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Power Play

< A Better Pill To Swallow | Mountain Time >
Johto League Champions
English Title
Power Play
French Title
Il y a de l'�lectricit� dans l'air

As they continue on their way to Ecruteak City, Ash & Co. hear what sounds like the beginning of a Pokémon battle on the path below. Going to get a better look, Ash notices a trainer and his Alakazam facing off against none other than Gary and his Umbreon. The trainer; Alex, orders Alakazam to use Zap Cannon, but Umbreon jumps in the air, escaping the attack. Alex orders Alakazam to use Psychic, but Umbreon is unaffected. He then orders it to use Headbutt, but Umbreon dodges again, hitting back with Tackle. He orders Alakazam to use Dynamicpunch, but Umbreon uses Agility, dodging yet again. Alex orders Alakazam to use Double Team, but Gary orders Umbreon to stay calm and try to sense the real one. As all of the Alakazam duplicates attack, Umbreon jumps up, then kicks out, knocking the real Alakazam down and causing the others to fade away. Gary orders Umbreon to use Quick Attack, but Alakazam uses Teleport. Alex orders his Pokémon to use Hyper Beam, but Gary, noticing where the hidden Pokémon is, calls out to Umbreon who dodges the attack, then finishes the battle off with Hidden Power. Alex goes over to Alakazam, telling it that it did well and recalls it. After watching the battle, Brock comments that Umbreon seems to have been raised well. Ash says that he can beat it, then slides down the hill and lands behind Gary. He challenges him to a battle, but he refuses, saying he already knows Pikachu's attack patterns, so there wouldn't be any point. As he begins to walk away, Ash tells him to stop, then calls out Chikorita, Totodile, Cyndaquil and Noctowl, saying that he doesn't have to use Pikachu; he can beat him using any of his other Pokémon. Chikorita starts rubbing up against his leg as Totodile dances around. Unimpressed, Gary walks off. Brock and Misty come over and ask what's going on, but Ash dismisses it, saying he will beat him next time.

Later that day, as the walk through town, Misty and Brock discuss how well raised Gary's Umbreon is, much to Ash's annoyance. Walking a little further, they arrive at the Pokémon Center to get something to eat.

Watching from a distance, Team Rocket see the group enter the Center. As they plot to sneak in and steal some food, Meowth peacefully watches the sunset. As he relaxes, Wobbuffet pops up, angering him. He attempts to use Scratch, but Wobbuffet uses Counter, sending the attack right back. Seeing this, Jessie comes up with an idea.

Inside the Pokémon Center, Ash is stuffing himself full of food to build his strength up for when he faces Gary, when the lights suddenly go out. They go over to Nurse Joy and ask what's happening. She tells them that they are experiencing a blackout, and that she has been trying to call the power plant, but there's no answer. She goes on to say that most of the Center’s equipment runs on electricity and that if anyone brings in an injured Pokémon, she won't be able to treat them. Brock asks where the power plant is, so she tells him. They then head off to find out what the problem is.

Camping out in the woods, Gary notices the blackout. He then sees Ash & Co. run by and wonders where they are going.

At the power plant, all of the staff are tied up outside and a cable leads from the building out into the woods where Team Rocket lay in wait inside their new robot. Once the robot has powered up, they begin to head towards the Pokémon Center, when Meowth notices something on radar. Jessie orders him to put it on the main view screen. The image shows Ash & Co. heading straight towards the power plant.

As they near the power plant, Ash & Co. notice the workers tied up outside. They run towards them, but they are blocked by a giant Wobbuffet robot. Team Rocket appear on top reciting their motto. After doing so, they re-enter the machine, determined that this will be the time they catch Pikachu. Ash orders Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, but the robot sends it back at double the power. Ash & Co. run from the attack, and the robot gives chase. After putting some distance between them and the machine, Ash and Misty call out Totodile, Poliwhirl and Staryu, ordering them all to use Water Gun. The robot sends this attack back too, again at double the strength. Ash & Co. run from the attack again, and the robot continues after them. After cornering the group, they try to attack with the robot, but the cable leading from the power plant powering it isn't long enough. At the power plant, Gary orders Umbreon to use Tackle, destroying the cable's connection to the power and stopping the machine dead in it's tracks. He runs after Ash & Co. telling them that now is their chance sort things out. They follow him. Inside the machine, James and Meowth are despairing over their current situation. Jessie however tells them that she knows just what to do.

Back at the power plant, Gary, Ash & Co. untie the workers. They ask how long it will take to get the power back. They are told that it may be a while due to the mess the Trio made. Ash and Brock explain the situation at the Pokémon Center, so one of the workers comes up with an idea to get things back up and running a little sooner. After hearing the plan, Gary rushes into action. Ash tries to follow, but Team Rocket reappear in their mechanical menace. The robot, now powered by James and Meowth peddling to generate the electricity, attacks, but Ash jumps out of the way. Jessie orders another attack, but it freezes part way through; James and Meowth are tired out. With the machine unable to counter any attacks, Ash orders Pikachu to use Thunderbolt. Unfortunately, this recharges the robot's batteries. Realising there is only one way to beat them, Ash calls out Cyndaquil and Chikorita. He orders Cyndaquil to use Flamethrower, which the robot absorbs. Before it has a chance to fire the attack back, he orders Chikorita to use Vine Whip, closing the doors over the absorption panel and making it so the robot is unable to release the attack. With nowhere else to go, the absorbed and increased Flamethrower blows the top half of the robot up, sending Team Rocket blasting off again.

With the Trio dealt with, Ash & Co. go to find Gary. They find him at the controls to one of the water gates, but notice the handle missing. As they wonder where it could be, Totodile calls them over to a small building nearby. Ash tries to open the door, but it won't move. He orders Cyndaquil to Tackle the door open. Once inside, Ash notices how dark it is in the building. Umbreon enters and the rings on it's body begin to glow, providing enough light to see by. Ash soon finds the handle chained to a wall. Coming up with an idea, he orders Cyndaquil to use Flamethrower, heating the chain up. He then orders Totodile to use Water Gun, cooling it down, which weakens the metal. Finally, he orders Chikorita to use Razor Leaf, cutting the weakened chain and freeing the handle. They go back to the water gate controls, but Ash is unable to make it turn. Misty, Brock and Ash's Pokémon help, but to no avail. Gary and Umbreon finally decide to help. After much struggling, the combined effort of everyone manages to make the handle turn, opening the water gates.

Back inside the power plant, the workers tell them that the turbines are turning now, but the generator is so old, it isn't putting out much power. One of them comments that if they could give it one good jolt it may help. Outside, they hook Pikachu up and give the generator the good jolt it needed. One of the workers runs out to them, telling them that the generator is running fine now and that they are at peak output. As Ash and Pikachu celebrate, Brock tells them that they really saved the day. Ash says that it wouldn't have happened without Gary. He tells him that he owes him one. Gary agrees before quietly walking away. After a while he stops, telling Ash that he has improved since he last saw him and telling him that he has trained his Pokémon well. He goes on to tell him not to be surprised if, the next time they meet, he is the one challenging Ash to a battle. Ash tells him he'll be ready as Gary walks off again.

The next morning, at the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy tells them that an injured Pokémon was brought in late last night, and when the power came back on, she was able to treat it. She tells them how grateful she is. Brock asks her if she is grateful enough to give him her phone number, but Misty drags him away. And at the end of this adventure, Ash & Co. continue on their journey towards Ecruteak City.

This episode guide has been written by The Librarian.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< A Better Pill To Swallow | Mountain Time >


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