivia:

 Meowth dresses up as a Sunflora in this episode - a disguise he uses repeatedly later on in the anime.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

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