PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Wired For Battle
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Wired For Battle

< Mild 'n Wooly | Good 'Quil Hunting >
Johto Journeys
Japanese Title
Let's Battle! Scizor VS Heracross!!
English Title
Wired For Battle
Spanish Title
Conectado para el combate
French Title
Engagé pour combattre
Italian Title
Incontri virtuali
German Title
Verkabelter Pokémon-Kampf
Who's that Pokémon?

It's another perfect day as Ash & Co. continue on their journey towards Azalea Town. What they don't realise is that they are being stalked by a familiar troublesome trio. They are about to dig a pitfall trap for our heroes, when a man approaches them, asking if they are looking for a Pokémon Battle. They get ready so send out their Pokémon, and as the camera pans out, a Scizor leaps towards them through the trees, followed by a scream

Walking along, Ash hears something. Misty and Brock ask what it was. He tells them that it sounded like someone screaming.

Back with Team Rocket, and they have been soundly defeated. James is about to suggest a rematch, when Meowth suggests running away, which they do. After they've gone, the man complains to his Scizor about the fact that there don't seem to be any strong Pokémon Trainers around.

As they walk along, Ash & Co. hear something swoop overhead. Scizor appears, so Ash tells Pikachu to get ready. Pikachu and Scizor stand facing each other, neither of them making a move, but both of them prepared to strike. Ash is about to order Pikachu to attack, when Brock points out that the Scizor is waiting for him to make the first move, and if it's the wrong one, things could go very badly. Ash asks him what he should do. Brock tells him that he doesn't know, but points out that the Scizor doesn't seem to have a trainer, when the man appears, telling them that he is Scizor's trainer. Scizor jumps away and lands at his side. Misty shouts at him for letting his Pokémon run loose, but he explains that they were just doing some secret training. She starts shouting at him again, but Brock drags her away. He apologises to Ash, introducing himself as Muramasa, and his Scizor as Masamune. He tells Ash that he is impressed, both with him and Pikachu, telling him that he is just the trainer he has been looking for.

He takes them to his Dojo, telling them that trainers from all over the world come to him to help them strengthen themselves and their Pokémon. Noticing him, all of the students bow, wishing him a good morning. As he shows them around, another student watches them while working on his Laptop. Muramasa leaves them with one of his students. Misty comments on how polite everyone is. Brock says that Muramasa must be a very accomplished trainer if so many people go to him to be taught. The student tells them that Muramasa used to be one of the top trainers around, but after winning so much, he decided to pass on his knowledge to younger trainers. But Muramasa isn't the only impressive one, his Scizor; Masamune, is such a strong and fast Pokémon, people used to call it the Crimson Streak.

In the trees near the Dojo, Team Rocket spy on Muramasa and Masamune.

Back in the Dojo, Ash comments on how cool Masamune is. Another student, the one with then Laptop, arrives, saying that it used to be. Muramasa introduces him as Shingo, his top student, saying that perhaps Ash could interest him in a Pokémon Battle. Ash agrees, and challenges him. Shingo sits down and looks Ash up on his Laptop. When they ask what he's looking at, he shows them his trainer files; information and statistics on noteworthy trainers going back five years. Muramasa turns away, unimpressed.

Up in the trees, Team Rocket overhear all of this. They decide to try and steal the information off of Shingo's hard drive to give them an advantage in battle.

As he looks Ash up on his Laptop, Shingo reels off numerous bits of information, saying that he must have been lucky to have managed to get into the Top 16 at the Indigo Plateau. Ash tells him that he is a much better trainer now, and is eager to start the battle. Shingo refuses, telling him that after looking at his data he has decided that Ash would lose. Ash doesn't care what the data says and insists on a battle, but one of the students points out that Shingo is probably right. Shingo tells them that he no longer needs to battle, since he has all of the information he needs at his fingertips, telling Muramasa that if he wants him to battle, he will have to find him a trainer who can teach him something he doesn't already know. This angers Ash.

Later that day, as they enjoy their dinner, Muramasa tells them that Shingo has been like he currently is now for about a year, insisting that he can learn everything he needs to learn from his Pokémon Database and that battling is unnecessary since he can predict the outcome of any battle. Muramasa tells them that Shingo has lost his way, forgetting the true spirit of Pokémon, and that he needs someone to challenge him and make him battle to get him away from his computer. Ash becomes determined to battle him, to show him that Pokémon Battling isn't about databases, but about Trainer and Pokémon working together, as a team. Muramasa thanks him, telling him that he knew he was someone he could depend on.

A few minutes later, Ash goes to Shingo again, challenging him to a Pokémon Battle. He refuses, but Ash insists. With no-one looking, Meowth plugs a cable into Shingo's Laptop. On the ground, James gets ready to download the data, but Jessie starts pulling the cable "downloading" Shingo's whole computer. If falls to the ground, with Meowth hanging on. As she pulls it towards them, Masamune appears and cuts the cable. Jessie pulls the last of the cable, but when she notices the severed end, stands up, noticing Masamune holding Meowth in it's claws. They scream, alerting everyone in the Dojo.

As Masamune towers over them, Ash & Co. along with Shingo and Muramasa arrive. Team Rocket send out all of their Pokémon to battle. Shingo rushes over to his Laptop, but Arbok launches itself at him. Muramasa orders Masamune to defend him, knocking Arbok back. Shingo asks who they are, causing them to recite their motto. Ash gets ready to battle, saying that he will go after Jessie's Pokémon and is about to ask Shingo to go after James' when he notices him sat down, trying to look the Trio up on his Laptop. He can't find anything on them. They goad him, telling him that since they aren't in his Database, it must be incomplete and not worth stealing. Angered, he sends out his Pokémon; another Scizor, this one named Blade. He tells them that it is his most powerful Pokémon, and that it is faster, stronger and has more stamina than Masamune. He sits down with his Laptop, ready to analyze the battle, much to Team Rocket's annoyance. They order their Pokémon to attack, with Meowth even joining in. Noticing their slow reaction time, he tells Blade that a Quick Attack should do it. It attacks, defeating the Pokémon and sending Team Rocket blasting off again. Muramasa seems happy to see Shingo battling. Ash challenges him again. After a short disagreement about Pokémon Battles, Shingo accepts.

The battle is about to begin. A one on one fight, with Shingo using Blade. Ash sends in Heracross. The battle begins, with Shingo ordering a Quick Attack. Heracross uses Leer. Analyzing the battle on his Laptop, Shingo predicts that it shouldn't take very long and orders Blade to increase it's speed. Heracross is knocked back, but manages to get up. Blade uses Metal Claw, grabbing hold of Heracross' horn. Shingo orders it to lift it up and toss it, but Heracross manages to land safely without taking any damage, much to Shingo's surprise. Ash orders it to use Horn Attack, but Scizor manages to dodge most of it, catching a small scratch. Surprised, Shingo does a quick analysis and allows the computer to choose his next attack. Ash orders Heracross to use Take Down, and Shingo orders Blade to use Agility. Since Scizor is now too fast to keep an eye on, Ash orders Heracross to relax and wait for Scizor to come to him. Shingo doesn't understand, and begins to have trouble watching the battle and his computer at the same time. Heracross, relaxed, manages to track Scizor and attacks with Fury Attack. Shingo orders Blade to use Metal Claw, but Heracross throws it into the air. Leaving his Laptop on the ground, Shingo finally begins taking notice of the battle. Heracross manages to knock Scizor back, so Shingo orders it to use Quick Attack. Heracross uses Tackle, but is too slow for Scizor. Shingo orders Blade to use Metal Claw, but Heracross dodges. He orders it to use Agility, then to finish Heracross off with False Swipe. Heracross stands it's ground, and manages to launch Scizor through the air, finishing the battle off with Horn Attack. Muramasa declares Ash the winner. Shingo goes over to see if his Pokémon is alright. Muramasa asks him about his computer, but Shingo tells him that he doesn't need it anymore. Ash thanks Shingo for the battle. Shingo tells him that he will begin analyzing his strengths and weaknesses, but this time without his Laptop and hopes to one day battle Ash again.

And on a road somewhere, a battered Team Rocket are beginning to wish that Shingo's computer had been the thing to crash, not them.

This episode guide has been written by The Librarian.

Wired For Battle Trivia:

 The appearance of Scizor in this episode is the first appearance of a recognised Steel type in the anime.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

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