PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Shadow Of A Drought
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Shadow Of A Drought

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Johto Journeys
Japanese Title
Azalea Town! Slowpoke's Well!!
English Title
Shadow Of A Drought
Spanish Title
Amenaza de sequía
French Title
Etat de sècheresse
Italian Title
Tempo di siccità
German Title
Die Regenmacher
Who's that Pokémon?
This episode is essential viewing because:
Ash and Co. meet Kurt for the first time.

Today on their adventure, Ash & Co. are wandering along in the baking sun, hot and thirsty. Misty has an idea and sends out Staryu, ordering it to use Water Gun to cool them off. It aims up in the air and sprays, causing the water to fall like rain. Ash follows her lead, sending Squirtle out and ordering it to use Water Gun too. It takes this the wrong way, spraying a jet of water straight at Ash, sending him crashing into a huge rock a few feet away.

Team Rocket are also in the same situation. Jessie and James notice Meowth having a drink of water and ask for their share. He hands them the canteen, but it's empty, angering the two. He then points into the distance towards a well. Jessie thinks it's a trick, but James sees it too. They rush over. Meowth tries to pump some water up, with Jessie and James waiting expectantly at the spout, but all that emerges is a stream of sand; the well has dried up. Meowth pulls out a set of divining rods to help them find an underground spring. After a short walk the rods move apart, so he tells them where to dig. After a few second, they tire out, so Meowth produces a remote control. Upon pressing a button, a giant Diglett robot appears from below ground. After entering the machine, they begin digging down in search of water. It isn't long before they crash down through the roof of a large cavern. Exiting the machine they notice a large underground lake. They rush over and take a long awaited drink. After doing so, they notice hundreds of pairs of glowing, red eyes watching them through the darkness. They huddle together for safety. James, wondering what they are, shines a torch towards the nearest pair of eyes, revealing it to be a Slowpoke. He begins to wonder why they are all down there, when Meowth discovers a sign welcoming them to the Slowpoke Well. After reading from the sign and discovering that, according to local folklore, the Slowpoke of the well have the ability to end a drought just by Yawning, they decide to steal the Pokémon. They attempt to grab the Slowpoke, but they just slip away. Meowth decides to deploy a secret weapon.

Arriving just outside Azalea Town, Ash & Co. cross a bridge, noticing the river below has dried up. Ash is eager to get to the Gym, but Misty reminds him that they have to deliver the G/S Ball to Kurt first. He says that he will do it once they have been to the Gym, saying that it can wait, but she asks why going to the Gym can't wait instead. As they argue, Brock notices a sign informing that, due to the drought, water conservation measures are in place. As such, all schools, public buildings and the Gym are closed until further notice. Hearing this, Ash decides that they had better deliver the G/S Ball.

As they wander through the town, they notice Slowpoke all over the place. Ash accidentally treads on ones tail. He apologises and they continue walking. After a delayed reaction, the Slowpoke sits up, cradling it's injured tail. One of the townspeople notices the Slowpoke and cries out, causing most of the town to appear and gang up on Ash & Co. They angrily chase after them, intent on getting revenge for the Slowpoke.

They manage to outrun the mob, arriving in a park where a man dressed as a Slowpoke hands them some Slowpoke costumes, ordering them to put them on. When they hear the mob approaching, they take his advice. The mob arrives but, unable to find Ash & Co. leave a few minutes later. Ash thanks the man, who explains that the people of the town treat Slowpoke like gold. Brock asks why, so the man tells them that almost 400 years ago, there was a drought in Azalea Town just like current one. It continued for ages, but one day a Slowpoke appeared. As the people watched it, it yawned. As soon as it had done so, the skies clouded and for the first time in ages, rain fell, saving the whole town. Since then the people of Azalea Town have treated all Slowpoke with great honour and respect. Misty asks why he is dressed as a Slowpoke. He begins to explain himself, when he remembers something. He excuses himself and runs off.

The man arrives at his destination, the Slowpoke Well, when he notices Team Rocket's Diglett robot chasing the Slowpoke around. He tries to stop them, but since he is still dressed as a Slowpoke, they mistake him for one and charge at him. He attempts to run, but hurts his back and is knocked down.

Wandering about, Ash & Co. come across a little girl. They ask her if she knows where Kurt lives, so she points at the house they are stood outside of. They thanks her and try the intercom. She tells them that he won't be back until later in the day. Ash asks if she is his next door neighbour, but she tells them that she is his granddaughter. They ask her if she knows where he went. She replies, telling them that he went to the Slowpoke Well. Misty asks her how long ago he left, but the girl can't remember. She does however tell them that he went down after hearing an odd noise coming from the well and went down to investigate.

Ash & Co. arrive at the Slowpoke Well. As they walk inside they hear a groaning and find the man in the Slowpoke costume sprawled out on the ground. Brock asks him what he's doing, but he says there is no time to explain as there is a giant robot going after the Slowpoke. Going further into the well, they see the robot catch a group of Slowpoke in a net. Team Rocket them emerge from the top, reciting their motto. They launch more nets, grabbing even more Slowpoke. The man in the Slowpoke costume asks Ash to save the Pokémon. He gets ready to order Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, but Team Rocket point out that an electrical attack will shock all of the Slowpoke in the well too. He sends in Heracross, who somehow manages to lift the robot and toss it through the air. As it flies through the air, Meowth launches a missile, knocking Heracross down. Ash recalls it. Team Rocket, deciding they have caught all of the Slowpoke they need, tunnel away in their machine. With the threat gone, the rest of the Slowpoke start making their way out of the well and up onto a cliff overlooking the well's entrance. They all sit down as one and yawn. Suddenly a storm brews and the rain finally comes. As the rain drains into the Slowpoke well, a torrent of water rushes down the hole Team Rocket created, washes their machine out of the ground and breaks it in half. As the Trio emerge from the top half of their robot, they notice Ash and Pikachu watching them. He orders it to use Thunder, sending Team Rocket blasting off again. The captured Slowpoke escape from the bottom half, reuniting with the others.

Later that day, back in town, Brock notices that both the townspeople and the Slowpoke seem happy that the rain has arrived. The man in the Slowpoke costume thanks them, declaring them the town's new heroes and telling them that everyone now realises that they injured the Slowpoke by accident. He offers to give them a tour of the town, but Misty tells him that they have to find a man named Kurt. The man removes the head of his costume, declaring that he is Kurt and asking why they are looking for him.

To Be Continued...

This episode guide has been written by The Librarian.

Shadow Of A Drought Trivia:

 Team Rocket attack the Slowpoke Well in this episode, mirroring the events of Pokémon Gold/Silver.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

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