PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: No Big Woop!
Episode Guides |
No Big Woop!

< The Fire-ing Squad! | Tunnel Vision >
Johto Journeys
Japanese Title
Lots of Wooper!
English Title
No Big Woop!
Spanish Title
No, gran Woop
French Title
Fugueur à faire peur
Italian Title
Così piccoli eppure così forti
German Title
Die Felino-Schule
Who's that Pokémon?

Today on their adventure, Ash & Co. continue on their way to Goldenrod City. As they walk along, they notice a house in the valley below them. As they wonder what the building is for, something cold and wet lands on Brock's neck. As he panics, he slips, falling down the cliff face and into the valley. As he comes to a stop at the bottom of the cliff, a girl notices him and runs over to see if he's alright. The thing on his neck; revealing itself to be a Wooper, jumps off and into the girl's arms. He assures her that he is fine, then tries to chat her up, but Misty, having arrived at the bottom, drags him away. Ash apologises for him. Misty comes back and asks the girl; Olesia, what the building is for. She tells them that it's a preschool for Wooper.

A few minutes later, as she explains her reasons for building the preschool, Ash looks the Wooper up in his PokéDex. When it states that the are the pre-evolution of Quagsire, he remember his previous adventure with Wooper's evolved form. Misty asks how Olesia teaches the Wooper, so she offers to show them. She takes out a tambourine and starts playing it. As she does so, the Wooper start swimming and singing to the beat. As Ash and Misty sit admiring the Wooper, Brock sits admiring Olesia.

Out in the forest, Team Rocket are looking for food. Jessie finds a mushroom, but refuses to share it. Meowth points out that she had better not eat it as it's a poisonous one. She throws it away, upset at having to scrounge around for food. James suggests calling the Boss and asking for some cash, but Meowth doesn't think he will send any as they haven't sent him any Pokémon. They decide to go in search of a rare Pokémon, or, failing that, a snack.

Back with Ash & Co. and Olesia has prepared them a snack. As they sit down to eat it, she gets a phone call. She answers it, and it seems to be bad news. Once she has hung up, Misty asks if everything is alright. She tells them that her mother lives over in the next town, and that she has fallen down the stairs and broken her leg. She wants to go and see her to make sure she is alright, but she has no-one to call on to care for the Wooper. Brock tells her to go, saying that they will take care of the Wooper while she is visiting her mother. She says that she couldn't ask them to do so, but they insist. Grateful, she thanks them, telling them that she shouldn't be gone very long.

Later, before she goes, she hands Brock a booklet on how to look after the Wooper. She rides off on her scooter, telling them that she won't be long. They go back to the Wooper's pond, only to find it empty. Pikachu points out a trail of water leading away from the pond. They follow the track to inside the building, and find the Wooper eating whatever food they can find. Misty says that they had better get them out before they wreck the place. After consulting the booklet and reading that they behave when presented with food and affection, Brock brings out some of his home made Pokémon food. One Wooper walks over to him and licks his face. Soon he is covered in them and unable to move. After rescuing him from the Wooper, Ash reads in the booklet that Wooper will obey commands more easily if a tambourine is used. Misty tells them that the tambourine is her favourite instrument and brings one out. As she plays, all of the Wooper cover their ears. Disheartened, she drops the tambourine to the floor. Togepi picks it up and starts shaking it, causing the Wooper to sing and sway to the beat. It leads them outside and back to their pond. After getting the Wooper back to their rightful place, they notice one missing; Olesia's favourite.

As Brock sits sulking and shaking the tambourine, Ash and Misty go in search of the missing Wooper. They hear a crash come from the kitchen and find the wayward Wooper sat in the sink. It jumps away as Ash tries to grab it, when as Misty tries, it knocks three huge stacks of plates causing her to have to balance them as Wooper runs off. Ash orders Pikachu to follow it. It knocks a basket of cutlery down, nearly impaling Pikachu. They chase it outside and notice it climbing the cliff. Slowly, they climb after it. As Wooper reaches the top, Misty decided that it isn't as cute as it used to be. As they reach the top, it runs off again.

They soon find it crossing a rope bridge. Ash tries to run after it, but the bridge starts to creak. As they make their way carefully across, one of the boards breaks away. Wooper hops back towards them. When Misty suggests going back to the pond, it begins jumping up and down. Pikachu tries to catch it, but it slips away and runs off the bridge into the forest. As they try to make it the rest of the way across, the rope snaps. As he and Misty hang on for dear life, Ash orders Pikachu to go on ahead and catch Wooper.

In the forest, Meowth is waiting for Jessie and James to bring some mushrooms back so he can make a soup. He notices a huge "mushroom" a few feet away and jumps at it. It slips out of his paws and disappears. Jessie and James arrive back. When he tells them that he saw a giant mushroom, they put the ones they have collected down and go in search of it. As they look for it, Wooper walks over and eats the ones they have already picked. Unable to find the giant mushroom, they turn around and, to their horror, notice all of theirs gone. They then notice the giant one, which turns around and swallows the last of the ones they had collected, revealing itself to them to be Wooper. Jessie gets angry at it, but when they look into it's eyes they find it hard to stay mad at the little Pokémon. Deciding to catch it and take it to the Boss, Jessie throws a Pokeball, but it doesn't work. Pikachu arrives and stands between them and Wooper. Jessie asks if it knows the Wooper, which it confirms. She asks Pikachu to convince it to go with them, but he refuses. She tries to bribe him, but to no avail. Ash and Misty then arrive, telling the trio to leave Wooper alone. Ash orders Pikachu to grab Wooper, but it slips away. As he, Misty, Meowth, James and Pikachu all try to grab onto the Pokémon, Jessie orders Wobbuffet to attack, but then remembers that it only does Counter attacks and sends in Arbok. James sends in Weezing, ordering it to use Smokescreen. With Ash and Misty distracted they grab the Wooper in a net and start to make their escape in their balloon. Suddenly someone shouts at them to come back; it's Brock and Olesia on Olesia's scooter. Team Rocket then recite their motto. Arriving at Ash and Misty, Brock suggests using their Pokémon to save Wooper, but Olesia has another idea. She shouts up to Wooper telling it that playtime is over, so it escapes from the net and jumps down from the balloon. Arbok and Weezing chase after it. Ash tells Olesia that Wooper is in big trouble, but she isn't concerned, saying that Team Rocket are the ones in trouble. She orders Wooper to use Tackle, then Slam, single-handedly defeating the Trio's Pokémon and sending them blasting off again.

Arriving back to find Togepi entertaining the Wooper, Misty asks it if it had a good time, which it seems to confirm. Ash tells Olesia that he is glad her mother is doing well. She tells them that she is glad that she got to see her, and apologises for the Wooper causing them trouble. They tell her that it was kind of fun and that they were just happy they could help her out. Brock asks her for her secret to raising strong Wooper, but she tells him there isn't one; people just expect Wooper to be weak. Brock tries to chat her up again, but Misty drags him away. Ash runs after them. Olesia waves them off, thanking them again and telling them that they are welcome back any time. And as they wave goodbye, Ash & Co. continue on their Johto Journey.

This episode guide has been written by The Librarian.

No Big Woop! Trivia:

 Olesia never actually introduces herself in this episode, and yet all the characters refer to her by name.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< The Fire-ing Squad! | Tunnel Vision >


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< The Fire-ing Squad! | Tunnel Vision >