PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Good 'Quil Hunting
Episode Guides |
Good 'Quil Hunting

< Wired For Battle | Shadow Of A Drought >
Johto Journeys
Japanese Title
Cyndaquil! Catch It!!
English Title
Good 'Quil Hunting
Spanish Title
Buena caza de 'Quil
French Title
Tout feu tout flamme
Italian Title
Un prezioso alleato
German Title
Feurige Jagd
Who's that Pokémon?
This episode is essential viewing because:
Ash catches a Cyndaquil.

The gang find themselves lost in a forest on the way to Azalea Town. They argue about which way to go. Suddenly a trainer walks up and asks them if they've seen any wild Cyndaquil. They answer that they haven't. The warms them to stay away if they see any. Misty says whoever finds it first would have the right to catch it. He storms off. While they were talking Ash has wandered.

Ash is searching for a Cyndaquil. Pikachu sniffs the ground, trying to help. Brock and Misty are on his trail, with Team Rocket watching from their balloon. They talk about how they struggled for weeks to save money for their latest weapon. They manoever the fruits of their labours, the Meowthanator Impersonator, towards Brock and Misty. They rise out of the head, reciting the motto.

Misty tells them Ash and Pikachu aren't here. Team Rocket get back inside and move off again. Ash and Pikachu still haven't found a Cyndaquil, when Team Rocket's robot lands nearby. Thunderbolt does nothing to it, except power it. The robot raises an arm and fires several bubblegum bombs at Ash and Pikachu, who manage to dodge them. They run for it. In Team Rocket's haste to move the robot falls over.

Team Rocket chase Ash down a hill. He dives behind a tree. They use an eyebeam to locate him and fire some more bubblegum bombs. Ash runs off again. TR give chase but the robot trips over a branch. Ash runs into a clearing and looks up a rock face to see an opening to a cave. In front of the opening, standing on a ledge is a Cyndaquil! He checks it with the Pokédex and then begins to climb up the rocks. The other trainer (we never learn his name) stands nearby, where Ash can't see him and sends out a Sandlash.

He orders the Sandslash to kick up sand on the ledge. It does so, and Ash begins sliding back down the rocks. The other trainer runs after Cyndaquil, into the cave. Just as Ash us about to follow, TR's robot turns up. Ash calls out he doesn't have time to deal with the 'bucket o' bolts' and runs into the cave. Inside, Ash sees the Cyndaquil but is knocked over by the other trainer's Sandslash. TR fire a puttyball into the cave and Ash begins running for his life as it bounces behind him.

Meanwhile, the other trainer has cornered Cyndaquil and orders his Sandslash to use a Poison Sting. Ash runs past and grabs it quickly. The other trainer is about to give chase, but is bowled over by the puttyball. It hits a wall and explodes, throwing Ash Pikachu and Cyndaquil out of the cave. The robot stands over them and Ash glares at it.

The robot raises another arm and fires some more bubblegum bombs. Ash and the Pokémon are knocked backwards into the face of the cliff. Ash tells Cyndaquil to get away, quickly. It runs up the cliff. TR's robot is about to punch it when the flames on Cydaquil's back flare up. It uses a massive flamethrower that cars the robot. The raised fist disintigrates and TR work out what's about to come next...

Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt to break the bubblegum holding him and his trainer. Ash then throws a Pokéball into the flames as the robot overloads and explodes, sending TR blasting off. Ash gets up and sees the Pokéball lying on the ground. Cyndaquil is nowhere to be seen. He throws the red and white painted ball and Cydnaquil emerges from it.

Brock and Misty arrive. Ash explains how he caught Cyndquil with the Pokéball, without even thinking. Just then, the other trainer and his Sandslash run up. Ash orders him to call off his Sandslash, and tells him the Cyndaquil is his now. The trainer challenges Ash to a one on one battle. The winner gets to keep Cyndaquil. Misty and Brock cry out not to. Ash is persuaded eventually when the other trainer suggest he may be afraid. He decides to use Cyndaquil against the trainer's more experienced Sandslash and seems confident.

The scene changes to the start of the battle. Sandslash commences with Fury Swipes. Cyndaquil dodges it. Ash orders a Flamethrower but Cyndaquil just stands there. Sandslash uses a Slash attack. Again, Ash's Pokémon dodges it. Then Sandslash repeatedly uses Fury Swipes. Cyndaquil repeatedly dodges the attacks, exhausting the Sandslash. Cyndaquil still won't attack. Sandslash starts up the Fury swipes again.

The trainer orders a sand attack. The sand hits Cyndaquil in the face. Next, it's a swift attack. Cyndaquil falls to the ground, but gets back up again. Sandslash continues to use Swift. Cyndaquil tries to run but gets hit again. Ash tells Cyndaquil to dodge the attack like he has been doing. Eventually it gets hit by one of Sandslash's Scratch attacks. When Sandslash tries to finish it off with Fury Swipes, Cyndaquil jumps up and it gets it's claw stuck in tree. Cyndaquil uses a head on Tackle and Sandslash faints.

The trainer recalls Sandslash and gets out a Butterfly net (or a Butterfee net, perhaps!). He runs at Cyndaquil with it, intent on taking it. Then, Cyndaquil flares up again and uses a Flamethrower on the trainer, who runs off yelling. Brock and Misty congratulate Ash, saying he earned Cyndaquil the hard way. As Ash is holding Cyndaquil, Pikachu celebrates Ash's his capture by puting his claws into the trademark v-sign. The scene changes to Team Rocket, working in a quarry. They take a break to look at the stars. The foreman comes over and yells at them to get back to work. Then the picture moves into the top left-hand corner of the screen and guess what? >TO BE CONTINUED

This episode guide has been written by AR.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< Wired For Battle | Shadow Of A Drought >


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