PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: A Farfetch'd Tale
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A Farfetch'd Tale

< Gettin' the Bugs Out | Tricks Of The Trade >
Johto Journeys
Japanese Title
Ilex Forest! Search for Farfetch'd!!
English Title
A Farfetch'd Tale
Spanish Title
Una historia de Farfetch'd
French Title
L'apprentissage du dressage
Italian Title
L'unione fa la forza
German Title
Who's that Pokémon?

After winning his second Johto League Badge at the Azalea Gym, Ash & Co. are walking through the Ilex Forest on their way to find the next Johto Gym.

Also walking through the forest, and very hungry, are Team Rocket. Meowth spots Ash & Co. on the road ahead of them. They decide to catch them and steal their food.

While walking along, Ash & Co. come across a boy trying to get a Farfetch'd to use "Cutting Attack". They approach him. He seems embarrassed that he is unable to get his Farfetch'd to use one attack. Misty tells him that it helps if you use the right name of the attack. Unsure of himself, he asks if he is using the right name. Ash tells him that it's called a "Cut" attack. He gets angry with himself, the apologises to his Pokémon, asking it to use Cut. It refuses to listen.

Wandering around, Team Rocket have lost Ash & Co. Jessie asks Meowth if they have any money to buy some food. He shows her the empty purse.

Back with Ash & Co. and the boy introduces himself as Sylvester, thanking them for their help. He explains that he has just started training Farfetch'd and is having trouble remembering all of the attack names. Misty sympathises with him, but tells him that he will eventually get the hang of it. Ash asks him if he is planning on competing in the Johto League once he's trained his Farfetch'd. He tells them that one day he might, but at them moment he just wants to learn how to make Purifying Charcoal, like his father. Misty asks what it is, so Brock explains it's uses to her, then tells her that charcoal from the Ilex Forest is world famous for begin top quality. Sylvester explains that the reason he and Farfetch'd are out in the forest is so he can teach it to cut the trees into perfect blocks for making charcoal, but he seems to have messed it up. Ash tells him that when he started out, he had a hard time training Pikachu, but before long they were working together and now they are on their way to the Johto League. Sylvester asks Farfetch'd to have another go at cutting

After arriving at a Pokémon Center in the forest, Ash calls Professor Oak, telling him that he has delivered the G/S Ball to Kurt. Oak thanks him. Ash goes on to explain the Kurt saved them while they were in Azalea Town, and he even gave them some special Pokeballs. He shows Professor Oak his Lure Ball. Oak points out that a Lure Ball is an excellent ball for catching Water Pokémon. Ash goes on the tell him that he won a Hive Badge at the Gym, and that they are now going to find out where the next one is. After finishing his conversation, he goes back to Misty and Brock. Brock tells him that he has worked out that the closest Gym is the Goldenrod Gym in Goldenrod City. Ash is about to suggest they stock up on supplies, when Sylvester runs in, shouting for Nurse Joy's help. He asks her is she has seen his Farfetch'd, which she hasn't. Ash goes over to him, asking why Farfetch'd isn't with him. He explains that they were in the forest trying to work things out, but he started messing up the names of the attacks again, so it ran away. Nurse Joy suggests that it may have returned to his father's house like the last time he tried to train it. Ash suggests they go with him, and if Farfetch'd hasn't returned home they'll help him look for it.

They arrive at Sylvester's house. He asks his father if he has seen Farfetch'd, but he gets angry that Sylvester has let it run away again. Ash interrupts, saying that Sylvester is doing the best he can, and telling his father not to be so hard on him. He asks Ash who he is, so he introduces himself. He points out that he should know what he is talking about, saying that a good trainer knows that you don't train a Pokémon just by telling it what to do. He tells Sylvester that he won't be a good trainer or charcoal maker until he can work with his Pokémon, and not just tell them what to do. He then tells him to go and find Farfetch'd and not to return until he has. He runs off in search of his Pokémon, followed by Ash & Co.

Team Rocket are still wandering through the forest, and still hungry, when they come across a small shrine with two butter rolls laid out on it. James picks them up, but Jessie and Meowth snatch them, leaving James with nothing. Suddenly they notice Farfetch'd wandering past. They plan to catch it and auction it off to make some money. James jumps at it, but it gets out of the way. Unfortunately it's soon surrounded by the Trio.

Searching for Farfetch'd, Sylvester leads them to the shrine Team Rocket previously stole from. Misty asks what it is. He explains that it's a shrine to a spirit that watches over the Ilex Forest, and isn't too far from where he was when Farfetch'd ran away. The begin shouting for the Pokémon, but to no avail. Sylvester doesn't see how they would be able to find Farfetch'd in a forest as big as the one they are currently in. Ash has an idea, use Pokémon to find a Pokémon. They send out all of their Pokémon, though Brock has to recall Pineco before it uses Selfdestruct. They tell their Pokémon to spread out and look for Sylvester's Farfetch'd, meeting back at the shrine in an hour.

Further into the forest, Team Rocket are having some trouble catching Farfetch'd. It flies up, cutting small branches off of the trees as it goes and causing them to land on the Trio. Meowth suggests using a Pokémon to fight Farfetch'd, so Jessie picks him up and throws him at the Pokémon. Unfortunately for him, Farfetch'd bats him back with it's leak. He falls back down, crashing into Jessie. As Farfetch'd sits laughing up in the tree, she sends out Arbok and Lickitung. She orders Arbok to use Poison Sting, but Farfetch'd twirls it's leak around, deflecting the attack. She then orders Arbok to jump up and take the leak away, but Farfetch'd manages to evade it. She orders Lickitung to use it's tongue, taking the leak from Farfetch'd mid-jump. Realising it's in trouble, it tries to run away, but Meowth lassos it.

Later, as they wander through the forest with the captured Farfetch'd, Heracross spots them. It flies away to report on what it's seen. After a little more walking, Ash and Sylvester appear with Ash's Pokémon. They tell the Trio to return Farfetch'd, but they refuse, reciting their motto. Reasoning that they can't be tougher on him than his own father, Sylvester rushes towards the Trio. Jessie sends out her Pokémon, blocking his path. Meowth kicks, knocking Sylvester over and the Trio run away. Ash orders Bulbasaur and Chikorita to use Razor Leaf, cutting Farfetch'd free. Sylvester orders it to fly back to him, but Lickitung catches it in it's tongue. James sends out his Pokémon, ordering Weezing to use Sludge. As Ash tries to remove the Sludge from his Pokémon, Jessie orders Arbok to use Poison Sting. As the attack nears, the ground in front of Ash erupts and Onix emerges, blocking the attack. Misty and Brock rush over. She orders Poliwag to use Water Gun to wash the Sludge away. With his Pokémon cleaned up, Ash gets ready to battle, much to Sylvester's admiration. James orders both of his Pokémon to attack; Weezing using Smokescreen and Victreebell using Razor Leaf. Ash orders Squirtle to use Hydro Pump, washing the Smokescreen away. He then orders Bulbasaur, Chikorita and Cyndaquil to attack together.

Watching from the sidelines, Sylvester is impressed, wishing he could get Farfetch'd to work for him like Ash's Pokémon do for Ash. Misty and Brock explain that Ash and his Pokémon work as a team, sometimes seemingly sharing one mind.

Back with the battle, Ash orders Heracross to use Tackle, causing Team Rocket to drop the leak. Sylvester and Jessie both run to grab it, Sylvester getting there just before Jessie. He throws it to Farfetch'd, then orders it to use Peck, hitting Lickitung and freeing itself. Jessie, James and Meowth try to tackle the Pokémon, but Farfetch'd uses Fury Attack defeating them. Ash they try to run away, Sylvester orders Farfetch'd to use Cut, chopping two trees down and blocking their escape. Ash orders Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, sending the Trio blasting off again. After their victory, Ash points out to Sylvester that he managed to get Farfetch'd to use Cut. Misty and Brock tell him that he and Farfetch'd make a great team. He says that he learnt from them. He then asks Farfetch'd if it can cut the trees, ready to be made into charcoal. It does so, perfectly, and causing the logs to land in neat piles.

Arriving back home, Sylvester's father is impressed with the work he has done, telling him how proud of him he is, and that he should be proud of himself too. As thanks for their help, he gives Ash & Co. a large bundle of his very best Ilex Forest charcoal. They thank them again, and wave them off as Ash & Co. continue on their journey towards Goldenrod City.

This episode guide has been written by The Librarian.

A Farfetch'd Tale Trivia:

 Meowth claims to smell food in this episode, despite having previously joked about not having a nose.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

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