PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: The Fortune Hunters
Episode Guides |
The Fortune Hunters

< The Psychic Sidekicks | A Goldenrod Opportunity >
Johto Journeys
Japanese Title
Pokémon Fortune-telling!? Enormous Melee!
English Title
The Fortune Hunters
Spanish Title
Cazadores de fortuna
French Title
La chasse au trésor
Italian Title
Il libro
German Title
Das Schicksalsbuch
Who's that Pokémon?

Arriving in a Pokémon Center today on their journey, Ash & Co. hear a group of children talking about Pokémon Fortune Telling while looking in a book. Misty goes over and asks them about it. They tell her that you look up your birthday, and it tells you what Pokémon you are. She asks to look at the book, but they say they aren't allowed to show her. They do however tell her that she can buy one from the newly opened Day-Care Center.

They go over to the Day-Care Center and purchase one of the books. The owners tell her that if you own the Pokémon the book tells you that you are, then you will have good luck. A boy runs into the Center saying that he is a Seadra Type. He asks if that means that he needs a Seadra to have good luck, which the Day-Care couple confirm. He wonders if there is anyone who would want to trade a Seadra for his Golbat. The Day-Care man offers to take his Pokémon in case another customer wants to trade a Seadra for it, which the boy accepts. He gives the man his Pokémon and leaves.

Later, an a park, Misty looks up Ash. He says he doesn't care, but she looks anyway, telling him that he is a Bellsprout Type. Brock looks himself up, finding out that he is an Onix Type. Misty looks herself up and is shocked at the result; the book tells her that she's a Gyarados Type. Angered, she declares that the book is inaccurate. She gets even angrier when Ash and Brock start to agree with it. With Misty still ranting about the book as they walk along, they fail to notice a pitfall trap. As they lay in the pit, Team Rocket appear, dressed in what look to be spacesuits, reciting their motto. They prepare to steal Pikachu using two mini Meowth balloons, but Misty sends out Staryu, destroying them. She climbs out of the pit and, already extremely mad, orders Staryu to use Water Gun, sending them blasting off already.

They come to land in the park, Meowth holding the book Misty dropped when they fell into the pit. Jessie asks about it. He tells her that he picked it up before they blasted off and that it's about Pokémon Fortune Telling. She takes it from him, and looks herself up in the book, happily reading that she is an Eevee Type. She asks James if he wants her too look him up. He lets her, but says that he doesn't really believe in that sort of thing. She looks him up, surprised to see that he is a Moltres Type. She reads his fortune, saying that he will have good luck with money and that he will find something lost. As he is saying again that he doesn't believe in it, he notices something on the ground. Picking it up, he sees that it's an old silver dollar. He then feels something in his boot. He shakes it out, finding a bottle cap he thought he had lost weeks before. Jessie say that there is one more thing the book says; be careful near water. He tells her that they are no where near water and goes to take a drink from a water fountain. It sprays him in the face. Declaring that the book is telling the truth, he takes it from Jessie, insisting on looking himself. He reads about the Moltres Type, before laughing manically and climbing a street light, declaring that he is a Moltres, and that like a mighty Moltres, he is destined to rule; first Team Rocket, then he will become the supreme ruler of all Pokémon. Jumping down, he decrees that from that day forward, Jessie and Meowth will be his subjects. He goes on the say that he saw a Day-Care Center not far away, and that he will lead them there to steal all of the Pokémon within, then runs off. They follow him.

Arriving at the Day-Care Center, Meowth suggests sneaking in around the back, but "James the Moltres" refuses, saying that they will hold their heads high and proudly walk in through the front. They enter, announcing their presence. He tells the Day-Care couple that he has come to claim the Pokémon inside, but as he tries to walk through to the back, the woman grabs him and hurls him into a wall. The man does the same to Jessie. The couple tell them that they thought they would have the bad fortune to run into them again. Meowth points out that they don't know each other. They tell them that perhaps they will remember their motto and begin reciting it, revealing themselves to be Cassidy and Butch. They decide they have to do something to make sure the Trio doesn't get in their way.

Tied up in the back of the Day-Care Center, Jessie goes on about how she can't stand Cassidy. James points out that, as a Moltres Type, he will always prevail and triumph. He struggles against the ropes, somehow managing to snap them. He goes over to a door and breaks it down, leading Jessie and Meowth to freedom.

In the Pokémon Center, Misty is upset about loosing the book, even though, by her own admittance, it was stupid. As Pikachu tries to cheer her up, Ash comes over with a drink for her, telling her to forget about it. A boy then approaches her. He asks if she has a Poliwhirl, which she confirms, then offers to trade his Gyarados for it as she is a Gyarados Type and he is a Poliwhirl Type. She asks him how he knows she's a Gyarados Type. He tells her that he heard it from someone and points to Brock, saying that it was him. As he tries to chat Nurse Joy up, Misty angrily storms over. She grabs him by the ear and drags him away, saying that they are going to the Day-Care Center to ask some questions. The boy comments that she really is like a Gyarados.

They arrive at the Day-Care Center, but there doesn't seem to be anyone there. They decide to look around the back, and see the couple entering another building. They follow them into a room filled with caged Pokémon and seen them remove their disguises. Recognising them, they hide behind some boxes, wondering what to do. They decide to watch them for the moment. A large screen lowers down in front of the Duo. Giovanni appears onscreen and they deliver their report to him. They explain to him how well their plan is going. He tells them to close up their Day-Care Center and bring the Pokémon to him at once. The screen goes blank as they end the transmission.

Misty angrily steps out from behind the boxes confronting the Duo. Ash and Brock also step out, angry at the pair. They recognise them as the ones who have already ruined two of their plans before. Cassidy then sends in Raticate, so Ash calls out Totodile. He orders it to use Bite. Butch then sends out Primeape, so Misty sends Staryu into battle, knocking Primeape back. Butch orders his Pokémon to use Dynamicpunch, defeating Staryu. Misty recalls it as the building begins to tremble. One of the walls bursts open, and James appears, dressed as a Moltres, suspended from a crane. He notices Ash & Co. telling them that he will steal their Pokémon as well. Cassidy asks him how he got free. He just keeps going on about being a Moltres. Misty says that he isn't a Moltres, but he says that he has the sole of a Moltres and that he learned it from a book they found and that it has changed his life. He suggests she get a copy before "flying" over to Cassidy and Butch. He sends out Victreebell. Cassidy orders Raticate to use Super Fang, but it's soon stopped in it's tracks be Victreebell's Stun Spore, and then knocked back by a Razor Leaf. Getting annoyed, Cassidy tells James that the Pokémon Fortune Telling book is a fake, and that they made the whole thing up. Suddenly the rope holding him up snaps and he falls to the ground. Wobbuffet tries to comfort him. Cassidy then goes on to say that she has been talking to the Boss, and that he is unhappy that they haven't sent him any Pokémon. Angered, Jessie orders Wobbuffet to attack. Cassidy orders Raticate to use Tackle, but Wobbuffet uses Counter, sending it back.

With both groups of Rockets distracted, Ash & Co. take the opportunity to find the keys to the cages so they can free the Pokémon.

The battle continues as James sits on the floor, defeated and downhearted. Butch orders Primeape to use Thrash. Jessie orders Wobbuffet to Counter, but Primeape is too fast and sends it flying into Jessie. It then attacks James and Meowth, knocking them back too. Cassidy orders Raticate to use Skull Bash, sending the Trio blasting off again.

After finding the keys, Ash & Co. are about to set the Pokémon free, when Cassidy and Butch block their way. Misty, still very angry, sends out Poliwhirl, ordering it to use Doubleslap. Butch orders Primeape to attack, but it gets knocked back by Totodile using Tackle. Misty orders Poliwhirl to use Water Gun, soaking the Duo and their Pokémon. Ash then orders Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, shocking them into submission.

Later, as the police lead the Duo out of the building and directly to jail, Officer Jenny tells Ash & Co. that they will make sure all of the stolen Pokémon make their way back to their rightful owners. Another officer come up to her with one of the fortune telling books the Duo were selling. She pulls out a real fortune telling book, saying that they didn't even do a very good job at copying it. Misty asks if she can look in the real book, so Jenny lets her.

And after blasting off, Team Rocket walk down a street, noticing the real Pokémon Fortune Telling book on a bookstand. James picks it up, hoping that this will say that he is a Moltres Type. He looks through it and finds himself to be.. evidently something that he doesn't like.

This episode guide has been written by The Librarian.

The Fortune Hunters Trivia:

 This episode has never been released on video or DVD.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< The Psychic Sidekicks | A Goldenrod Opportunity >

Guest op za 20 jun 2015 10:18:14 UTC.
So no idea what was James's REAL fortune at the end??

< The Psychic Sidekicks | A Goldenrod Opportunity >